

Kyle King

Would it end the chaos? I know it won`t. Uncle David was a family relative who wouldn’t take advantage of me, especially at my lowest point. He wouldn’t dare.

‘It won’t end in chaos. I know it won't,’ I repeated. He is family, and I am certain he won’t try anything that will make my mom start a war against him. He fears her and her family.’ 

He smiled. ‘Of course. Who won’t fear your mom? She is as cold as ice and holds grudges like it’s a game. I always try my best to avoid her, and I hope your uncle does the same. You didn’t tell her about the deal, right?’ 

I shook my head negatively, ‘No, I didn’t. That would be stupid of me, wouldn’t it? Besides, you know she won’t approve. She hates Uncle Dave so much, like he’s the devil’s advocate.’ 

He laughed. ‘Your uncle was a terror during the heydays of the company’s battle of the heads. Enough of the company’s talk, though. How’s Ava? I'm surprised she’s still here.’ 

I breathed lightly. Thank heavens for the change of topic. 

‘She wanted to leave, but I think she loves the idea of being engaged to a king, and she loves me too. She also helped with Robert’s payment too.’ I replied, touching my engagement band.

‘Wow, I wasn’t expecting your rich fiancee to take cash out of her savings to help you. That’s good. It’s nice to see this side of her.’ 

‘Yeah. There’s something else that has been bothering me.’ I said this, thinking about Tessa and marrying Ava. I was so caught in a web that I couldn’t help myself out, even though I had convinced myself several times that Ava was the present and Tessa was the past.

Why was I still hovering over what I did to Tessa? Was it because of the way her family had treated me? The way she had testified against me and embarrassed me outside the courthouse? The way she smiled when I realized it was her? Damn! I couldn't stop myself from thinking! 

‘Hello, what’s going on in your head? Did something else happen that you aren’t telling me?’ He asked, watching me closely.

I sighed, looking up at him. ‘I am thinking of reaching out to Tessa. As much as I try to ignore what I did to her and the money I stole, the guilt is still dancing in me.’

‘But you told me several times that you didn’t care about her anymore. So, why are you suddenly feeling guilty? Did something happen to the dominant, controlling male I have known as my best friend for years?’

I smiled, waving off his comment. ‘ Of course not. I am still that person. I just think I should reach out and maybe apologize?’

‘Do you still love her?’ 

I paused, mulling over his words for a few seconds. I didn’t. All I had belonged to Ava—feelings, body, mind, and soul. There was nothing for Tessa. Nothing anymore.

`I don’t love her anymore, Xavier. I never did, anyway. She was just something I used to pass time, and we parted ways at the end.’

`Alright, I won’t push it. I thought you would be honest with me, but it feels like you need to be honest with yourself first. Someday, you will understand that Tessa really loved you, and that’s why she never left until you made her. Also, since you have made it clear, don’t reach out to her,’ he said, getting up.

Tessa really loved you, and that’s why she never left until you made her. The words rang in my head, but at that moment, they meant nothing to me.

`Thanks, man. I won’t do that. Are you leaving? We are yet to look at the plans for the robotics project. ‘

He yawned, ‘This has been one of the longest conversations we have had, pal. I have a football game to catch with some friends. You can email the documents, and I will come by tomorrow for us to discuss.’

‘Okay. Have fun, man, and thanks for coming. I do appreciate you,’ I replied, standing up to shake him.

Xavier had helped me realize something. I was only thinking about Tessa because of the court case, not because I felt guilty or anything. I mean, I had admitted I didn’t love her, and if I reached out to her, it could send the wrong signal. I picked up my phone, searched for her name, and finally deleted her numbers, photos, and everything else that reminded me of her.

I hoped she would forgive me someday for everything that happened between us.


Ava had decided to visit a favourite restaurant that belonged to a friend. I had tagged along because I wasn’t driving and I couldn’t think of words to argue with her. She seemed pleased tonight, and that alone gave me a certain peace of mind.

`Okay, I think I like this spot,’ Ava said cheerfully. ‘Do you like it here?’

‘No, I don’t. I prefer the side near those nice elderly couples.’ I said, signalling her to a closed spot where there would be hardly anyone sitting there, but you could notice everyone. I liked it.

She sighed. ‘Alright, babe. Let’s go there. I hope I am allowed to order something for myself, or you will do that too?’

I smiled, sitting down. ‘You can order, Ava. I am here for you.’ As soon as I said that, I immediately regretted it. I watched Ava order a wine for five thousand dollars, meals I knew she wouldn't eat but would definitely take pictures and display on her social media pages.

I should have known better than to allow her to take charge, but I sat quietly and ate through my expensive spaghetti and chicken chops while she continued drawing attention to us.

Soon, the whole restaurant knew Kyle King was in the building. I sighed after the fifth person interrupted my meal and shared a boring business idea with me. They somehow believed I was so rich that I could change their futures by investing in their ideas. 

By the time I had promised about ten people and paid for two people`s dinner, I had lost my appetite. I suddenly wished I hadn’t agreed to the change of restaurant.

‘Can we go home now?’ I asked, staring coldly at her. She had ended up making a mess of the meals she had ordered.

She smiled, ignoring my cold stare. ‘You shouldn't be upset. I thought you would like the attention due to the project on which you are working. You need the public’s support, right?’

I shook my head. Ava will always be Ava. I wanted a date with her; she wanted popularity and fame. I couldn’t hate her for that, so I suddenly smiled and thanked her for her brilliant idea.

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