
Chapter six

Meemee’s POV :

Immediately he left my room I tiptoed and stood by my door. I could hear them arguing and she was crying. I moved closer to hear their conversation properly and I heard him calling me “his wife”.

I stood there transfixed because that was a new thing to me.

Few days ago he called me a mere worker and here he was fighting his mistress for my sake.

He was someone I couldn’t understand even if I tried.

I went into my room and few minutes later I could hear the front door being shut loudly.

With the loud thump on the front door, I knew he was gone. I lay on the bed replaying their conversations and how he was quick to protect me from what his mistress had to say “ hey! Chill, it’s a harmless conversation and he only said that out of anger and probably Just wants to piss her off’ I said to myself dashing my own hopes. It was better to kill them before my fragile heart goes wilding.

I heard footsteps getting closer to my door and I hurriedly closed my eyes in presence of sleeping.

Was he not gone yet? I asked myself as I lay still under the covers.

Just before I could answer my subconscious self, the duvet was pulled with force and I opened eyes frightened by the action. I locked eyes with a very angry Anna. She had tears that ruined her mascara and the sight made me laugh.

“ I came to warn you, jay is mine and no one else’s, he might have fucked you once and that’s why he’s defending you, but trust me jay doesn’t eat meals more than once if it’s not Anna’s so you better get that into your thick skull and don’t let his fake affections get into your small brains.” She said raising her voice a little louder than normal.

I smiled and got up to have to closer look, or rather show her my heights.

“ you sound like the mean girls from high school that cries when the popular boy dumps them for a more basic girl than you and that bruises your ego. Well I’m here to stay and your jay belongs to me now!” I said smirking directly into her face. Before she could utter another word, I dragged her by the hand and pushed her out of the door making sure to shut it right in her face.

I heard her curse loudly as she took her bags and left the house. I was relieved and sighed.

Just before I went to lay again, Kevin knocked and I went back to check who it was.

“ Oh Kevin” i asked surprised

“ sir asked me to check up on you and make sure you’re comfortable before he left ma’am” he answered back

“ you don’t have to worry Kevin, I’m fine plus I told you you could call me meemee, it’s fine by me” I said to him. He apologized and I smiled shutting the door as he made his way down the stairs.

I fell asleep as fast as my head hit the pillow.

Later in the evening…..

I woke up a little past six and was hungry. I freshened up and headed downstairs to make a quick meal. The house keeper was no where to be found so I made pasta with chilli sauce. I finished eating and packed the rest to store away before doing the dishes.

I headed upstairs to call lily because it’s been few days and she hasn’t called after the text. I knew I was going to have my ears pulled when she shows up.

I walked past his room then stopped. I had the sudden urge to look into the room and check if he was inside .

“ wait, what if he catches me inside when he gets back? Or if he was already inside and asks what I want”? I’m going to tell him I came to appreciate him for standing up for me earlier or I just shut up like an idiot.

I opened the door and the room was pitch black. The blinders weren’t helping the room as they were also black.

I stumbled a few times before I was able to switch on the lights.

He looked distressed in his sleep with sweats lying on his forehead. He looked as if he was having trouble breathing so I rushed to his side. I checked his temperature with my hands and just as I thought, he was burning.

I immediately rushed to the toilet to get a room temperature water in a bowl and a face towel.

His eyes were still closed but I knew he was awake. I loosened his tie and removed the first few buttons on hos short. His cologne hit my nostrils and I almost lost focus for a short while.

I immediately started using the damp towel on his body and face and the temperature wasn’t getting down. He looked like he would convulse any moment from then so I had to act fast.

I pulled the shirt out completely and took this trousers and socks out too. I gulped at the site of his neckline down to his abs. My eyes strayed down to his trouser and even though he wasn’t hard, you could see that he was really huge down. I jerked back to reality pushing the thoughts of wanting to see his nakedness out of my mind before I acted irrational.

With few tepid sponging all over his body, his temperature began to get stable.

I wanted to go downstairs to get his soup before giving him drugs when he held my hands.

I looked back almost immediately and his eyes were closed.

I leaned closer to release my hands and then he pulled me closer.

My eyes bulged as I layed on his bare chest taking in the scent of his cologne and the warmth that came out of his body.i struggled a few times to get up but it looked impossible.

“Please stay still” he whispered.

If I wasn’t so close I wouldn’t hear him say anything.

Few minutes later I got less tensed and relaxed into his huge frame. I looked up to see if he was finally asleep then our eyes locked. I couldn’t look Away and neither did he. His eyes trailed to my lips and before I could look away he leaned forward to kiss my lips. I froze ad didn’t know what to do. He only placed his lips on mine and didn’t make a move. Then he slowly used his tongue to lick my lower lips, I gasped , giving him access to my mouth. His mouth moved quickly to grab my tongue making him earn a moan from my core.

I started returning the kisses too.

I strapped my hands at the back of his neck while one of his hands was on my waist holding my little frame against his.

I rolled my tongue into his mouth fighting for dominance but he wouldn’t let me. His hands slowly moved to my chest and lifted the shirt I was wearing, exposing my bra-less Boobs to the cold room.

He cupped my left boob and squeezed the base making me moan in painful pleasure. His lips already left my mouth and was eating my neck like a hungry wolf. I positioned myself making sure my waist was on his dick, Making sure to grind myself against his hardness. Soft moans escaped his lips and it vibrated against my neck.

Just in the heat of the moment, he turned me over with his weight pressed against me. He pushes me backward and we’re lying down, making out as if our lives depended on each other.The weight of his body on top of mine is breathtaking, totally heavy but I didn’t want him off . I feel The most delicious smell I could ever imagine.I want to breathe him, lick him, eat him, drink him and I couldn’t think about anything but having him at the moment .

His hands were everywhere. Moving from my boobs, nevk, navel- everywhere expect for my pussy.

I made the first move and put my hands inside his shorts. Everything halted. We, him, me and the make out.

We stayed there for few seconds before he slowly removed my hands from his short.

Shame, grief, and anger immediately washed over me as he stood up and entered the bathroom.

It dawned upon me that I had just disgustingly made myself look cheap to the most annoying man ever.

What did he think of himself ?

Did he think I was that desperate? Hell no!

I grab my clothes and left the room before he was out.

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