On the Beam

On the Beam

By:  Isamara Dias   Completed
Language: English
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Miguel Henrique,a famous Flamengo goalkeeper who sees his life turned upside down after the death of his wife Giselle. Olíviah, a teacher who devotes most of the year to teaching and taking care of her students. Olíviah and Miguel Henrique already know each other very well, but fate will put them in each other's way again and maybe this time forever or not.

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Perfectly written...
2023-07-30 07:33:07
53 Chapters
10 Years Before...
I watched this tall, athletic, green-eyed, light brown-haired boy and thanked St. Anthony for being so generous to me. I guess he was tired of seeing me at mass on Sundays and every year on June 13. And he had sent me that eye drops that were Miguel Henrique. The husky voice was like music to my ears. I was madly, hopelessly, unconditionally in love.Most girls couldn't accept that because I wasn't "beautiful and blonde" like them, I was the girlfriend of a promising goalkeeper, they all thought I was inferior to him. Miguel Henrique was already coveted by the girls of the school for being from a traditional and rich family from Rio de Janeiro? A scholarship student in an expensive school in the south zone, thanks to my mother's friends. Of course, the girls at school would not accept this relationship. But what could I do? He had fallen in love with me and I with him.- They won't stay together for long? she is totally different from him?- How could he be right with her? - Another g
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Miguel Henrique
I had spent the previous night having sex with a stranger, a woman I didn't even know the name of. I met her by chance after going out to dinner with some friends, we exchanged glances and she ended up in my bed...as she always did.There is nothing better than sex to relieve the stresses of life. Even more if you don't have to call the woman you slept with the next day.- Vaaaaaai...this Mariana this...go baby...come to me baby - The woman stopped wiggling when I was almost there...- Damn, my name is Marina and not Mariana! - Damn, I had the woman's name wrong about two hundred times.- I'm sorry, baby, but keep going, it's tasty - I did everything I could to keep her going - Go Marina...Yes, I had an addiction, I confess. Sex was always my perdition. If I was sad, sex, if I was happy, sex. Any occasion for me was sex. I felt fulfilled inside women and liked to make them happy.I woke up with a huge hangover, as I was on vacation I didn't mind drinking and living it up. December, f
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Chapter One - Olíviah
- But this is absurd! - The woman screamed in my face - Do you know how much I pay for this school? I pay too much dear! You think you can fail my son? What you earn as a teacher, my husband as a businessman earns in a day.- Ma'am? Your son can't keep up with the class - I tried not to get the spirit of the bully girl. - And I'm happy for your husband, it just proves how undervalued teachers are in this country.That mother had been yelling at me for a long time and I couldn't stand it any longer having to explain to her that her son would have to fail because he was in no condition to keep up with his classmates, the boy knew absolutely nothing.- Dear? How much do you want my son to pass? - How is that? This lady was crazy - Tell her a thousand, two thousand? I'll pay!No, but what is it? Ah now the spirit comes...- Look lady, with all due respect, take your money and shove it up your ass," I shouted in revolt.That's all I needed! Five years as a teacher and I had never seen or h
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Chapter Two - Olíviah
After a turbulent night and having the displeasure of meeting Miguel Henrique again, I finally managed to get home, well and without any further incident. As soon as I got inside I tried to tell my family what had happened at school. At first everyone looked at me scared and a little afraid. My mother never tired of repeating that I was crazy and senseless.- How can you do such a thing? - When I told you to be a teacher, I asked for your inspiration to be me. And I would never do such a thing.- Of course not, woman! - Mom looked at my father with a disapproving look - You would do worse than Olivia, I'd have to take you to jail.But I made it clear to my mother and to everyone else that I was innocent and how liberating it had been to be rid of my abusive former principal.- Mom, stay calm, okay? - I tried to reassure her. I have good recommendations from other schools.- I hope so Olivia, and I hope God will talk some sense into you - I smiled, Martha was always dramatic. A little
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Chapter Three - Miguel Henrique
I was trying at all costs to get closer to my children, I was trying to give them presents, take them on outings and do their bidding but it was getting harder and harder to have a parental relationship with them.Heitor was much more complicated than Lavinia. Maybe he had picked up my difficult temper and also thanks to Olga's witch the boy didn't respect me anymore. Lavinia was sweeter and less complicated to deal with, she reminded me a lot of her mother.- Hello children, I brought something for you - I showed the transparent wrapping - For Hector a remote control cart and a Barbie for you Lavinia! Did you like it?- Dad? - Heitor looked at me with contempt - I'm not a little kid anymore, ok? Remote control cart? Yikes!- At your age I loved to get one of these! - I frowned - And you daughter?- Look, I'd rather get an iPhone - I looked startled at my daughter! What do you mean? - But that's ok dad, I'm glad you thought of us.I tried to talk, asking about school, friends and othe
