
Chapter eight


As AJ swings open the door to his hotel room, he is greeted by the soft glow of elegant lighting and the plush embrace of luxury. But he doesn't linger to appreciate the amenities. With a sense of purpose, he strides in, his footsteps muffled by the thick carpet.

He drops his bag on the floor, shedding his travel weariness like a worn skin. His eyes scan the room, locking onto the gleaming bathroom fixtures, and he makes a beeline for the shower. The warm water cascades down, washing away the fatigue and clarity of mind, his thoughts already racing ahead to the event of the previous night.

He emerges, refreshed and focused, and begins to dress with precision, his movements economical and deliberate. The crisp white shirt, the tailored suit, the polished shoes – each item is donned with a sense of armor, preparing him for the battles ahead.

His eyes avoid the mirror, afraid to confront the reflection that might reveal the turmoil beneath his composed exterior. He knows that if he lingers, the thoughts he's trying to evade will catch up, like a nagging shadow.

With a final adjustment to his tie, he grabs his briefcase and heads out the door, the soft click of the latch a welcome escape from the solitude that threatens to engulf him. The meeting, a convenient excuse to flee his own mind, beckons, and he answers, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead, as long as they keep his thoughts at bay.

As soon as AJ opens the door, he’s greeted by Anna’s unpleasant face. He shoves her to the side and make his way down the stairs

Everyone keeps turning at his sight for his cologne and presents draws attention even without him trying.

He strides through the crowded streets, his presence commanding attention like a magnet draws steel. His aura, an intangible yet palpable force, radiates from him like a halo, captivating the gaze of all who cross his path.

People's eyes lock onto him, mesmerized by the enigmatic energy that surrounds him. They stare, transfixed, as he walks by, their faces a mix of wonder, curiosity, and even awe. Some try to sneak glances, others gaze openly, but all are drawn in by the invisible magnetism that surrounds him.

But he doesn't bask in the attention. Instead, his eyes narrow, his jaw clenches, and his pace quickens. He hates the stares, the whispers, the constant scrutiny. He feels like a specimen under a microscope, a rare artifact on display for all to gawk at.

He longs for anonymity, for the freedom to walk down the street without being noticed, to blend into the crowd like a ghost. But his aura won't let him. It's a double-edged sword, a blessing and a curse, a constant reminder that he's different, that he doesn't belong.

As he turns a corner, a black tinted car is waiting for his arrival and ready to move swiftly


Immediately I stepped into the car, a huge relief washes over me. I hate the creepy eyes of people when I’m around them.

I rested my head on the chair and go through the messages.

I replied Colin’s unending message about my whereabouts and sent him lists of things he’s supposed to do before I return.

I was tempted to ask him to tell little about my departure but refrained.

I need to focus and move her out of my head and that’s why I’m here.

As i steps into the sleek, modern lobby of the Miami business firm, The cool air conditioning and subtle scent of fresh coffee beans envelop him, a stark contrast to the vibrant tropical warmth outside.

I strides across the polished marble floor, my footsteps echoing off the gleaming glass and steel surfaces. The receptionist, a poised and elegant woman with a bright smile, greets me with a firm handshake and a warm welcome.

"Good morning, Mr. ...?" she inquires, her eyes sparkling with efficiency.

I provides my name, and she nods, her fingers flying across the keyboard. "Ah, yes. You're here for the meeting with our CEO, Mr. Smith, Right this way, please."

She leads me through a series of glass-walled corridors, the transparent partitions offering glimpses into bustling offices and conference rooms. The soft hum of productivity and the muted tones of business discussions create a sense of urgency and importance.

As we approach the CEO's office, i can feel a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The air seems to vibrate with a higher level of tension and anticipation. The receptionist knocks on the door, and a deep voice bids us enter.

With a confident smile, i steps into the office,my eyes locking onto the CEO's firm handshake and piercing gaze. The meeting begun as I sit on the chair facing the speaking CEO.

As i takes my seat in the sleek, modern conference room, I am immediately impressed by the CEO's commanding presence. Mr.Smith exudes confidence and authority, his sharp jawline and piercing eyes seeming to bore into the very soul of the deal we are about to discuss.

The CEO begins to speak, his deep voice clear and concise, outlining the key points of the proposal with precision and clarity. I listens intently,my eyes locked onto the CEO's, as i absorbs every word and nuance.

