
Chapter three

Chapter three

Meemee’s pov

I woke up feeling tired and hungry. I blinked rapidly and still couldn’t see a thing.

Why was everywhere dark? I asked myself

I stretched my hands and turned on the switch. My phone caught my attention by the light stand and I quickly grabbed it.

“10:47pm” I gasped! One flaw I have is sleep! I could sleep for a whole day and not get enough. I quickly got up to bath and change but my boxes were no where to be found. I looked everywhere till a note on the table caught my eyes. “ your things are in other room”. I hissed and rolled my eyes, couldn’t he atleast have told me?

I grabbed the few things i still had left and made my way to my new room.

It looked exactly like his only for the change in colour from black and ash to pink and purple.

Call me wierdo if you want but girly things don’t freak me so the room colour didn’t even impress me.

I settled down to arrange everything to my taste before heading to the shower to bath.

I spent more time thinking how my life spiraled into chaos than actually bathing and by the time I was done it was past 12 midnight.

I picked a brown colored two piece nighy wear because impressing anyone was the last thing on my mind .

I was very hungry and hoped for a decent meal before I went back to bed.

I opened my door and everywhere was dark, aside the mighty chandeliers that hung from both side illuminating the house with little to no light .

Just as I headed for the stairs I heard soft whimpers coming from his side of the room.

“ he’s back” I said to myself as I passed the doors but my curiosity spiked and I couldn’t move my feet .

I heard soft whimpers again as I placed my ears on his door.

“Please jay” someone cried from the other side of the room

And I could hear her moaning but I couldn’t hear his voice except for the loud sound of their skins slapping against each other.

“Ewwww, asides being an arrogant dickhead he’s also a controlling womanizer “ I said

I could hear her begging and screaming for him to make her his as I hurriedly went back into my room.

I was hungry but eating was the last thing on my mind.

What type of a man did my father marry me off to? Does he know his boss was a womanizer ? He should atleast think of the fact that I was his wife and do his dirty affairs outside these walls I said turning to my side.

Was I overthinking things? I’m I feeling and because I grew up hoping my husband loves me the way my father loves my mom? My mind raced home, the way my parents love each other dearly and always made each other happy. My father panics the moments my mother gets angry and starts her silent treatment. He goes from making her favorite dishes to ordering her favorite flowers till she calms down. Even if I didn’t have all atleast I wishes my husband would love me half the way my father loves my mother .

I blinked my tears away and promised to protect myself and my feelings , after all it’s five years and nothing more I hissed.

I fell asleep almost immediately as her sounds got louder and wished I never heard them in the first place.

*Next morning

I woke up very early and freshened up.

I wore a maxi tshirt Jacob gave me. My eyes filled up with tears as I smelled Jacob on the shirt.

Jacob’s my first and only ex. We dreamt of moving to the country side and starting a decent business, having 2 beautiful daughters and a son and grow old together until he was diagnosed with stage four leukemia. He started coming to the hospital I worked in more often and drop me flowers that always melted my heart.

“Jacob” I said from the other end of the couch as I turned to face him on a Tuesday evening. I was there since yesterday and was planning to stay till the week runs out.

“Mii amor” he looked back standing by the kitchen island whipping dinner for us, “ do you need something”? He looked at me with so much love as he Always does.

“ you’ve dropped by the hospital so many times since the last two weeks and I’m confused , you rarely have time because of your work “ I asked searching for answers from his eyes.

“Common mii amor, I just realized I needed more time with you so I drop by frequently now. Besides they’re just for few minutes before I return to work again” he said holding his Gaze with the sincerest smile.

You have nothing to worry about meems, I just need you to trust and love me till I’m no more. He said laughing.

I sighed and went to sit beside him resting my head on his shoulder as his scent filled my nostrils.

The routine continued for few months till I urgently needed a patients folder for follow up. I asked a ward attendant to collect the folders for me but she was taking too long.

I went into the system room and logged into the computer by myself . I immediately started looking for the folders and luckily it didn’t take long before I was done. Just before I logged out my eyes reached a folder with my boyfriend’s name and email. “Jacob Steve” I read again. Definitely has to be a coincidence because Jacob was healthy for his folder to be under the label it was tagged to.

I wanted to leave but my curiosity got the best of me.

I opened the folder and his email was the first thing that caught my eyes, followed by his address and date of birth.

I staggered and hit my head by the stand, I wished this was a dream and pincher myself hard but there I was, still in the locker room and looking straight to a folder that belonged to my boyfriend.

Jacob? Stage four leukemia? And he’s been hiding it from me?

I sat on the floor and cried my eyes out. I flinched and got up from where I was sitting. Rushing past my colleagues and heading to my unit. I grabbed my bags and signed sick for the rest of the shift.

I flagged down a taxi, “zenith bank “ I said as I rested my head on the sit.

I had lots of questions to ask Jacob and I feel my chest tightening as we neared his work place.

I paid the taxi and headed into his office.

Immediately he saw me his face broke into a smile and that was when I noticed. My Jacob looked pale, had lesser hair and bags under his eyes. My anger immediately varnished as I felt guilt fill me up.

Immediately he called my name I broke down into tears and he rushed to hugged me.

“Meems what’s wrong”? Ja…Jacob don’t call me that! I’m not ur meems or your amor as you claim ! How could you? I said amidst sobs. How could you do this to me? Why would you do this to us? I cried as I hit his chest and anywhere I could lay my eyes on.

He started coughing and I rushed to hold him down.

Mii amor please, listen to me.

I promise you I couldn’t tell you because I didn’t want to break you. I know how much we’ve invested into loving each other and seeing you hurt is the last thing I want to do. Meemee I love you more than you can ever think of and if loving you till my last breath is what I get then I’ll do it with my brightest smile.

I promise I don’t want to lose you but I know I have to, mii amor please!

My chest was hurting, so bad that I started gasping for air. The last thing I remember was hitting my head on the floor and Jacob rushing to take me into his hands and shouting for help.

I woke up in the hospital and saw my mother and Jacob by my side. His eye bags looked darker and he looked more sick. I feel guilt for not noticing the changes he’s been experiencing and I feel I failed as a patner.

Immediately he looked up our eyes met and he rushed to my side .

“Meems” mii amor! He called softly

My mum stood up and smiled before leaving the room for the both of us. I cried knowing everything and how little he had left.

Few days later Jacob was hospitalized, even though we spent literally everytime together, they couldn’t replace the things I wished we’d spent together.

Two months later , I lost the love of my life to the cold hands of death and even though I moved on few years later, Jacob would always have a special place in my heart.

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