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chapter four - Olíviah
I was very excited for my first day of work. It would be a new experience, yes I used to be a teacher, but this time I would dedicate myself to only 2 children and it would also be a new challenge, and if there was one thing that made me willing, it was challenges.The story of the children touched me a lot, for them to lose their mother when they were still young must have been a real blow.For my first day of work I decided to wear a flowered dress down to my knees, loose and a low sandal. The hair was loose.After a last check in the mirror, I went downstairs with my purse and stopped for coffee with my family.- Olivia, as soon as you get to work call me, you know I worry, right daughter? - Mom thought I was 10 and not 28.- I'm glad too mommy," I drank my coffee. "I just hope that my boss is a delicious one.- Then yes, if he is hot send me pictures - Rebecca smiled.- Good,I'm coming - I kissed my mother's forehead.Ok,I was super nervous and with a huge cold in the belly,I said
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Chapter four - Olivíah (part 2)
- Hello Miguel Henrique - I forced a laugh.I imagined myself flying at his neck and punching that idiot in the perfect face so that he would feel enough pain, but I kept my posture.Anderson Silva style...not in defeat of course....After a few minutes I tried not to stare at the idiot,I ended up getting into a conversation with Helena and Camila.avoiding Miguel as much as possible,I tried to focus on my purpose which was my job.I would not have to live with him every day and every hour because Miguel was a famous goalkeeper and of great importance so he spent most of his time at the club training or traveling around Brazil to play.If I poison him maybe not even for a short time...good idea.Little by little I got to know more about Heitor and Lavinia.I discovered that although they were children and twins, they were children with different personalities. And that after Giselle's death, Heitor had become a little more aggressive and quiet, while Lavinia was more docile and needy.
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chapter five - Olivíah
The first few days in the house were not that complicated. I even thought it would be worse, that it would be like in the movies where the children tie you down or make your life a total mess. I thought I wouldn't last the first day.I hadn't been able to get close to Hector, he really was a complicated child to deal with, but his sister Lavinia I had managed to get close to. She was sweet and her manner reminded me a lot of Giselle's when she was the same age. Calm, serene and sweet.I just hope she doesn't steal her friends boyfriend...Ok, it was a sin for me to think that because Giselle was dead and Lavinia was just a child. I had to respect the memory of my friend, but just because she was dead didn't mean she was a saint, right?- Olivia? - The girl took me out of my thoughts - Is it true that you met mommy? I heard Grandma commenting.- Yes, - I shook my head positively - We were friends, I met her when I was your age.- Oh yes - She smiled - I have a great friend like that...
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Chapter six - Miguel Henrique
As soon as the social worker walked out the door,I knew for sure,I was going to die or be beaten badly by Olivia. But I had no choice and unbelievably when the woman spoke of bride, marriage or family, I looked over and saw Oly.It was either she was my fake fiancée or I was 100% fucked and without my children that I had been trying so hard to get back.No, I didn't want to have to rely on my ex-girlfriend to help me, much less would she want to help me with this.- My son! What a great idea you had," my mother smiled, "Well, I'll leave you two to talk, okay?I waited for mom to come out and leave us alone,I knew she would yell or mess up my life in some way but in front of my mom it would be embarrassing.- Look,first listen to me…I felt my face burn after the slapping slap…You crazy girl! What was that?- You're such a jerk, aren't you Miguel Henrique? - Her eyes exuded hatred - Have you gone mad? What's in your head?- Olivia? Come on, what's the big deal? - I smoothed the left
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chapter seven - Olíviah
I could only be having a bad dream or living in a horror movie. What do you mean? How could I ever marry Miguel Henrique? He was the man I hated most on the face of the earth.Yes, okay, it might be for a good cause, but if I didn't have to remind myself that he was a cheating bastard every time I looked him in the face, it would be a lot easier.- Sister, look, think of the children, okay? - It had been hours since Rebecca was trying to convince me - It must be bad enough to live without your mother and without your father it will be even worse.- Look Beck. I love those kids, you know? Especially Lavinia who I talk to the most - I took a deep breath - But I can't marry that idiot just like that, I hate him. Argh.- I'm starting to think it's the other way around...- I looked angrily at her - Don't look at me like that...it's...just a few months. Oly, stop being silly, take advantage of this situation and make him suffer. I don't know, take money from him, or travel, or make him regr
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