I am struck by the CEO's mastery of the material, his ability to distill complex concepts into simple, actionable steps. My doubts and concerns, carefully honed from years of experience, begin to dissipate in the face of such unassailable competence.

As the discussion progresses, i finds himself becoming increasingly convinced of the wisdom of the deal. The CEO's passion and conviction are infectious, and he begins to share the vision of a bright future, one where their companies work together in perfect synergy.

With each passing moment, my attention becomes more focused, his mind racing with the possibilities. I asks pointed questions, probing for weaknesses, but the CEO is prepared, his responses thorough and reassuring.

Finally, the moment of truth arrives. The CEO extends his hand, a firm smile on his face. "So, what do you say? Are we ready to shake hands and make history?"

I hesitates for a fraction of a second, my mind racing with the implications. Then, with a confident smile, i extends his own hand, and the deal is sealed. The CEO's competence has won me over, and I knows that this partnership will be a resounding success.

I send Colin the briefing as I exist the company’s lobby after signing the document and making changes where needed.

For the first time since yesterday, I was able to focus on something and I’m glad it wasn’t her.

Getting back into my hotel and getting aware from the multiple stared through gritted teeth. I finally access my card and swipe to open my room.

“Anna”! I said confused as she lay on the luxurious bed surrounded with petals with nothing but a skimpy lace bra and panties that could pass for nothing.

The only thing I needed at the moment was a hot shower and food then rest to ease my mind and relax, but I could see Anna had other plans.

She stood up and held my tie making eye contact.

She removed my tie, and made me sit on the couch.

I knew what this was….. she was trying to undress me seductively.

Anna knows my weakness and that’s why she’s able to get me back anytime I want to get away from her.

As I sit on the couch, the air is electric with tension. Anna’s eyes lock Onto mine , her gaze burning with desire. She moves closer, her body swaying to the rhythm of her heavy breathing.

Without a word, she begins to undress me,her fingers deftly unbuttoning my shirt, her hands roaming over my chest. I stand frozen, my eyes fixed on hers, as she slowly reveals my skin.

I shiver in response to her touch and close my eyes shut.

Her lips brush against mine, a soft whisper of a kiss, as she continues to undress me. My breathing quickens responding to her touch, but i remains still, surrendering to her seduction.

She slides my shirt off his shoulders, her fingers tracing the contours of my arms. Her hands move to my pants, her fingers deftly unzipping them, her eyes never leaving mine.

My heart races, my body aching with anticipation, as she slowly reveals my dick. Her eyes roam over my body, her gaze burning with desire.

Without a word, she leads me to the bed, her hands guiding me down onto the soft sheets. Her body presses against mine, her lips claiming them in a fierce and passionate kiss.

The kiss last for a very short while as my erected dick stands firm in the air waiting for her to work on them.

My mind drifts back to the night with little, she didn’t need to do anything, the heat from her body made me so erect that I couldn’t help but touch her myself.

It was surprising because I find it hard to pleasure a woman.

Anna’s mouth wrapped around the edge of my dick brings me back to my reality…..

Maintaining eye contact, she uses her tongue and swirl the head of my dick, with her fingers massaging my balls

I grab her hair and shove my length into her mouth earning a whimper from her.

I let out a soft moan when she put one of my balls into her mouth. She swished it around inside her mouth, then she switched to the other one; she was also stroking my thighs with her hands. I started breathing hard when she managed to put both my balls into her mouth at once. She tenderly licked my balls while warming them up with her hot mouth. She used her tongue to move them all around; her lips were completely sucking my entire balls, up to the root of my cock.

“ you like my lips round your cock huh?, wait till my pussy stretches on them” she said still mouthing my sack.

My cock pulsed and I was in the verge of exploding

She got up, pushing me on the bed and I was lying on my back.

I couldn’t resist her seduction moves and I pulled her over to the bed making sure I was now above and she was on the bed.

I pulled over a condom over my cock before sliding into her

“ jay! Fuck!!!” She shouted

I closed my eyes as I fucked Anna wildly,

Just as I www about to come, i whispered in her ear

“ do you want to take daddy’s cum meemee” and she opened her eyes……

And just before I could say anything I came.

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