
Chapter four

Shaking Jacob’s thought out of my head once again because I know he would love that for me if he could see me. I made for the stairs as fast as possible to avoid anyone seeing me.

I prayed to eat and get back to my room as fast as possible, it was pretty early so I didn’t expect anyone to be up yet.

A middle-aged man who would pass for 45-50 years old was arranging the table and placing food in them.

Good morning ma’am, I’m Samson but you can call me Sam ma’am. I am the butler and house keeper and you can call me when you need anything.

Good morning Sam! I answered back, just meemee please.

“Okay ma’am…. Sorry meemee” he stammered.

I chuckled and seated on the chair.

“What do we have for breakfast Sam”? I asked.

“ just a simple engish breakfast” he answered, amazement laced in his voice.

Well let’s have it because I’m soo famished, I said smiling brightly at the man.

I wasn’t ready to let anyone or anything change me from the high spirited woman I was, not then the boss I smirked.

Two bites into my sausage and eggs, I could hear steps from the stairs so I looked up. A lady was walking down and giving me death glares, she could be called a model with the way her figure was. Oh and she walked like them too. She was slim and slender, a blonde with a flawless skin and nice curves.

If I didn’t hold myself with high esteem I’d have said she would be as half as pretty as me but hell no! She wasn’t even close to me, I had my mum’s half Arabian genes to thank for that.

I resumed eating while Sam hurriedly left there.

She stood over my head for almost three minutes which clearly made me uncomfortable before she moved to sit opposite me.

She served herself and begun eating as well. I was thankful of her silence as I wondered silently if he was worth her shouts and begging yesterday. She was a pretty thing and could get thousands of AJ’s I thought .

“You’re the new mistress right”? She said envy obviously eating her up.

“Wife”, I am the new wife. I said looking up to catch her gaze.

She started laughing so hard that I looked back to see if someone was there or something funny was happening.

“I wouldn’t address myself as that if I were you! Jay told me you were used as a collateral and you’ll be gone in a few years. So if I was you I’d not call myself a wife and avoid any form of relationship with him. I am the only one made for jay and everyone knows it”. She said proudly.

I found her funny because what in the world? Was she trying to place a claim on him? Like him!!!

Falling for that arrogant puss was the last time in my mind but yeah! I was smarty mouth and wouldn’t let her shut me up

“ well if your so-called jay considered you a gem he’d rush and marry you and not even take me up for a collateral if you badly mattered. And yeah! Collateral or not I’m still the wife of the house and I’d appreciate if you stay in your place as a fling and let me eat in peace” I smirked at her.

“ wife of the house and he hasn’t yet touched you? Jay is a sex freak and I’m sure you must have heard out shouts last night. If he hasn’t even touched you then it meant he considers you just as he consider Sam in this house. Let your dreams of having jay end because he is mine”. She barked

I smile with amusement because I am drama itself and I live for it.

“Well I definitely heard the shouts that clearly sounded one sided. You did the work and shouts alone while he lay like a log of wood not even his breath could be heard you know making me assume you were alone by yourself and pleasuring yourself. And as for AJ, watch me make him mine and kick you out of his life” I said standing up to get back to my room.

Our eyes met and I felt shame wash over me. Urgh I shouldn’t have said or replied her. Now he’s going to think I find him attractive.

She immediately started sobbing really hard as soon as she saw him. Holding a side of her face to make it seem as if I hit her . Oh I know just how to play your games girl.

I headed upstairs and few inches anyway from him I pretended to slip and fall. Aj immediately caught my left hand and pulled me to his chest firmly holding my waist with the other hands. I felt his heart pounding as I rested my head on his chest, I slowly looked up and we locked eyes, I frowned and looked down. I moved away from him and bent down to touch my toes.

“I sprained my ankles “ I said amidst my fake tears and I loose up to his eyes

He was looking at me intently and I looked away again.

“Can you walk?” He asked .

I looked at the dining area and the furious model was still seated boiling with anger.

“No” I said

He quietly picked me up bridal style and we went to my room.

He placed me on the bed making sure I was rested by the frame.

He pulled the drawers and found an ointment. He rolled his sleeves and carefully applied it on the ankle .

I winced but it wasn’t because of the ankle, rather because of the contact our skins had.

We stared at each other for few seconds and I couldn’t hold the gave anymore. I looked away and pulled the covers over my shoulder.

“Do you need anything?” He asked

I nodded indicating no and he stood up to leave.

“I’ll be out but I’d ask Sam to check up on you “ he said

Thank you was what I could mutter and he was out.

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