

Geneveive Tessa Robert

She made me understand what life and the unexpected can mean to one`s plans. She survived death and lived through the pain. She is an incredible woman, and through the conversations I had with her, I knew I could survive without Kyle King. Okay, maybe I didn't pick the most important lessons from her words, but I knew where my strength lies.

`Mom, she wanted to come, but today`s her cafe`s special, and she's in charge of the cooking preparation. She sent in her apologies; she really wanted to come,` I said, showing mom her text message. She had crafted a lovely message and also attached a beautiful voice note with a cute birthday song. I almost cried listening to it.

Mom sniffed, dabbing her eyes. `Sharon is such a beautiful soul. I love this. I will check up on her tomorrow and show my gratitude. This is one of the best gifts ever.`

I agreed. It reminded me of my first birthday in the King's family. Kyle had organised a little get-together, inviting his friends and family, but mine weren't there except Vera, who had fled from Arizona to make me feel less lonely. Then, Kyle did the most amazing thing. He sang an original song dedicated to me and read a heartbreaking note. It was one of the most memorable events in my life, even after the divorce. Vera had stood by me while I cried like a baby, and Dahila handed me a handkerchief. 

I think that was one of the few times she was nice to me. After the note, we danced, and he promised to never let anyone hurt me. Now, who broke the promise?

`I think that's enough for today. We should return home; I have a golf game with some friends tomorrow and then a long, boring meeting with Arthur`s oil company.` Dad yawned, helping Mom up.

I smiled, `Alright, dad. I am also tired and need a long rest. Happy birthday to you once again, mom!

Mom signalled to James to come, `Thank you once again for the amazing gift and for making today special.`

I hugged her tightly before James broke my grip. `What's your problem? Don`t you see, I was having a moment with mom!' I protested, glaring at him. 

He chuckled. `I also wanted to give her a hug. I am also my mother`s child too.`

`Alright, she's yours, and the gifts too. You will be helping with packing,` I giggled, following my parents out.

He groaned, murmuring to himself. It was going to be a long night for James.

The morning came as slowly as I hated it. I picked up my phone, scrolling through the unread messages. There were five from Vera, all saying the same thing: check Kyle`s I*******m page. He's throwing his engagement party in the most expensive hall in Nashville, Yoshida Viva!!

I sat up immediately. That was a bad move because I hit my head against the wall unexpectedly. Massaging the back of my head, I logged into my I*******m, and immediately, Kyle`s stories popped up. There were pictures of Ava`s dress and different videos of her screaming when she checked the hall. The decorations were top-notch, almost similar to those at my engagement party. I guess Kyle wanted to prove to the world that he could deliver an engagement party better than his ex-wife`s own. If that was it, he hit the mark.

I read through comments that were filled with praise for Ava`s beauty, her figure, and the gown. I saw some hateful comments, and I liked them. It felt good. I was also pushed to drop a comment, but I didn't want to be the pathetic stalking ex-wife who was jealous of her ex-husband's happiness.

A message came in; it was from Kyle. Oh shit! I liked the hate comments out of blind rage. Why do I always let my anger get the best of me sometimes? I bit my lips, checking his message. It was one sentence:` So, you`re now hateful, Tessa.`

I read it three times and resisted the urge to reply to him later. I could do that when he meets me physically. I checked the pictures he posted with his mom, then a video of his team working on their proposal for Robert`s project. Ava was there. Nice. He brought Ava to replace me. That was great; it will help my plans. There were some other videos of him with Kathrine and Ethan, but I was already bored. 

`Good morning, ma`am. Your mom wants you to meet her at the dining table after your bath,` the housekeeper said, smiling a bit.

I suppressed my gasp. I didn`t know when she walked in or stood beside me. I was deeply in thought. `Alright, thank you. I will be there shortly,` I replied, returning my gaze to my phone.

Vera had texted again. She wanted to know if I had checked the I*******m page, and I sent a yes and a promise to call after the day's work. I wasn`t ready for an early morning gist.

`Hello, mom,` I kissed her cheek, picking an apple. `Hope you had a great sleep?`

She smiled, taking a bite of her peanut buttered bread. `Yes, I did. How about you, and how's my grandchild doing?`

`We`re doing great, mom. The housekeeper made your message sound urgent. Is there a problem?`

`No,` she replied, picking up my plate and dropping some toasted bread. `I just wanted us to have some mother-daughter bonding. I really missed you after you left for five good years, dear. Can you imagine the nights I stayed up, praying you were okay and Kyle was treating you well?`

Oh dear. She was about to start her usual long mother talks I never liked when I was here five years ago. Well, I couldn`t shun her up. I actually missed her, especially on days when Dahlia was after my happiness. Days when she came to the house to check up on Kyle and see if I had gotten pregnant. I knew if mom had been with me, the witch would have been put in her place forever.

I smiled, taking the plates from her. `I missed you too, mom, and also, dad. I can't say that about James, though. You know who we were then and the fights and arguments that never ceased. I always wanted to call, but when I remembered how you and Dad disowned me, I thrashed the thought.`

She dropped her tea spoon on the plate, the sound disrupting the silence: `I am sorry for the harsh decision we took. You were in love and chose to be with the one you wanted. I should have spoken about our opinions about his family in a peaceful way instead of treating you like a tyrant. I`m sorry for failing as a mother and making you go through hell in that house.`

`Oh, mom,` I caressed her hand, `Don`t be sad. I was a stubborn head too. If I had listened to you, This wouldn't have happened. The divorce, ending up pregnant and back at the house, begging for a job. I should be the one apologising to you and Dad. I am so sorry for being a disappointment and bringing shame to the family.`

`No, baby. Don`t say that. You were in love, and I know we do stupid things for love. Now, don`t you cry anymore. I wanted us to have a nice conversation and laugh over silly things. So, tell me, how was the spa I recommended?`

I smiled as I delved into the story of how the masseur was a hot dude who spoke English with a Spanish accent. We gushed about their ridiculous prices and their free lunch perks. It was the best breakfast I have had in years.

Dad`s library was also his home office when he decided not to visit the numerous branches. Every regional head reported to him on Fridays after work hours, but today, James and I had to substitute for Dad. He was occupied with his meeting, which, according to his message, would take hours due to technical glitches and his obnoxious attitude.

`You know you don't have to do this? I can do it alone, and you can go into your room and rest properly,'James said, reading through a proposal.

I scoffed, raising my left eyebrow. `And leave you to enjoy Dad`s praises? No, I am not going. What are you reading?

`A company's proposal. They want to jump into Robert`s charity project for widowers. That's cool, but I am seeing their greed written all over it.`

I scanned through the document and said, `Damn, Dad, and I have a lot of scrutinizing to do.`

`Yeah, and a lot of reading. These companies are really desperate to win the project partnership,` he replied.

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