

Kyle King


‘I told you marrying Ava is the best decision ever, and no one is pressuring me.’ I said, checking if they were still in the kitchen. I didn’t want Ava to walk in while we were having this conversation. It won’t be funny. 

‘Yeah, you have said so a million times, and yet, I have a feeling you are trying to convince yourself and not me or anyone else you have been telling. I hope you’re making the right decision because I won’t be here to listen to your sad tales later.’ He replied, getting up.

I sighed. I was tired of having this conversation with Xavier, but he is supposed to be my best man for the wedding, and I didn’t want to fight him now. 

‘I have already told you that she’s right for me, and I am really happy about this decision. I need you to accept that, Xavier.’

He settled down and said, ‘Fine, I accept your decision, and I hope you accept my decision on Yashna. Don’t push it any further, please.’

I grunted, ‘Alright, man. You don’t have to threaten me that way. Anyway, I am happy for you. The fine ladies of Nashville can finally rest from your charm!’

‘Stop it, Kyle!’ He blushed, watching the kitchen. ‘We don’t want them to start asking questions, right?’

I swallowed, understanding what he meant. I had a few flings too on days when Ava had been away or not in the mood to satisfy me. I couldn’t let her know, though. It will ruin our relationship and marriage plans.

I whispered,Don't worry, your secret is safe with me, but be careful; I might throw in a few jabs when you decide to be Xavier.’

‘I am always Xavier, but I will be careful.’

Before I could throw in a joke, Yashna and Ava walked in with plates of spaghetti and chicken chops. They also surprised us with glasses of strawberry mojitos and a dessert. It was an amazing experience.

‘This has been one of the best game nights ever. Thank you for inviting us over, Xavier.’ I smiled, rubbing my stomach. I had eaten more than was expected, all thanks to the dessert—an amazing plate of strawberry cheese cakes. 

‘You should thank Yashna for the invitation and not me. She wanted a game night and to get to know you and Ava properly, so I agreed.‘ Xavier replied, drawing Yashna into his arms.

‘Thank you, Yashna, and also for these amazing strawberry cheesecakes and mojitos. I wasn't expecting them, especially the mojitos.’

Yashna chuckled, sitting up. ‘Ava told me earlier about your thing for mojitos and strawberries, so I just told Xavier, and he helped with the preparation. I know he won’t want to take credit for the help, though.’

I stared at Xavier and chuckled. I couldn’t imagine my best friend preparing cheese cakes, even though he came from a line of amazing chefs and bakers.

‘Most times, I forget that Xavier is a brilliant chef. I prefer his tech-nerdy stuff to being in the kitchen, though. Imagining him right now is scaring me at the moment.’

My joke drew chuckles from everyone. Okay, I wasn’t bad at making jokes.

‘Kyle, you don’t rate your best friend at all. Have you forgotten how I used to prepare the best pancakes in college and my amazing signature honey brown cupcakes? They were best sellers back in the day.’

I laughed, ‘I didn’t forget. We used to have a long line of students wanting to buy, especially girls.’ 

‘Really? I didn’t know my boyfriend was a hottie back in college,’ Yashna said, staring affectionately at him. ’

Xavier smiled, holding her hands. ‘He’s right, babe. I was a hottie and still am, but don’t worry, you’re the only woman on my list right now. The girls are all married with children or their careers.’ 

I said, ‘And Xavier is so focused on building my business and his career to think of those girls. Yashna, thank you for hooking my friend’s heart. It’s been awhile since I saw him happy.’

‘You are welcome. Xavier is a nice guy, and I am happy I met him when I did. He makes me happy and at peace with myself.’ She held his hands for a few minutes.

That was Ava, and I had to go. 

I rose up, smiling, and said, 'Thank you once again for the hospitality. We will be taking our leave. I believe Xavier wants to show his affection.’  

Xavier threw a pillow, clearly embarrassed. I didn’t wait to listen to his grumbles, though. I was happy for him. Yashna had finally captured his stubborn heart, just like Ava did.

I stared at her as we stepped into the car. ‘I am happy for Xavier. He is always jumping from one lady to the next, but with Yashna here, he will stay.’ 

She nodded.As much as I dislike Xavier, I am glad he has gotten someone. I actually like Yashna, and I am glad that we have started on a good path. Also, she promised to be part of my bridal train.’

Nice. Ava was already preparing for our wedding. 

‘That’s great news. I am still thinking about the dates. Are you sure we can’t do it next month? Three months feels far away, and I really want us to be married before then. I am tired of referring to you as my fiancee to friends.’

She dropped her phone, taking my hands. ‘I can’t wait too, babe, but I told you about my dad’s business and the fashion show. Also, I need to look my best for the wedding. Right now, I am so slim that my wedding gown won’t fit. We are going to talk about the town, and I don't want them to say mean things about my stature.’ 

I took a long stare at her stature and wondered what was wrong with her. She didn’t look bad for a supermodel or for a wife. She was okay, but knowing Ava, this wasn’t her perfect look.

I finally agreed. ‘You look perfect, though, and honestly, I don’t think you should go the extra mile to get fitted for the dress.’

She sighed. ‘I knew you wouldn’t understand. I have seen Tessa’s wedding pictures. She was full, and the wedding gown was way prettier than I expected. I want something bigger than that and the perfect figure for it.’

‘What?’ I asked, not believing what she just said. ‘I thought Tessa was a forbidden name; why are you bringing her into this conversation?’

She smiled. ‘Because I have a feeling you are still thinking about her. So I need to prove to you that I am what you have always wanted as a wife.’

‘But you are what I always wanted,’ I protested. I couldn’t believe what she was saying at the moment.

‘Of course, yet your best friend thinks I don’t measure up to her. I love you, Kyle, and I am not after your money, I promise. I don’t want to lose you to her or Xavier’s doubts, please.’


I smiled, taking her hands. ‘You won’t lose me because I love you.

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