

Geneveive Tessa Robert

I certainly couldn't have predicted what happened at the courthouse today. The disguise I pulled off, the testimony, and the open confrontation with Kyle. I wasn't surprised that Kyle didn't recognise me at the witness stand due to the dark sunglasses that shaded my eyes and my red hair. Also, thanks to the pregnancy, I gained weight. I looked fuller and healthier than before.

If only James hadn't called me Sis, the idiot wouldn't have recognised me. Thank God I dropped some wincing statements before the chauffeur drove off. I could still see the lost and confused expression on his face when I admitted it was me. I wonder what he will be doing now. Probably regretting that he divorced me and plotting a way to seek forgiveness so that Dad could do an out-of-court settlement. I knew the way Kyle`s mind worked, especially when he wanted things to work his way.

I was also pleased by the praise James showered on me. He was surprised. I pulled it off and boldly spoke to my ex-husband, which was the rarest thing ever. He apologised for revealing my identity and cutting my verdict on Kyle. He also told me not to worry about Dad changing his mind because they had just started with Kyle and were not about to stop. I had agreed and dropped my suggestions on ways to make Kyle pay for everything he owed.

I could hear Dad's footsteps and Mom following him. They were in a good mood tonight because, apart from the court case working their way, they just secured a road construction contract. A similar one to what Kyle was supposed to deliver. 

I was happy for them; they deserved all the good things that came to them and me. I deserved all the love that came to me. I stepped out of the room, taking light steps to the room, which could have been the twins`s own. Dad decided to halt all plans to change the room`s interiors because of my relocation. Since I already decided to move, there was no need for the redecorations.

However, that didn't stop close family members from sending gifts, presents, and toys. The room was almost full, and I was still expecting more from mom's close knitted friends. They always went the extra mile for Robert`s family. I picked a toy, reminiscing on the early days of my marriage with Kyle. 

We used to have a room that he dedicated as our first child`s room. He would go in after work activities and try to make some minor adjustments, even though I wasn't showing any signs of pregnancy. He had a huge faith in me then, and every time I protested about his enthusiasm, Gosh! What happened to that faith in me? I didn't have the answer, but it was an affirmation of a fear I had held before. He wasn't worth all or part of me.

I dropped the toy and closed the door gently. I shouldn't bury my happiness because of my failed marriage and because of a man who didn't fight for me. I have my babies, and because of them, I survived the heartbreak and sadness that followed from the house of the King`s. They were the reason for my smiles and the peace that existed in me. Also, the reason why Vera has suddenly begun to get serious in her relationship. I buzzed her immediately. I hadn't updated her about the court case.

`Hello, dear. How`re you doing?` I asked, taking the steps down to the parlour slowly.

She replied cheekily, `I am well. I have been waiting for your call, babe. How did the court proceedings go?`

I decided to stall her a bit. `It went according to how the mass media broadcasted it. Didn't you follow it?`

`No! Start spilling before I wake up, Tessa. I don't know why you always like to deliver the best news to your best friend late, especially when everyone has heard and forgotten about it.` she replied, hissing harshly.

I chuckled, hoping it would relieve her. `Come on, babe. You know you`re always the first to get the latest gist of my life before anyone else, including my family and the stupid media. I am sorry for calling now, okay? We returned early this morning, and everyone has been resting.`

She sighed. `It's alright; I forgive you. So, how did it go?`

I chuckled. Vera is always wanting to be updated about everything. I started by telling about the disguise I pulled off, then moved on to the testimonies and evidence I provided to nail Kyle and the shocked expression when he discovered it was me. I also told her about the judge's verdict.

`Do you think Kyle would be able to pay for everything? His company isn't doing well, and Ava won`t be helped,` she said.

`That's his problem, Vee. He should have thought about the consequences before spending the money and investing it in his lavish lifestyle. Can you believe he bought the latest Corvette for Ava in just five months of knowing each other?`

Vee laughed, almost irritating me. `Not five months, babe. You and I know he has been keeping tabs with her since you guys got married. Anyway, let's see what happens next. When are you leaving Arizona? Have you and your mom decided on the date?`

I breathed deeply, thinking about what Vee just said about Ava and Kyle. He must really love her to do everything for her. No more regrets, Tessa. 

I was already building myself up to become better and not be the ex-wife who was kicked out of her matrimonial house with nothing in her name. The interior decoration project was going to be my brain child, and the United Kingdom would provide opportunities that would bring my brain child alive.

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