

Kyle King

When I walked in, Romina cleared the table. My mom and Ava hadn't bothered to wait for me. This has been going on for two weeks since I decided to halt my marriage decision. I felt I was seeing someone, and three times I caught her showing up at places where I held meetings with clients. Mom wasn't helping. She had started bringing up topics about children and how starting to make plans about them early helped. She had even gone ahead to show up with flyers on how to make babies as a couple when I was having a serious meeting with Xavier.

When I complained about her behavior, she reminded me about the wasted years with Tessa and warned me not to waste Ava. According to the family, or so she claimed, Ava was or is fertile, and the earlier I get on her, the better for the family generation.

I was mortified. What kind of mother walks into her son's sexual life like it was some talk show?

I picked an apple and nodded at Romina. ‘Where are they?’ 

Romina looked up, then focused on the plates she was crossing. ‘They left a few minutes ago. Miss. Ava said you shouldn’t forget the dinner she set for you guys at seven o’clock.’ 

I nodded again. ‘Thank you. If Xavier shows up, tell him to meet me in the library. I want no disturbance, okay?’

‘Okay, sir. Would you like me to prepare lunch for you?’ 

‘No, don’t bother. I ate something before leaving the office, Romina. Thank you.’ I replied, taking another apple and climbing the stairs.

I have decided to tell Xavier about Uncle David`s help since he has been seeing Uncle David around. Also, I missed my best friend, a part-time business associate and adviser. He would also help me deal with this doubt I had about Ava and the thoughts of Tessa, which have refused to leave since the day I met her at the courthouse. Her red hair. Her fuller face. She looked more beautiful than when she was here and was happier. I guess I had been the one sucking the daylight from her.

Tessa. Honestly, I thought I would see her when James came from Arizona to finalize the court settlement. I wanted to apologize for everything. Damn my ego. I had realized I had done wrong by her. 

I picked up my phone and typed a text message expressing the need to see her. I read through the content again and retyped the message. I read again. I retyped and deleted everything. This wasn't a wise decision. Tessa was the past, and Ava is the present. I shouldn’t complicate matters. Would Tessa want to see me, though? I could still remember the hate in her eyes when she saw me at the courthouse and her last words.

No. I shouldn’t do this. She wasn’t worth it.

I brought out documents for the robotics project Uncle David had suggested for the company. It was a project for kids. A summer school for ages, he had said. We needed donations, and for that, we had to create bullet points to sell to our shareholders, Uncle David's friends, and prospective clients and companies. This was the main reason I needed Xavier. He was good with tech projects, while I was good with business projects and giving orders.

The project was quite simple. We needed sponsors for food, drinks, and computers. We had teachers and robotic developers to supervise. The King`s team was in charge of that.

However, I wasn't in charge of the finances. After what happened with the Roberts`, Uncle David decided to place the administrative officer in charge. I agreed. I didn't want any drama or fights with Uncle David over the money.

The door creaked open. Xavier walked in with a boyish smile. ‘What’s up, brother?’

 I smiled, drawing him in for a hug. `I have missed you. What have you been up to?` 

He chuckled. 'I have been avoiding your drama, and if not for that invite to the office, now, here, I will still be avoiding you.’

‘I know my apologies won’t make sense, but still, I am sorry for not listening to you. I should have tread carefully and not let the frivolities of life control my decisions.`

`Of course. You shouldn't stop apologizing anytime you fail to listen to me. I am your friend, but I can't force you to take my advice all the time. It's your choice to take it or leave it.`

I smiled. ‘I should learn to start taking your advice then. It has proven to be the best so far, and I must admit, you are really good at this advice thing. You should take a job as a therapist or guidance counselor. You will do well; trust me, pal.`

He laughed. `No, those professions aren’t for me. I prefer being the techie guy. It keeps me happy, and the money is good. Anyway, I hope you have settled the Roberts finally?’

‘Yes, a week ago. We signed all documents and ensured everything was settled, including the figures. Honestly, I thought about Nashville State Prison several times before the settlement. How will I end up with a tag as a jailbird? I'm glad it’s all over.’

‘Of course,’ he said, ‘I am sure you haven’t learned your lesson, right?’

I nodded. ‘Yeah, definitely. I am not going through that phase ever again. I have something to tell you, though.’

He sat up. ‘About the help from Uncle David? Go on; I am listening.’

I was amazed. How did he know about that? I pushed the question to him.

‘It’s an easy guess that only your best friend would get. I knew he was the only one you could turn to, except for your mom and her siblings. Besides, I saw him at your place when I came last time.’ 

I nodded. ‘You’re right, bro. Honestly, there was no one I could turn to. Ava refused to allow me to sell the car, and my mom refused to allow me to sell the house, so I had to meet with Uncle David. He was happy to help, but he asked for something in return.’

‘I am listening, Kyle, and I hope you made the right decision.’

I cleared my throat and told him everything. Thankfully, he was all ears, so he listened to everything.

‘Okay. I won’t judge you. That was the best decision you could make. I hope it doesn’t end in chaos,’ he said.

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