

Geneveive Tessa Robert

`That`s a great idea, Tessa, but I will need a proper analysis of your plan before I can drop my feedback. So, think about it and prepare an analysis of the business. You can create a business plan, and I will read through it.`

I sighed. I hated creating business plans, but that's what he wanted, and I had to do it. I would have to do more research to be certain this business was going to work, then show my findings in the business plan. It felt like a lot of work, but it was possible to do. I just had to focus and ask James to help out.

`Alright, Dad. I will create the business plan and revert.` I replied, getting up. `Thank you for today; I will be going to bed now.`

He smiled. `It's my duty as your father to ensure that you and my grandchildren are well taken care of. I have told you that you don't need to stress yourself or worry about feeding, clothing, or shelter. We`re the Roberts family, and we always take care of our own, okay?

`Thank you, Dad,` I replied, hugging him.

I walked into my room and took off my clothes before stepping into the shower. I felt relieved as I switched on the tap, and the water fell on my body. It was refreshing, but I couldn`t wash all my worries away. Maybe the United Kingdom would do that for me, and from there, I could also deal with Kyle King. 

A few minutes later, I was lying on my bed, watching a movie on my laptop. My phone suddenly rang. It was Vera. I had forgotten about her promise to call when she was alone. I quickly picked up the call:

`Hello, Vee. You finally called. How are you doing? I hope your parents didn't drain you?`

She laughed drily. `I am so exhausted, babe. I just finished cleaning the kitchen and showing them their rooms. I still can't believe my mom brought my three cousins, who are triplets. They almost made me lose my temper several times today, and mom just sat there, encouraging them!`

I laughed, `I am sorry, babe. You should have called me to help you out, or at least sent one of the housekeepers to watch over the triplets.`

The triplets were Vera`s mom`s youngest sister`s children. They were sweethearts at first sight, but when they started their fights or pans, you would get frustrated. I wasn't surprised why Vee`s aunt always found an excuse to drop them off with their grandparents or relatives. 

She breathed deeply. `I thought about calling you to help out, but you were busy at the hospital, and I know your dad won't let you leave after the tests. Anyway, they will be leaving by tomorrow, so I can have my house to myself and sleep for hours. I am not surprised why my aunt always comes up with an excuse to drop them off at our parents`s place. Personally, I would do the same. They`re uncontrollable and stubborn.`

I agreed. `I hope my babies don't give me the same trouble as them. I don't think I will be able to handle that situation.`

`Don't worry; if they do, their godmother will handle them. Congratulations once again. So, please, tell me you`re going to change their names to Francis and Francesca?`

Vera thought Hope and Nicholas didn`t fit the twins and had suggested cute twin names that rhymed and would be perfect for them. I had ignored them and explained the origin of the names I chose, but she didn't care.

`I already told you I was sticking with Hope and Nicholas. The names are perfect for them and hold great meanings that only I can understand. Stop trying to change my decision, Vee!` I protested.

`Alright, I agree with your names. I will start the babies shopping tomorrow and send pictures of the items so that you can admire and select the ones you think will fit them.` 

I chuckled lightly. `You`re taking this godmother role seriously, Vee. Anyway, just take it easy with the spending because I know that once you strat, it becomes a problem if you stop.`

Vera can be reckless when it comes to shopping. Once she set her mind on spending her money, there was no going back. She could spend the entire month's salary on items she didn't need. I had advised her to create a separate account for shopping where she allocated an amount of money for the purchases of items she needed for that month. It has been helpful so far, and she has been able to save money.

`Don`t worry, babe. I have already sent the specific amount I need, so I won't be spending recklessly. I will only be buying what I need for the babies and nothing more.`

I replied. `Okay, thank you for your kindness. You`re a beautiful soul and the best friend ever. I am glad I chose you as my baby's godmother. You fit the role perfectly.`

She chuckled. `You are always thanking me. I am just doing my duties as your friend, and I am sure you understand that. You will do the same for me, and I have seen you go out of your way for me, so why shouldn't I do it for you?. Anyway, is there an update on Kyle?`

I smiled at how swiftly she changed the conversation. She didn't want me to get emotional and start reminding her of what she had come through for me in the past when I least expected it. She knew me so well.

I scoffed, `According to Dad, the sales have been low, and he has spent all the money expected to execute the project. I am surprised by the turnout. Transportation is profitable, especially in Nashville, and considering the discounts and the new technology Dad and James introduced, they should be making sales. I have a feeling something is wrong.`

Vera agreed. `You`re right, babe. Are you sure Kyle has been transparent with your family? You know how your ex-husband can be around money, and don`t forget his mother and girlfriend. They`re crooks, and I won't be surprised if they ask him to take out of the profits and lie to your family.`

Vera was right. I hadn't thought about that possibility since Dad told me about Kyle, even though the details were quite sketchy. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, though. Once James returned, we could go through Kyle`s reports and do the end-of-month meeting; any discrepancies or unclear amounts would be sorted out. 

I told Vera this, and she agreed. We talked a bit about my plans to move to the United Kingdom, and she promised to visit the next day after dropping off her parents and cousins. 

I ended the call and checked my mail. DAP had sent a timetable in preparation for our resumption on Monday. I had bought all the necessary materials earlier today with the help of my dad, and he also took me to the school so that I could be sure it was a good place for me. I loved the school immediately after I got there, and everyone seemed so nice to me and Dad. Being Mr. Robert, he had some connections in the school, and he used them to gather information about the activities of the school and to know the procedures for transfer to the school branch in the United Kingdom.

I sighed. I had come a long way since the divorce, and I was proud of my achievements so far. I had reunited with my family, gotten a part-time job with the family`s company, and got admitted to the prettiest DAP school. The most important of all achievements? I was expecting a beautiful baby boy or girl. I promise to take care of you and Nicholas and protect your little ones from harm. I rubbed my little baby bump and switched off the table light. The morning would soon be here.

`Are you sure it was only Mom you missed, sis?` Jmaes looked over from his cup of coffee.

 Mom and James had arrived home a few hours ago while I was still asleep. It was the loud knocks on my door that woke me up, and when I opened the door, the goofy smile of James greeted me. I didn`t know when I hugged him and asked about Mom. I had missed them so much, but right now, I didn't want to admit it to James due to his ego.  

`I didn't miss you, little brother. I just hugged you because it felt like the right way to welcome you back.` I scoffed, tightening my face, but James`s weird smile made me laugh.

`Yeah, that laughter says it all. You missed me, dear sister, and as much as I hate to admit, I missed you too,` he replied.

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