

Geneveive Tessa Robert

I studied him before replying, `Alright, since you`re being sincere, I missed you too. How was Nashville?`

`The visit was great, but the reports were not favourable, especially from Kyle`s end. Can you believe he's in France at the moment? He left his team leader, Xavier, to supervise the activities of the project.`

`That's bad. I thought the trip to France was supposed to be after they had made at least ten percent profit. Why did your team approve their requests?`

He dropped his fork, focusing on me. `They claimed he sent a report concerning the progress of the project, and the administrative team approved it. I checked the report on our way home, and there are a lot of errors there. Some figures are exaggerated or missing. I don't know why they didn't check it properly. Also, Kyle claimed that the business has been slow, but according to his team, the advertising campaign Xavier created had increased the inflow, so they were surprised yesterday when I mentioned the complaint from Kyle.`

I was amazed. Kyle was trying to play smart. I had a feeling Dahila and Ava must have pushed him to lie to his team in order for them to have full access to the profits of the project. 

`I don`t understand why he is doing all of this, but by next week, when we have the general meeting, he is going to be answering a lot of questions. If he can`t provide a transparent report of his activities with the funds of the project, I will personally ensure he's locked in jail. Thank God you brought up that contract idea, sis. It will be helpful in convicting Kyle!` he said over a glass of water.

I smiled. `I knew he would try to play smart with the money. Kyle is a greedy and proud man. He would rather steal than watch his company and family go broke. He has bills to pay and an expensive fiancée to take care of. When the twenty million dollars came, he had to think of ways to cut from the money, so he started with excuses for low sales and turnout to prevent anyone from questioning him. Unfortunately, his team members are honest people, so it's obvious why they didn`t cover for him.`

Kyle whistled, giving me a thumbs up. `You know Kyle and how his mind works; that is great. You know the funniest thing? I heard he used their bonuses to clear the remaining balance for the Corvette he bought for Avaline. I feel that explains why they turned against him.`

`Wow, Kyle is really desperate and really in love with Ava,` I replied with a shade of pity in my voice.

`Yeah, that's what I thought too. He will do anything to make her happy, even if it means breaking the rules of ethics. That's his problem, though. I need to read through his report to know what else is wrong before speaking to Dad. Do you want to help out?`

I nodded. I had prepared the contract after all. I rubbed my bump while thinking of what Jmaes had said about Kyle. Once upon a time, I would have felt jealous about what he was doing for Ava. A corvette? He had refused to buy a car until her fifth year of marriage. The same year, he divorced her. A sweet irony. That car was the Porsche, which she returned because she realised she didn't need anything from him to live comfortably. 

`Did you ask Xavier about the Porsche?` I asked.  

James replied. `Yes, I did. He sold it to get his golf membership card and invest in a liquor business. According to Xavier, Kyle felt he made a mistake by buying you a Porsche and letting you go with it. He was grateful that you returned it and decided to use the money for something useful. Kyle is a piece of sh*t, sis. Don't ever regret leaving him.`

I nodded, smiling. `I don't regret leaving him. He didn't deserve me or my babies. If I hadn't left, I wouldn't have had the courage to apply for DAP or create a business plan for the interior design business. I am glad the divorce came. Thank you for the words.`

He hugged me. `Let's go read through the reports and nail Kyle King.`

After spending two hours going through the reports, we discovered Kyle had breached more than two terms and conditions. We informed Dad and Mom, and they reached out to the attorney to read through the documents and start the preparation for the lawsuit. After the general meeting, they were going to serve him the letter. 

Dad also suggested we confirm if any funds were released after the twenty million dollars, and the administrative team confirmed it. He had called after the advertising campaign had gone live and requested one hundred thousand dollars to boost the campaign on online platforms. 

I was furious at the administrative team. `Why did they release money to him without our approval?`

James scratched his chin, evading my burning gaze. `Don't blame me, sis. I told them to release funds only when the companies had made a visible percentage of what had been paid to us. I think they misunderstood my order, and when they called to inform me about his request, I think I might have said yes to their approval. Don`t judge me, family. I'm a busy man.`

Dad shook his head, glaring at James. `You are going to fix this mess, then. Ensure you follow up on this, James, or else I will sell your car to get my money back. Busy man instead!`

James started to protest, but the deadly stare from Dad made him shut up. I suppressed the laughter, begging to burst. I had never seen James look so pained before. Well, he missed it big time. I couldn`t believe Kyle managed to outsmart us. Thankfully, we had the contract, one of the best attorneys, and James. Wrapping the case was going to be easy and fast. I hoped.


Vera came in the evening. Mom and I were preparing dinner, so she joined us and helped make the kitchen activities faster. 

`Have you made up your mind about the United Kingdom?` mom asked, taking glasses for the fruit juice she just prepared.

I replied. `I am still thinking about it, mom. Also, due to my business idea and plan, I think I should take my time and prepare it before making the decision on the relocation.`

`Okay, that's fine with me. Although I would like it if you agreed, You have seen how desperate Kyle can be about money and power. You don't want to imagine what he will do if he discovers you`re carrying his children. It will be best if you leave and start a new life there, then return when everything has simmered down.`

Vera nodded. `Your mom is right. I think it is best to relocate for now and start a new life elsewhere. I am going to miss you, babe, but it's for the best that you leave for safety reasons.`

As much as I didn't want to admit it, they were right. If Kyle found out I was pregnant, another drama would begin, and there was Avaline. She would look for ways to ensure I didn't return to the King's house and maybe find ways to destroy my babies and me. Leaving for the United Kingdom began to feel like a favourable plan. 

`Alright, I will think about it and let you guys know my decision. Although I feel I would be going, I want to see the end of Kyle`s drama before leaving.`

Mum chuckled. `You are enjoying the downfall of your ex-husband, right?`

 I protested. `No, I am not! This isn't the beginning, just a tip of his iceberg. Mum, that man treated me like trash, and honestly, I would be glad to see him pay him back and watch him crawl on his feet, begging for forgiveness.`

`A whole Kyle King on his knees? I look forward to that, babe.`Vera replied, laughing. `will surely make the banner headline in major newspapers.`

`Well, he will be making headlines when we serve him the lawsuit letter. He should have known that stealing from Robert`s had its consequences.`

I agreed. `I feel he did it because we did nothing after my divorce. So he felt we wouldn't blink an eye over the funds. Mom, I know Kyle. He will do anything to avoid a public trial, so let`s be prepared.`

Mum nodded. `We are prepared. He won't get a private settlement like what he offered Mr. Allen.`

Kyle made a big mistake by underestimating my family. I hate to think of how ruthless his trial was going to be.

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