
Chapter 5 18+ OUR MATE!

Liya’s POV

I had woken up bubbly today because today was the day I finally gain my freedom.

Yesterday, Connor told me about the recent news of a rogue breakout that caused a stir. All packs have heightened their security levels. But fortunately, the Werewolf Council organized a meeting to discuss the escalating rogue attacks. All Alphas and their mates would attend.

So, Connor could bring me to his pack. I was going to hide in his room, and once it was 2 am, we planned to run away with the supplies he had successfully gathered.

I had already made up my mind. Today, on this full moon day, I would give myself to Connor! It was my way of expressing my love for him, marking the beginning of a new life!

Now my only worry was the triplets but they had muttered something about going to hang out with friends till late in the evening. It's as if they made way for me on purpose. But I don't want to think about what they think right now. I was too giddy at the thought of giving myself to Connor.

He had requested we have sex a few times but stopped asking after I had refused each time, saying he'd wait. He always treats me with such respect.

Now I was ready and I just couldn't wait to see his reaction to my decision.

I kept glancing at the time, it was now late in the evening and the triplets weren't back yet.

The hour Connor was supposed to pick me up was drawing near.

With a small bag prepared, I poked my head out, ensuring that the coast was clear before running down the hallway, being careful not to alert the attention of the guards that were stationed outside.

I slipped through the back door, carefully scanned the area and once I saw that no one was around, I quietly ran as fast as I could, blending with the shadows.

I moved down the path that was lined with rose bushes because I figured the roses would help in masking my scent. Besides, it was the shortest route that led to Connor's pack and he was supposed to be waiting for me at the end of the narrow route.

I caught sight of someone standing outside the path and my eyes brightened. His sweet scent of Lavender and earth flooded my nose and I found myself quickening my pace.

"Connor!" I called out to him in a soft voice.

His eyes lit up when he was me coming and opened his arms for me to leap into it.

He kissed me and I gingery returned his kiss, smiling at him.

"Let's go!"

I nodded firmly.

He took my hand and led me through the clearing of thick, tall grasses. There was a little underground burrow that I had used several times to sneak into his pack and Connor didn't waste a second more in sending me down first.

When I landed on the thick stack of hay, he slid climbed through, landing almost next to me.

He moved to check the perimeter and once he was certain that it was safe, signalled me to follow him. We ran as fast as we could while ducked, hoping not to draw attention to ourselves.

Soon, he successfully brought me to his beautiful room that offered a lovely view of the mountain and the lake.

I dropped my bags and hopped into his arms, fueled by my adrenaline high that still had my heart palpitating.

"Darling, I can't believe everything went so smoothly!" After saying that, I initiated a kiss, excitedly deepening the moment!

I was thrilled and touched that he was willing to abandon everything just to be with me.

I threaded my fingers through his hair, loving how his throaty groan vibrated against my skin. His fingers dug into my ass as he tried to dominate the kiss.

We didn't care if we were both covered in germs. Connor might be a germaphobe but when around me, he wasn't as nitpicky or uncomfortable as he was with outsiders. I've always been different from others.

I felt his finger sneak underneath my shirt and I let him, raising my hands for him to do away with my shirt.

His surprised eyes didn't go unnoticed by me but it didn't seem to bother me.

"Connor. Come on,"

He tossed me on his bed, moving aside his packed bags to create more room for what we were about to do.

He stared at my bra clad breasts in admiration and muttered a curse word.

“Are you sure, baby?” He asked again, still surprised by my willingness.

"100% sure!" I nodded at him and his smile grew, taking resemblance like that of a five year old that got his desired toy delivered by Santa Claus.

He took off his shirt and leaned down to kiss me harder than before, trying his hardest to control his desire.

His hands found my buckled jean and I bit my bottom lip when he undid the buckle and began slowly sliding the material out from me.

I tugged on his hair, bringing his lips back to mine. They were so soft and tasted like raspberries, melting in my mouth each time our tongues danced.

My breaths became desperate pants that clouded my reasoning as his lips trailed down my neck.

I closed my eyes, enjoying how warm and gentle his lips were against my skin.

"Ah, Connor, honey!" I let out a quiet moan, being careful not to make noise enough to attract attention.

My back arched as Connor's lips found my left nipple, sending shudders down my spine, awakening goose-pimples on my skin.

My eyes subconsciously met with the clock hanging on the wall and my heart leapt when I saw the time.


This was it, a new life was officially beginning for the both of us.

I jerked when Connor nipped on my skin, busying himself with licking every inch of my delicate skin. His attraction to me drowned me, feeding me more pleasure as he took his time in getting familiar with every single inch of my body, making me wriggle and moan.

"Get into me, Connor!" I dropped all reservations and invited him. I wanted to completely become his woman!


A loud noise shattered everything! Along with the sound, the door was knocked down.

Even more terrifying, the triplets stood at the door, full of murderous intent.

Our intimate position seemed to create a deathly atmosphere, thickening the air with tension.

My heart thudded dangerously in chest as I stared at them at a loss for words.

Where the hell did they come from and how did they know I was here?

Hunter growled with eyes turned a dark shade of silver, elongated canines and bared claws, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH OUR MATE?”

What?! Their mate?

Who are they talking about?!


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