

Kyle King

`So, you finally decided to crawl out of your shell, Xavier. Care to tell me what brings you to my office today?` I asked, watching him sit.

He smiled, unbuttoning his suit. `I suppose I owe you an apology, right?`

`Of course you do. You didn't show up for the engagement party, and you declined all my calls throughout the weekend. I was almost worried I had finally lost you as a friend. What happened?`

`I am sorry, Kyle. I had to settle some important matters that came up, and about the calls, I am still pissed you decided to spend a lot on that party. What were you thinking, Kyle?` he asked, letting out an exasperated sigh.

I could see he was still angry due to his hardened eyes. At this point, I knew nothing I said would make my actions feel right before him, so I decided to be the lesser man and apologise for not listening to him yet again.

I looked up at him, reading his eyes. `I know I promised to always listen to your advice, and honestly, I tried my best to take in your advice, but Ava`s happiness comes first. I also plan on getting married to her, and I want you to please accept her for my sake.`

He scoffed, `Ava this, Ava that. It's alright; I can see you`re in love with her, so I will accept her. I don't want to be the friend who stops you from having a happy life. You have my blessings.`

I stared at him for a few seconds, wondering why I felt his acceptance was suspicious. I waved the suspicion as nothing. Xavier had finally accepted Ava.  

`Thank you, bro. I am glad you have finally accepted Ava. I will inform her once I get home. I am sure she will be pleased to know.`

`Okay,` he replied, `I also came because of Robert`s project. Any update?`

`No, there`s no update yet, but I heard from a friend who submitted too that they will be selecting the eligible companies this week, so I say we keep our fingers crossed.`

He hummed, `I hope we get this spot, Kyle. We've invested so much, and there are bills piling up ever since you decided to show the world that you are rich.`

I bit my lips, holding the angry outburst struggling to come out. I knew he wouldn't let my reckless spending on the engagement party rest. He was going to make me regret it at any given opportunity.

`I thought you were going to let the engagement party bills sleep?` I asked, lifting my right eyebrow. `As for the spot, we will get it, bro. We did something different from the regular proposals the Robert`s family receives yearly, and like the theme said, `the little things make the difference.`

He stood up, buttoning his suit. `Alright. Since you`ve faith in our `little` proposal, I guess I should too. After all, it would be pretty great if we won the partnership, right?

I nodded, getting up. `It definitely will be. So, you will be leaving now?`

`Yes. I have to take care of a small business in town. Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to call me if anything comes up,` he said, shaking my hand.

I settled back, thinking about our conversation, especially the part about him finally accepting Ava. It's not as if his acceptance or approval really mattered, but he was my best friend, and I needed him by my side at all times. If he doesn't accept her, there will always be a reason for us not to get along. 

I knew he wasn't happy about my divorce, but Tessa had to go, like I told him several times. He had known Tessa long before I knew her. They used to go to the same high school, and according to him, Tessa was the nicest girl in high school. She was also popular due to her grades and her parents, but she didn't let it get to her. 

I remember when I told him I was marrying Tessa, he was so thrilled and called my decision the best ever. I had felt his joy until the childlessness issue started.

Xavier had suggested we go for surrogacy or adoption, but my mom disagreed, saying she wanted a child of her own blood, not someone else, and if Tessa couldn't do that, she should leave.

Xavier had not been happy and tried to intervene by explaining that surrogacy or adoption wasn't bad, but it caused a huge fight, and soon they hated each other, with my mom doing more of the hating.

I sighed. I shouldn't be bothering myself with the past anymore since Xavier had finally accepted her. What I should be worrying about was Mr. Alllen`s case, which I totally forgot to tell Xavier. He would have suggested some tips on how to convince Mr. Allen dropped the case immediately. 

I began to type a text to Xavier, but I changed my mind. I shouldn't be running after him over every matter I couldn't solve. Besides, he could be busy at his end with personal work activities, and I knew how he could get disturbed.

Once Attorney Smith reverted, the feedback was in my favour. I was going to ensure that everything worked out fine, so that nothing stops me from getting Robert`s spot.

The house was quiet as I stepped in, which meant Romina was probably in her room resting or around the house, knitting. I decided to break the silence by calling Ava, but she didn't respond, even though her bag and shoes scattered everywhere told me she was around.

Taking off my suit, I dropped my briefcase and stepped into the kitchen. I couldn't believe my eyes. Ava was in a kitchen apron, apparently preparing dinner. So, she cooks? Mom never mentioned that important detail. I smiled, enjoying the sweet aroma floating in the air. Whatever Ava was cooking, it was mouth-watering and sweet.

She smiled, handing me a glass of water. `I wasn't expecting you until seven o`clock; what changed?` 

`Nothing, dear. I just completed important work activities early and decided to close and spend quality time with you. You know, we didn't see anyone throughout the office, and I know it's mostly my fault. I told Christine not to allow anyone in. Apologies, my love.`

She chuckled. `Your secretary can be mean at times. Can you believe she told me to hit the road because you wouldn't be going home with me earlier today? I was so pissed, but a job alert came in, and I ignored her. You should teach her some manners, Kyle.`

Christine and her on-and-off days. I was surprised she had the audacity to talk to Ava that way, but it was Christine. She never cared who was at the receiving end of her rudeness or meanness, except for me or my mom. I had spoken countless times to her to change, and she had promised she would, but I guess she forgot about that promise. I had to reassure Ava because I had a feeling she might use Christine`s attitude against me someday.

`I will speak to her, Ava. I promise you. She has no right to speak to the future wife of the King`s family that way. She should know better than that! I apologise on her behalf. 

`It's alright, dear. I am sure you will take care of her.` she replied, focusing on the steaming pot. `Now, let's forget all about Christine and focus on recharging you. I can see you're hungry, but no food for a dirty, sweaty man!

I protested, `No, babe! I am not dirty, just a little sweaty due to the heat. I am sure you can manage me like that, right?

She hummed, mixing the content in the pot, `The answer is a `no`. Just get upstairs and have your bath. You stink!`

I groaned, taking the stairs as I listened to the grumbling of my stomach. I hadn't eaten all day except for doughnuts and a lot of coffee. The meetings and conversations with a series of individuals had taken my time.

`I didn't know you could cook so well. My mom didn't tell me I was getting married to an amazing chef,` I smiled, helping myself to another round of soulful chicken soup. 

`That's because I told you not to tell you. I come from a line of chefs and bakers, so, while growing up, I learned a thing or two, and as you can see, I learned pretty well,` she grinned, holding a dignified stare.

`You certainly learned well; thank you for this sumptuous meal, Ava. You`re the best fiancee, ever,` I replied, ignoring the question brewing in my head.

`Why had Ava gone all that way to prepare a meal for me when she had always dropped hints of hating cooking? Was there a motive behind this?

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