

Kyle King


Xavier picked up the account statement again, read through it, and threw it on the table. ‘You should confront her, Kyle. It’s wrong. How can she just take it to throw a party? Who does that?’

I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn’t believe what the account statement said. Within the two days that Uncle David reported the withdrawal, Ava had spent close to two hundred thousand dollars on a party, her vehicle maintenance, a spa, and a lot of expensive shopping. He had been stupid enough to give her the company’s card and details for safekeeping.

He had called her immediately. Christine brought in the account statement, but her line was switched off. I sent a text to mom, hoping Ava was around her, and she replied. Ava was in France for a fashion show. Unbelievable! How could she leave Nashville without telling me and after what she did?

‘Xavier, I am trying to keep my cool. If I don’t return that money, Uncle David will start a war, and I don’t want that right now.’

He breathed deeply in response, then replied, ‘She’s your fiancee, so forget about what I said. You made a lot from the robotics project, and from what I can see, you can afford to take care of her bills.’

I hissed, hating his sarcasm. ‘I am just angry about what she did. She should have just asked me instead of taking the money. I don’t want to be in Uncle David’s bad books. You should have seen the way he spoke to me, like I was the employee and he was the boss. I was quite angry!’

‘But what do you expect? He helped you out, and you wouldn’t be yelling here if not for him. Also, don’t forget that you were warned. As for Ava, it’s your personal business. I have made up my mind not to intervene in what doesn’t concern me anymore. Forget about my earlier statement to confront her, okay?’

Xavier was right about Uncle David. I had signed up for this after I accepted his deal and signed the documents. 

‘Okay, bro. You don’t need to remind me of your warnings. I will repay the money and also note it in my head not to involve you in my affairs anymore.’

He smiled, picking up the account statement. ‘That’s good. I can leave now since you have settled this?’

I nodded. I had no intention of waiting for Ava to return from France and repay the money. I knew she wouldn’t pay and would also find every possible way to prove that she had done nothing wrong.

‘You can leave, but I might call you later for a hangout. It’s been awhile since I had fun.’

He chuckled. ‘That’s not my fault, though. You were the one who decided to leave your beautiful and smart wife for a supermodel who doesn’t respect your opinion. Have a great day! 

I said nothing, and I watched him leave. She is indeed a beautiful and smart wife. She couldn’t even give me a child. I wanted to scream that fact, but I didn’t. I have moved on already.

The last few months slowly passed by, and then a new year started before I could count my fingers. With the help of Uncle David, the King’s company had grown into something beautiful. Even though I wasn’t making the best profits I wanted, I was able to repay him and also start building another company. I wanted to expand and build an empire. Uncle David loved the idea and wanted us to be partners.

I decided that since I had already repaid him, it wouldn’t be wrong if we informed Mom about our partnership. I didn’t want to hide things from her anymore. It was a new year. I wanted nothing to ruin our relationship or cause unnecessary arguments, like before.

‘Do you think it’s a wise decision?’ Xavier asked, taking a piece of the family pizza. We were in his home, playing a board game with Ava and his girlfriend, Yashna.

‘I think it is. Uncle David is ready to do everything according to my terms and conditions. We just need her approval because we are planning on going global with the unveiling. She’s my mother, and according to Uncle David, it’s better she knows about our partnership from our lips than from the media or her friends.’

He nodded, stretching his legs. ’It’s a good idea, though. If you don’t tell her now, she will discover through another means, and that will not be nice.’

‘Right. That is what I thought. So, how are things between you and Yashna? It’s been long since I have seen you happy.’ I said, changing the topic.

‘Things have been great so far, I guess,’ he shrugged. ‘She makes me happy, and that’s all I need at the moment.’

I chuckled, watching him. ‘Are you sure about that? I can see she does more than that. Don’t you think it’s time to pop the question?’

He raised his brow, looking at me like I had grown six horns suddenly. ‘I am not going to do that, Kyle. I am still getting to know her, and we have agreed to take things slow.’

‘Indeed, Xavier. But she will make a good wife, and I've noticed she’s becoming fast friends with Ava. Don’t you like that?’ I asked, listening to the loud laughter coming from the kitchen.

 They were definitely getting along, and not that it meant anything, but it will be nice for Ava to have a close relationship with Yashna so that I can always use Yashna to convince Xavier whenever we have issues. Or I wanted him to do something for me.

He tilted his head to the laughter.'They're getting along, but that doesn’t change my decision. I would rather take my time and rush into marriage just like that. I am not you, Kyle.’ 

I felt hurt by his last statement. I knew he was referring to my decision to marry Ava in a few months. 

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