
Chapter nine

Sitting outside the lake side, I kept having reoccurring thoughts about what happened with Anna.

I was gradually loosing it even after being soo far from me.

Hell broke lose earlier and Anna has been crying non-stop, she feels I’m going to dump her for meemee anytime soon.

I thought this was a distraction I needed but now I realize it’s not even possible.


As i stood in the empty house, my anger boiled over. How could he just leave without telling me? Without even a note or a message? I felt betrayed, hurt, and abandoned. I thought with what happened the last time we’d be atleast friends or so.

pacing back and forth, my mind racing with thoughts of his deception. But as I turned a corner, and caught a glimpse of my wedding photo. She stopped, staring at the my smily self, beaming with love and joy. When was the last time I felt that way? When was the last time I even looked genuinely happy?

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. We weren't in love to begin with, wait we weren’t even friends . He didn’t even show up at the wedding! it was all just a convenient arrangement. The anger dissipated, replaced by a deep sadness. I felt like she was living a lie, trapped in a marriage without love or passion.

I slumped down on the couch, feeling lost and alone. How did I get here? How did i go from that bubbly person to this pathetic little thing. I thought back to all the laughs, the silence, the distance and the joy that came with being in love.

Tears streamed down my face as she confronted the reality of her marriage. It was time to stop pretending, to stop hiding behind the facade of a perfect couple. It was time to face the truth and figure out what came next. The thought was daunting, but also liberating. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of a new chapter, one where i could find true love and happiness, because right now I’ve made up my mind to focus and leave. He was just not the man for me.

As the door burst open, a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm swept into the room. "Oh my gosh, girl! Your house is stunning! I'm so jealous! You're so lucky to have this beautiful home!"my best friend, lily , twirled around the living room, taking in every detail.

At first, i smiled, pleased that Lily loved my new place. But as Lily continued to gush, i couldn't hide her sadness anymore. Her eyes finally landed on my face, and her expression changed from excitement to concern.

"Hey, what's wrong? You're not matching the vibe of this gorgeous house. What's going on?" Lily asked, dropping her purse and rushing over to give me a hug.

I’m sure she came prepared for a war but seeing the house and seeing me sad made her forget her anger, and that’s why she’s always been my best friend.

I sighed, feeling a lump form in her throat. "It's, I guess. Marriage, relationships...sometimes it feels like I'm just going through the motions."

Her eyes softened. "Oh my God meems” I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Plus you’ve avoided me for soo long for me to know what the problem is. Now tell me everything without removing a single detail.

As we sat down on the couch, i felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Maybe it was time to share my struggles with someone I trusted. Maybe it was time to stop pretending and start working on my happiness. Lily’s listening ear and supportive embrace were the perfect starting point.

I took a deep breath,my eyes welling up with tears. "Lily, my's a mess. It was arranged, and I thought it was the right thing to do, but...I don't know, it feels so empty. We're just going through the motions, living separate lives under the same roof."

Lily’s eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean? No guy would escape a hot bitch like you."

I laughed bitterly. "Hot bitch? Far from it. He's...he's been with someone else, Lily . He brings her to our house, like it's nothing. And I'm just supposed to accept it?" Plus she’s way hotter and has “the model body” I said rolling my eyes

Lily’s face contorted in disgust. "That's disgusting! How can he do that to you?"

I shook her head, tears spilling down my cheeks. "And it gets worse. We...we were intimate, not sex but almost and then he just left for a trip without telling me. No note, no message, nothing. I felt so used, so disposable."

Lily’s arms wrapped around me in a tight hug. We were both quiet and it was what I needed, after taking this off my chest I absolutely needed that silence.

pulling back, I looked at lily with a mix of sadness and determination. "I think I'm starting to realize that I was birthed to serve my father all my life and now I have to serve another man for a couple of years too.

I think I'm starting to fall in love, but it's not with my husband. It's with the idea of not being loved, the idea of compromising who I really am."I said tears filling my brims

Lily’s eyes sparkled with determination as she grasped my hands. "Listen, I know your marriage is struggling, but I believe in you meems. It's time to take matters into your own hands, literally!"

She smiled mischievously. "Start by taking control of your own sensuality. Wear something that makes you feel confident and sexy. Show him what he's been missing!"

My eyes widened, a hint of excitement flickering. "You mean, like a seductive dress or lingerie?"

She nodded emphatically. "Exactly! Make him notice you, make him want you. Don't be afraid to flaunt your beauty. You deserve to feel desired, and he needs to remember what he's got at home."

I took a deep breath, a newfound sense of empowerment rising within her. "You know what? I'll do it. I'll take back my power, my sensuality, and my marriage. Thank you, pookie . You're the best friend a girl could ask for!"

