
Chapter five

AJ’s pov

I was totally stunned with the answers she was giving to Anna.

Anna was a one night stand that developed into a frequent visits. She’s the only one who’s been able to stay even after chasing her away several times. I like to keep my business away from people often so relationships were out of the question.

I made Anna understand this and she was okay coming over whenever I wanted. Most times she acts like the boss’s wife and does things I’ve told her not to.

Somethings she’d chase always girls who come over to spend the night the next morning.

She’d never really met her match untill now that my wife’s trying to put her in her place.

“My wife”! Sounded strangely good to say though.

I saw meemee coming up and she mistakenly slipped. I rushed over to pull her to my chest with my hands laying on her waist. My breaths hitched and I couldn’t think straight. This lasted for few minutes before she pulled away and bent over giving me enough view of her round ass. Fuck! I could feel my trouser bulging and that was the last thing I wanted right now.

“ can you walk” ? I asked and to my advantage she said no. I picked her up in my hands and was surprised how tiny she felt and light she was in my arms.

She rested her head on my chest with her breasts poking mine. She was also not wearing bra today and I wondered why she doesn’t wear them. The trip to her room was short and I was surprised how homely she’s made it look.

I dropped her on the bed and got ointment to apply on the ankle. I rolled my sleeves and put some balm on my hands. I took her left leg in my hands and put the ointment on her ankle, she flinched and then it occurred to me she was lying. She held her right ankle few minutes ago so this leg wasn’t it!

I smiled at her tricks and finished up

I asked her if she needed anything and she said no!

I left and told her Sam would check up on her later .

Stepping out of the room, I met Anna standing by the door. It was obvious she was eavesdropping but she wasn’t my problem at the moment. I had pressing issues to attend to and I’m sure Colin and the boys couldn’t do it alone.

She quickly stood in my front and all I could do was look at her.

I raised my brows prompting her to speak up but she didn’t. All she did was let her tears flow freely so I shoved her aside and made way for the front door.

Jay! Are you treating me this way beach’s of that thing? You stood here to watch her disrespect me and you couldn’t stand up for me? She said breaking down silently.

I could see that she was hurt but that wasn’t my problem because I clearly saw her picking fights with little and she gave her a taste of her medicine.

“Little” I repeated chuckling. I gave her the nickname because of her little she stood in my front yet glaring like a lioness, if only she knew how she looked like a butterfly “ I said smiling.

Jay! Anna said bringing me back to reality.

“Anna please! Not now. You’ve done more than enough to others but I won’t sit and watch you disrespect my wife in her house.

Jay? Her house or our house?

Her house Anna! Hers. She’s lawfully married to me and while it lasts, she has every possible right to this house and I can do little to nothing over it.

I was pissed and words were getting out of my mouth. I hated to talk a lot and Anna knew it. But here she is making sure I have morning headache by starting an argument.

This was the first time Anna looks scared of anyone and I’m sure it had something to do with what little whispered in her ears.

“Pack up your bags and leave my house before I return Anna” I said moving her out of the way and stepping out. My driver rushed to open the door for me and I rested my head against the back seat

“Warehouse” I said and he drove out.

It took almost 45 minutes to reach the warehouse. I opened my eyes softly as the car halted in front out the largest warehouse we owned in town.

I stepped out of the car meeting Collin and Sam by the gate.

We moved inside with them briefing me about the deal went wrong that we encountered last night.

“ seven of the boys were shot dead and three are no where to be found, we’ve check the radius and made sure to tell the rescue team to bring them back before any information is forced out of them” Sam said checking the system for further informations he got earlier.

I nodded and moved into the clinic. The dead bodies were retrieved. I sighed and sat down.

“ do any of them have family members left?” I asked because most of our boys were street boys and had little to no family members .

“ Just two of them sir” Sam answered.

Make sure to get their royalties to the family and Check the others will and do as it states too.

I stood up to leave because my head was spinning and I was likely to shut down any moment from now.

Sir , we do have a meeting to attend right now” Collin’s called from behind

I hissed silently and made for the board room and got myself seated.

They were all assembled and were waiting for me and Collin.

I nodded my head for them to start and starting checking the log book to follow what the speaker was saying

……sir! Sir!? I heard Anthony’s voice from the front of the room!

I looked up and our eyes met.

Do I proceed ? He asked

“ proceed and let Collin do the needful, I have few things to attend to “ I said raising to my feet to leave.

I nodded my head to Collin and he nodded back and I left the room.

Got back to my driver. Checking the time , it’s been three hours since I left home so I told him to take me back home. I was having a bad headache and rest was all I needed.

I prayed Anna would be gone because the last thing I needed was seeing her or arguing with her at this time of the day.

We arrived home and I was glad Anna had gone home.

I summoned Kevin and he rushed over to where I was standing.

“ have you checked on mrs Janujaz? I asked him

“Yes sir, she dismissed me and asked not to bother”

I nodded and made my way to my room.

“A cunning little bird she was” I said smiling to myself.

I dragged myself to the shower and out as fast as I could. I wore my soft cotton pants and a round neck black tshirt .

I lied in my bed and dragged to duvet to my face. I could feel my temperature rising and my breaths hitching.

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