
Chapter seven

“As I stood amidst the ruins of my own making, I couldn't help but realize that my foolishness had led me down the path of disappointment. I had blinded myself with false hopes and reckless decisions, ignoring the warning signs and red flags. I thought I was chasing a dream, but in reality, I was chasing a mirage. My own naivety had led me astray, and now I was left to pick up the pieces of a shattered reality. The weight of my disappointment was crushing, a constant reminder of my own foolishness. I vowed to learn from my mistakes, to temper my optimism with wisdom, and to never again let my foolishness lead me down the path of heartache.” I wrote in my journal. I chuckled at my choice of words that sounded too harsh for what I enjoyed. I felt more disgusted rather than anger. Disgusted that I walked myself into embarrassment. What was I thinking? Did I think to overtake whatever hoes he had and make love to me with compassion and kindness? Was I stupid to think he’d actually treat my body with respect? After much deliberations with my mind, I vowed to make Aj pay for this! I was going to make sure he becomes restless around me, and my body is never going to yearn for him anymore.

We gave our passport and boarded, even though Anna keep on talking about how she missed me and what not… I could only nod till her voice faded.

As the plane soars through the skies, the man settles into his seat, his eyelids growing heavy as he succumbs to the exhaustion of his turbulent thoughts. He closes his eyes, the soft hum of the engines and the gentle rocking of the aircraft lulling him into a state of introspection.

Beside him, the woman's presence is a comforting warmth, her gentle breathing a reminder of her steadfast companionship. Yet, as his eyes remain shut, his mind wanders to a distant memory, a fleeting glimpse of a love that could never be.

His heart aches with a longing that refuses to subside, a bittersweet yearning for someone who is forever out of reach. He recalls the laughter, the whispers, and the tender touches that now taunt him with their absence. The memories swirl like a maelstrom, a vortex of emotions that threaten to consume him whole.

As the plane hits turbulence, his eyes flicker open, and he's met with the woman's concerned gaze. She reaches out, her hand brushing against his, a gentle reminder of her presence. But his heart remains elsewhere, trapped in a prison of unrequited love, forever longing for a love that was never meant to be.

I smirked as I pulled my phone to text daya the address Kevin gave me. I didn’t want to call her because I preferred she came and we’d be done with the issue.

AJ’s pov:

I stood straight under the shower as the thought of my actions hit me.

Her lips are the most beautiful thing I’ve seen and tasted. They tasted like caramelized honey, plumpy, smooth and tender.

In the aftermath of our passion, I was left breathless and bewitched. Our make-out session was a symphony of sensations, a kaleidoscope of emotions, and a masterpiece of love. Every kiss was a brushstroke on the canvas of our souls, painting a picture of desire, intimacy, and connection. Time stood still as our hearts beat in perfect harmony, our love shining brighter with every tender touch. Her hand digging into my skin as her breath halts , her eyes turning while her lips are parted and craving for more air. I looked at every of her expression in amusement because I’ve seen no one do them the way she does. Her sounds make me crazy while I try to bury my moans inside her neck.

Her hands moved downwards, pushing the only fabric against our body away, bringing me back to my reality

What was I doing? I didn’t want any form of affection from her and I wouldn’t want to build any relationship with her.

This was a contract marriage and she’d be gone as soon as her service elapses.

I stood up without looking at her, I excused myself to the bathroom and allowed the water wash away the hollowness I felt from leaving her body.

“Was I starting to like her” ? I asked myself as a part of me kept longing to hug her one more time.

I heard the door and I knew she was gone.

She could curse me for all I care…..

“ I have to leave this house as soon as possible, I need a distraction to get me away from her” I murmured leaving the bathroom.

I picked my phone and texted Anna to meet me at the airport in ten minutes as I packed my suitcase to leave the house.

There was no way I was starting to like her.

Reaching the airport fifteen minutes later, I saw Anna already standing by the door.

Seeing her didn’t make me feel better but it was something I had to do to keep away my thoughts from what happened earlier at home.

As the plane soars through the skies, i settled into my seat, my eyelids growing heavy as i succumbs to the exhaustion of my turbulent thoughts. He closes my eyes, the soft hum of the engines and the gentle rocking of the aircraft lulling me into a state of introspection.

Beside me, Anna’s presence is a comforting warmth, her gentle breathing a reminder of her steadfast companionship. Yet, as my eyes remain shut, my mind wanders to a distant memory, a fleeting glimpse of a love that could never be.

My heart aches with a longing that refuses to subside, a bittersweet yearning for someone who is forever out of reach.i recalls the heavy breaths, the whispers, and the tender touches that now taunt me with their absence. The memories swirl like a maelstrom, a vortex of emotions that threaten to consume my whole.

As the plane hits turbulence, my eyes flicker open, and met with Anna’s concerned gaze. She reaches out, her hand brushing against mine, a gentle reminder of her presence. But my heart remains elsewhere, trapped in a prison of unrequited love, forever longing for a love that was never meant to be.

“Jay are you okay, you’ve been absent since we boarded “? She asked

I nod and turned my head in the opposite direction giving myself the comfort by closing my eyes


As the plane touches down at Miami International Airport, the warm sunshine and vibrant energy of the city beckon. After disembarking, we make our way through the bustling terminal, surrounded by the hum of conversation and the scent of tropical flowers.

My driver, impeccably dressed in a crisp black suit, awaits me at the arrivals gate, holding a sleek black sign bearing my name. With a warm smile, he escorts us to the luxurious vehicle, its tinted windows and plush leather interior a haven from the tropical heat.

As we glide through the city streets, the Art Deco architecture and palm-lined boulevards unfold like a postcard. Your destination, the iconic Fontainebleau Miami Beach, rises like a majestic oasis on the horizon.

Upon arrival, the hotel's stunning lobby, adorned with crystal chandeliers and marble floors, envelops me in opulence. The attentive staff welcomes us with a chilled glass of champagne and a warm smile, as the sound of soft jazz and gentle ocean breezes fill the air.

My luxurious retreat, a lavish suite with breathtaking ocean views, awaits. Plush carpets, rich wood accents, and sumptuous linens create a haven of comfort, while the expansive balcony invites me to bask in the sun's warm embrace or savor the vibrant city lights.

As i settle in, Anna’s confusing looks didn’t miss my face as the hotel staff offered her another room card ushering her into her separate room.

I smiled to myself knowing I’ve solved half of my problems, this place has always been my escape from whatever problems I have and that girl isn’t going to be an exception.

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