She grinned, giving me a sly wink. "That's what best friends are for. Now go out there and make him fall in love with you all over again...or maybe for the first time!" And our laughter erupted in the room.

I have never laughed like this and I felt lighter and better.

“But first I need a shopping spree because my clothes are nothing to write about” I said

As we strolled through the opulent corridors of the upscale mall, our eyes gleamed with mischief. "Pookie, guess what I found in my husband's wallet?" I dangled the unlimited credit card, a sly smile spreading across my face.

Lily’s yes widened in excitement. "Oh girl, you're going to make him pay...literally!"

With a laugh, i tucked the card into my purse. "If I can't have his love, at least I can have his money. Let's go get some revenge shopping!"

We sauntered into designer boutiques, selecting dresses that showcased her curves and lingerie that made me feel like a seductress. I tried on a daring red ensemble, striking a pose in the mirror. Rachel As they strolled through the opulent corridors of the upscale mall, her eyes gleamed with mischief. "Rachel, guess what I found in my husband's wallet?" She dangled the unlimited credit card, a sly smile spreading across her face.

Rachel's eyes widened in excitement. "Oh girl, you're going to make him pay...literally!"

With a laugh, she tucked the card into her purse. "If I can't have his love, at least I can have his money. Let's go get some revenge shopping!"

They sauntered into designer boutiques, selecting dresses that showcased her curves and lingerie that made her feel like a seductress. She tried on a daring red ensemble, striking a pose in the mirror.Lily whistled in approval. "That's the one! You'll drive him wild!"

Next, we hit the luxury lingerie store, selecting pieces that made me feel like a goddess. I giggled, imagining his reaction. "He won't know what hit him!"

As we left the mall, arms loaded with bags and smiles on our faces, i felt empowered. "Thanks, babes. Today, I remembered I'm worth more than a loveless marriage. I'm worth a shopping spree on his dime and I’m lucky to have a best friend like you” I said hugging lily so tight.

I promised to never ghost her again and she made me pinky swear I was gonna keep dropping updates.


I sat on the armchair, surrounded by the comforts of this luxurious balcony. But the peaceful atmosphere was disrupted by the constant buzzing of my phone. I gazed at the screen with a mix of annoyance and detachment, knowing that the messages and calls were likely about the scandal that had just broken.

A blog had exposed my infidelity, revealing my relationship with anna,even after my marriage. The evidence was damning - photos of us before and after boarding, traveling together, proof of my abandoned wife shopping with her friend.His phone continued to buzz, a constant reminder of the public's outrage and my wife's anger.

Despite the chaos, i remained calm, my expression unreadable. I had always been adept at maintaining a facade, hiding my true nature behind a mask of charm and sophistication. But the scandal had cracked that facade, exposing the truth about my promiscuous behavior.

As i sat there, my phone buzzing incessantly, i knew that my reputation was at stake. But i was more concerned about how this would affect my business dealings and social status. I was a master of damage control, and I would stop at nothing to salvage my image.

With a dismissive sigh, i reached for my phone and dialed a number

"Media team, handle it,"I said, his voice laced with indifference.

I leaned back, my eyes fixed on the ceiling, as the team sprang into action. They would spin the narrative, discredit the blog, and salvage my reputation. It was a familiar drill, one he had rehearsed many times before.

My expression remained bored, unfazed by the uproar. I had built a fortress of wealth and influence, and a little scandal couldn't pierce its walls. My mind went back to her, how was she handling this? With her picture side-by-side with mine and Anna’s.

I know her phone would be buzzing as well

I hope she’s fine.

With a flick of wrist,I dismissed the commotion, my focus returning to the more pressing matter at hand - my next business venture. The phone continued to buzz, but i had already moved on, leaving the damage control to the team.

In my world, image was everything, and i had the resources to maintain mine. The scandal would blow over, and i would emerge unscathed, and with my reputation intact. I was a master of the game, and my nonchalance was the ultimate shield.

Meemee’s POV:

I paced back and forth, my heart racing with every buzz of my phone. The blog post had spread like wildfire, and the evidence was damning. My husband, the man I was married to, had betrayed her in the worst possible way. Thou we had no strings attached but I deserve some respect

As i read the messages and comments, my panic grew. How could he do this to me? Abandon me for another woman? The pain and anger threatened to consume me, but deep down, i knew the truth.

Our marriage had been a facade for a long time. The truth had dwindled, and we were just going through the motions. I had suspected his infidelity before, but this public betrayal was a harsh reality check.

Despite the hurt, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of concern. Was he okay? Was he happy with his mistress? The thought sent a pang of sadness through me.

As i continued to pace, my phone buzzing incessantly, i knew we had to face the truth. Our marriage was over, because he’s going to let go of me to maintain his image and it was time to move on. I took a deep breath, gathered her strength, and began to make plans for a new chapter in her life.

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