

Geneveive Tessa Robert


I took the last suitcase downstairs, ignoring James`s order not to stress myself. I wasn't going to sit down and watch them do everything for me. I was pregnant, not indisposed. I should be allowed to do certain activities, but no, my family disagreed. I shouldn’t be stressing the twins. I was showing a nice bump already, and the teases from James made me favor long flowing gowns over the designer dresses mom had bought at exorbitant prices. I couldn’t blame her. She wanted her daughter to look beautiful even when pregnant. 

‘I told you to sit in the car while I help with the luggage, sis.’ James said, collecting the suitcase from me.

I protested, ‘I just wanted to help and not sit down and do nothing. It’s been two weeks sitting at home and just going shopping and visiting family friends. If not for the interior design plans and Vera, I would have been bored to death.’

He paused, smiling at me. ‘And I am glad our parents ensured you did nothing. You can’t expect them to watch you stress yourself with an unnecessary workload, right?’

I mumbled, ‘But the doctor wasn’t against me doing little house chores like cooking or even washing dishes. It’s not like I am heavily pregnant, though.’

‘Of course, but you are stubborn, and that’s why they ensured you did nothing. Anyway, I am going to miss you and Mom. I can’t wait for Dad to complete his businesses so that we can come over too. I am tired of Arizona, and the girls aren’t as friendly as before.’

Dad had decided that once me and Mum settled in the United Kingdom, he and James would join us. He didn’t like the idea of separation and also having to deal with James alone. Personally, I felt he loved Mom so much that the idea of being away from her for years scared him. He also wanted to watch his grandchildren grow and be there to give them piggybacks. I chuckled when he let out that idea. My babies were going to love their grandparents and generous uncles. 

‘Well, once Dad has settled everything in Arizona and moved the headquarters successfully, we will be one big family once again. About the girls, you are becoming too old for this flirting game. I think what you need is a woman who will marry you at the moment, not your usual one-day-on and several-month-off thing.’

He shrugged. ‘I won’t mind if you give me Vera then. She sounds like the perfect woman for me.’

I chuckled,helping him adjust the suitcase in the almost-fulfilled booth. ‘Really? You know that will never happen. She has never liked you, and I won’t blame her. You are below her league, and don’t forget the age difference, kiddo.’

I added the kiddo to annoy him a little. He had never liked the pet name because it reminded him of our three-year age gap.

He groaned, Stop calling me kiddo! Age doesn't mean a thing to me, though, and I earn perfectly well, so I can take care of your best friend. Also, don’t forget that Vera once dated someone of the same age group as me.’

‘ And don’t forget she didn’t date him for more than three days. You should focus somewhere else, little brother. Vera is way above your league, and she doesn’t like you.’

‘She will like me when she goes on a date with me and sees the new man I have become. Also, sis, I am not that bad for your bestie, so stop killing my hopes, okay?’

I laughed. ’ You never give up, do you?’ 

He smiled, closing the booth. ‘No, I don’t. Thank heavens; you’re leaving, though. I will have the chance to woo her and make her understand I am the man for her.’

‘I wish you the best, then, but don’t say I didn’t warn you when she serves you a perfect breakfast that fits your arrogance and pride.’ I laughed, wondering why James was so adamant about pursuing Vera.

Once upon a time, James had a crush on Vera, but he was an eleven-year-old boy, while she was fourteen and a good sister. I told him it wouldn’t work because I knew Vera hated James due to his rudeness. Also, my parents had spoiled him right from when he started to walk. 


Did James listen to his big sister’s advice? No, he didn’t. He wrote a love letter to her, and mom found it. It was a hilarious incident, and soon the crush died, or so I thought. He became a teenager, and once in a while, he reminded me of his love for her. I repeatedly told him to forget about it and move on. Vera’s stance about his behavior hadn’t changed. He agreed finally, and so I thought again, and he moved on.


Now, he was back again, bolder and more confident. I have tried to pursue him, but he won’t listen. So, it’s best that I just watch from the United Kingdom and be available when Vera reports him to me. I was going to rub it on his face.

After arranging the suitcases and ensuring I didn’t forget anything, we decided to arrange the toys too. James suggested we use our logistics company to send it over to the United Kingdom. I agreed. It was a better option than taking them with us. I couldn’t deal with that stress. 

Santiago prepared a beautiful lunch for everyone before we left. I was so happy to be among family, and when Vera showed up, I wept. I couldn’t help it, even when Mom comforted me. I had left this family five years ago for a man who I thought loved me, and now they were here to comfort me as I finally left a country that reminded me of everything he did to me.

I silently prayed as I rubbed my bump that the next time I saw Kyle, he would be begging for forgiveness and I hoped I wouldn't have the heart to forgive him.

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