

Genevieve Tessa Robert 

The admissions application letter came in like an unexpected morning rain in February. I had just finished listening to Vera after I had rattled about the delay in the admission letter. The DAP Films and Arts School had never delayed the release of their admissions list. According to the last announcement page on their website, the admission list will be released two weeks after the deadline has passed. This was the beginning of the fourth month, and they had yet to release it, which means something was wrong or they lied.

Vera had waved my accusation and advised me to take it easy. They would release it when I least expected it, and I should stop worrying about them. After we said our goodbyes, I scrolled to their website to see if they had released a new announcement, but nothing was there. I was about to curse them when the mail popped up and the words `Congratulations, Genevieve` greeted me.

I screamed, yelled, and did a funny dance before I almost jumped but paused, remembering my baby. The bump was finally beginning to show, and I felt thrilled to feel life growing in me.

I dialled Vera`s number immediately; she was my number one cheerleader.

`Hello, babe. What`s up? She asked, yawning a bit.

`I am good. Did you fall asleep?` 

`Yeah, my mom's call woke me up. She sent an old family recipe and wants me to prepare it. They would be coming for dinner later and would probably be staying over. Sometimes, I regret my obsession with baking. Mum never fails to remind me of how I wasted her resources and my life in culinary school,she sighed, yawning again.

Once upon a time, Vera had an obsession for baking and cooking in general. Her mother noticed her natural talent and used her connections to get Vera a spot in one of the best culinary schools in the country. Vera graduated as the best student of the year, and instead of working in one of the restaurants where her mom got a job for her, she returned to her job as a creative director.

As a punishment, her parents told her to move out of their house and get her own place since she was capable of making decisions on her own. They also cut her off from the family membership to the city`s horse riding club and golf club. Vera was devastated, but she remained rooted in her job.

Her mother stopped talking to her for months until the day Vera visited their home with a plate of an old family recipe that her mom had failed to get for years. They rekindled their relationship, and Vera promised to always prepare any family recipe whenever they came visiting. Her mother readily accepted it. 

`You know, I tried to convince you to change your mind, but you are stubborn and only heed your advice whenever the situation fits. So, don`t complain to me. You made the decision, not me, and don`t forget, your mom gave you options, but you refused.`

She hissed. `Must you always be that berating mom? Never mind. I am the architect of my own problem, so please don't take offense for my disturbance.`

Vera is always playing the sarcasm card. It didn't fit her, but I decided not to tell her. She was pissed off by her parents, and I shouldn't make it worse. Besides, I didn't call her to fight, but to celebrate with me.

`Sorry, Vee. I didn't mean to berate you. I was just trying to remind you about your decision. I am sorry, okay?`

She grunted, `Alright, apologies accepted. So, tell me, why are you calling?`

`The admission letter just came in. I got accepted, Vee!` I yelled happily.

`Wow, that's amazing, babe. I told you it would come when you least expected it. Well done, dear. I am glad you got the spot. Have you told your parents?`

`Thank you so much. I do appreciate your kind words and always believing in my capabilities. My dad is in a meeting with a client while Mom and James visited Nashville`s branch yesterday. They will be returning in the evening, so I will inform them when we are together.`

`Alright, that makes sense. When are you going for your doctor's appointment?` 

`Hmm, by two o`clock. Dad is supposed to take me, but his meeting ends at three o`clock, so I think I will just go by myself.`

`No, you can`t. I can take you there if you want. I will just clear my schedules and be at your place thirty minutes before the appointment, so that we can beat the traffic and meet on time.` she replied.

Another reason I loved Vera was her crazy sacrifices. She could be a heroine when you didn't expect her to be, and she would always create spaces to help you out. However, I didn't want her to make such a sacrifice now; her parent's family recipe always took time, and knowing Vera, her place will be messed up. 

`No, I don't want you to do that. Your parents will be coming, and I won`t want you to welcome them with an empty and disorganized house. I will sort myself out, and one thing about Dad: when he makes promises, he always keeps them. Thank you for the offer, though.`

She sighed, `Okay, take care of yourself then and call me immediately, you get the results. I need to know if I will be ordering twin outfits or a single baby's own. Personally, I hope you`re carrying twins so that I can have one baby and you can keep the other.`

What? Did she think I would just give up my baby just because she's my best friend and the godmother? Nah, that's not happening.

`You know I can`t give you one of my babies, right? If you want a baby, Vee, be serious with that lawyer boyfriend of yours!`

She chuckled, making funny sounds, `Impossible. That guy is so boring and makes jokes about toothbrushes. Can you imagine? The only reason I like him is because he has a kind heart, but in terms of conversations, he is so bad. I can't imagine a future with him.`

`Indeed, Vee. Never say never, dear. Who knows what the future holds? You might end up with him, so don't write him off just like that.` I chided her.

Vera had an annoying taste for men. If you didn't meet her checklist, then you couldn't marry her. She could only put you to use for her open relationships or as her part-time boyfriend. This taste had made her lose a lot of men, but like she once said, marriage isn't for her kind but for money and a satisfying lifestyle.

`That's your business, babe. Please call me when you return home. Enjoy the rest of the day,` she replied, cutting the call.

I smiled. She will learn one day, and I hope when she finds the perfect man, he will treat her right like the lady she deserves to be.

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