

Kyle King


The months went by rocket-fast. Between being buried with the robotics project for kids and getting to all the places Ava wanted me to be, I barely had time to follow up with other events in my personal life, like checking up on my mom and hanging out with Xavier.

I also thought less of Tessa and more of the profits I was making since Uncle David sprinkled his blessings on the company. I had to say that the last three months since the Roberts case have been great. Tonight, we were visiting Katherine, who was in the hospital. She had gone into early labor, and the first grandchild of the King’s family came through—Carlos.

Mum couldn’t stop talking about how cute Carlos was over the phone, and before her phone battery died, she had sent over a thousand photos of little Carlos and Katherine. I was happy for my elder sister but kind of sore because mom didn’t give up on reminding me about my stagnant relationship with Ava. 

I didn’t want to argue with her, so, like a good son, I promised to work on my relationship with Ava. She didn’t believe me, but at least we were able to talk about Katherine’s health and when she would be allowed to go home. Ethan had travelled a few days ago for a business meeting, so mom was going to stay at their house until he returned. We had to think of emergencies that could come up and how to handle them if Katherin relapsed. Hopefully, she didn’t. Mom was too old to take care of her baby, and even though the housekeepers will be there,.

‘I think we could hire a wet nurse until Katherine has fully recovered. The doctor said she lost a lot of blood, and knowing her system, it’s going to take a while. ‘

Dahila sighed. ‘I know, right? I don’t know why she insisted on a natural birth. Thank God we didn’t lose the baby or her. I don’t know how I will have reacted.’

I drew her in for a hug, although I was surprised by her disagreement with Katherine’s choice. She had never been a fan of caesarian operations or any new method of childbirth.

I replied, smiling. ‘ Katherine is a strong woman. She knew what she was getting into, so, please, don’t blame yourself. I hope you will consider the wet nurse, or better yet, we can ask for alternatives from the doctor.’

She agreed. It was better than trying nothing at all. I cast a final look at Katherine before leaving the room with Mom. I wondered how Ethan would feel if he were right here now. He truly loved Kathrine and would do anything to ensure she didn’t go through pain. He envied their kind of love and compared it with Ava. Would Ava want to go through this pain? Once, she suggested surrogacy, and after, I told her about my plans for children.

She reminded me that she had a super modeling career, and getting pregnant at this point in her life would be wrong. This was another reason why I was keeping the fire between us slow. Mom would go crazy if I told her we were getting a surrogate. She hated the new norms of modern technology and medicine when it came to women. That’s why I was still surprised by her disagreement with Katherine’s choice


‘Where’s Ava? I thought she came with you.’ She asked, checking the faces seated on the visitors chairs. ‘Did something between you guys happen again? What did you do, Kyle?’ 

I raised my hands immediately and said, 'I didn't do anything, mom. She went to her dad’s place for a family meeting and promised to check up on Katherine on her way home.’

Mum looked at me closely, then replied, ‘Hmm. You should do right by her, Kyle. You have been engaged for close to nine months. What are you still waiting for?’

I grunted. Here we go again. ‘Nothing. I am just taking it slow. Stop interfering in my personal life, mom. You have done enough already.’

She laughed. ‘I am just playing my role as your mother. I just hope you aren't planning on returning to Tessa. That barren pig who testified against you in court! Anyway,`she smiled, looking triumphantly, ‘Her parents and her have relocated to the United Kingdom, so, better focus on your life with Ava. That girl wasn’t worth the five years you invested in her, okay?’ 

Wow. I felt hollow inside suddenly. I thought I had moved on, but the sudden mention of Tessa’s relocation suddenly felt like I had lost a part of myself to her.

I was reacting to the news in a way I didn’t like.

I stared at my mom and said, ‘Tessa is dead to me, Mom, and please don’t mention her ever again. I  don’t want to be reminded about the years I wasted with her. It’s really painful’

She smiled but started to say something, but I had already stormed off. This wasn’t the place for such discussions.

My phone buzzed. It was Uncle David. Why was he calling at this time of the night?

I surveyed the environment before picking up the car. I didn’t want my mom to listen to our conversations. I had managed to create a story about how he had helped with the money and wanted a family dinner as a repayment. As usual, Mom disagreed, and that ended the matter. 

‘Hello, Uncle. What’s up with you?’

He replied. ‘Nothing. I noticed a withdrawal this evening from the account. A twenty thousand dollar withdrawal. Was that you?’

 A withdrawal? I didn’t even take the company’s ATM card with me when leaving the house. Maybe it was him? 

‘I left the ATM card at home, and you’re the only one and the chief accountant who could do transfers from the account. It can’t be the chief accountant because she needs authorization from you. So, I don’t know if you did and forgot?’ 

He hissed, raising his voice a bit. ‘I didn’t withdraw any money, and Kyle, if I find out you are the one who took that money, it won’t be funny. I warned you before that I don’t play with my profits.’

‘But I wasn’t the one. You can’t talk to me that way, Uncle! I am the CEO; don’t forget your place, okay?’ I replied in a steely tone. Did he think he could just talk to me anyhow just because of his investments? I was becoming soft, and I needed to remind him who Kyle King is.

'Indeed, and don’t forget, I am the reason why your company still breathes. I am also the reason why you aren’t in jail or sitting like a yellow belly in cell 104. Figure out the person who withdrew the money and report it to me, Mr. CEO!’ He hung up immediately.

What the heck? How did I end up being controlled by my uncle? Was this the chaos Xavier predicted? I had to get to the bottom of this. I dialed Xavier’s number immediately. He might have an idea of whether Uncle David was telling the truth or not.

His line was switched off. I sent a text message immediately. He will see it as soon as he switches on his phone. I wasn’t liking the way things were going already.

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