

Geneveive Tessa Robert

The joy of simple things. Laughter, tears, and happiness. Family, love, and friendship I rolled my sweater and adjusted my sleeves. This was my last week in Arizona. I was going to miss everyone who made me happy, especially my dad and James. Funny how I thought James was going to be the headache I had to survive in the house, and he turned out to be a vital help in my recovery process.

I had created the interior design company business plans, and with the help of James, we had succeeded in convincing my dad to go ahead with his investment. I scrolled through my to-do list. Kyle. I wasn't done with him yet, but I was going to give him a break for now since he had succeeded in paying what he owed. His company seemed to be picking up, and James suspected someone was behind the sudden miracle.

I wasn't surprised, though. Kyle`s family was one of the most respected in Nashville, and they had a lot of connections who could assist them in terms of finances. Also, Kyle was desperate to return to the Big Gun League, so he would do anything to get there. I believe that was why he quickly paid his bills to escape a jail term.

The sound of laughter erupted in my reverie. Vera. What was she doing here?. We weren't supposed to meet until the evening. I saw her before she saw me. I waved excitedly, trying to capture her attention. She was engrossed in a conversation with one of the waiters. Probably trying to know what kind of dessert they had for lunch.

She saw me before I gave up and strolled to my table, smiling like a child. `What are you doing here, babe? I thought you had an appointment with your obstetrician and your mom. Where is she?`she asked, settling down.

`Yeah, mom has an emergency to take care of. One of her advertising firms had a clash with a competitor, and she had to rush over before it reached the court. You know how she can be with her firm. She asked me to wait here while she sorted out the issue and put someone to take care of anything that came up.`

Vera shook her head. `I thought she had transferred all the job responsibilities to your dad and James? Your mom is a puzzle, dear. When will she be back?`

I glanced at my wrist watch. `In one hour's time, My appointment is at two o'clock, so we won't be late. Have you ordered for something?`

`Yeah, I have. So, you will sit here for an hour? That's unfair, dear. She should have just called James to take care of it instead of keeping you hanging. What if something happens to you?` she replied, worry written all over her face.

I took her right hand and said, 'Thankfully, you`re here, so if anything happens, you will save me. Also, you don't need to worry about my mom's attitude. She doesn't joke with her business, and I know it feels like I am covering up for her, but that's my mom for you. I know I am supposed to be her top priority at the moment, but I can't tell her to put her life on hold because of me. She's already moving with me, leaving her husband and son. That`s a hard sacrifice, Vee.`

`Alright. You have convinced me, and I take back my words. Where`s James though?`

I smiled, thankful for her acceptance. I didn't want to start arguing about my mom`s priorities, even though I knew that what she did was wrong. However, I couldn't blame her. She had sacrificed a lot on my behalf, so taking one hour of my time to deal with this issue wasn't a big issue.

`He traveled to Nashville to finalize the court settlement with Kyle. I have a feeling this won't be over. I feel we are going to meet again, and then he will really beg me.`

Vera chuckled. `You said that the last time, and nothing happened. He ended up paying before we could say Jack. I think you should just forgive him and focus on your move to the United Kingdom and my godchildren too.`

`Don`t tell me you`re giving up already,` I laughed. `You were the one singing different tunes on how I could deal with him, and don`t forget you helped with the plans. Anyway, you don't need to worry about yourself. Once I am settled in the United Kingdom, I will focus on Kyle from afar. For his sake, I hope we don't cross paths.`

She took a spoonful of her ice cream. `And when do the kids want to know who their father is? What will you do?`

I had thought about this several times, and only one answer had popped up.

`I will tell them the truth, Vee. He divorced me and wanted nothing to do with me or them.`

She stared at me but said nothing for a few minutes. `Do you still love him? Don`t even dare lie to me, Tessa.`

The question caught me off guard. Did I still love Kyle? I used to, but after he stole from me and I returned the car, all I felt for him was hate and disgust. Then we met at the courthouse, and my feelings changed to pity. I couldn`t believe I had fallen for a proud and hard man who had no regard for others.

Kyle was the first man I loved, but not anymore. My love for him faded like a light blue jean. 

`I don't love him anymore. He's in the past, and my babies are in the present and future. Why did you ask?`

She smiled, mumbling a bit. `Because of how your eyes still glow when you talk about him. I know you, Tessa. He was your first love and one to whom you gave your all. I know how hard it took you to recover from the divorce, but to stop loving him? I don't think that's possible, dear.`

I laughed, suppressing the urge to review my stance. `Whatever, dear. I do know; it's over between Kyle and me.`

`Alright, then. I will let you be, but don`t forget, love is a strange concept. I've seen it change people's perceptions and minds.`

Could she be right? Maybe time will tell but till then, I was going to focus on my new life with the twins.

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