

Kyle King

`It's almost time, mom. Let me be on my way, and please, promise me, you won't do anything to jeopardise this meeting. If he can help us, I will do anything he asks of me. Anything to escape a jail term in Nashville`s State Prison.`

Mom could do anything to stop him from helping me. I knew what she was capable of doing, but I also had to remind her about the jail term. Just in case, she thought she could act without thinking about the consequences.

She smiled tightly. `I promise not to do anything, but don't say I didn't warn you when he comes for his payment, Kyle. I have known your uncle longer than you.`

I replied using the same tone she used. `And don't say I didn`t beg you to allow me to sell the house and Porsche to avoid meeting him, and you refused. I have known you longer than my uncle, and you still refused to help me out.`

She stood up slowly. His eyes were glowing with anger. `I am doing what's right for the family, Kyle! I won't let you sell your house and your fiancee`s car just because you want to pay a debt! It's not right, Kyle. What do you think people and my friends would say when they see you and Ava staying in that car and driving the same car? We are the kings. We shouldn`t trade our places with the commoners of Nashville!`

I flinched at her words. Everything was always about prestige and the family`s name. She didn't care about people's happiness. My happiness. She was the reason why I married Tessa, divorced her, got engaged to Ava, invested almost all my savings in Ava, and now I was still doing everything to ensure the family name survived the ridicule.

`Then, pray, mother, that Uncle David helps me, or else your precious family name will be tagged with jail whenever your prestigious friends talk about it.`

She started to speak but changed her mind and settled back on the couch.

`Tell Ava not to wait for me. I will be sleeping at Xavier`s place tonight.` I said, closing the door behind me.

The drive to Lourde`s place was short, and I was thinking about everything I had said to my mom. This was actually the first time I disobeyed her order. Once upon a time, I would have listened to her and worked with her on a new plan to aid the situation, but not today.

After seeing Tessa at the courthouse, I began to question my actions. What if I hadn't divorced her? These issues would have been avoided. Everything started happening immediately after I divorced her. She was like a good charm, and Ava? I didn't want to think about Ava now. She had stopped talking to me since I met with her father for help and uttered the decision to sell the Porsche. 

Maybe I should visit Nashville and seek forgiveness? Nah. That would be stupid of me. I had no feelings for Tessa, and like I had told Xavier then, Tessa was the past and Ava was the future.

I had to work things out with Ava after this Robert case was over. I was already planning our marriage and kids next. I couldn't wait to have Kyle junior.

The car stopped at Lourde`s place. An expensive and private club for the elites of society. Luckily, my mom had a membership card with them, so I fished it out and showed the bodyguards. One of them escorted me to where my uncle was. A section where there were women and his friends. Uncle David had never been the marrying type, but he had children all over the place. I had never met them, though, because Uncle David kept us out of his marital affairs.

He saw me before I could call him. He was a replica of my dad, but a younger and finer version. His long hair was always tied in a ponytail, and his facial expression never changed—a cold, hard stare that gave one chills down the spine. 

`Good evening, Uncle David. Thank you for the invitation,` I said, sitting opposite him.

He smiled, signalling for the women and his friends to evacuate the section. `Don`t be formal, nephew. How`re you doing?` 

I replied, holding the urge to utter all my ordeals.` I am doing fine, Uncle. How`s the Stooge airline? I hope business is faring well?`

`Yes, it is, but I can't say that about your company. I see the news. The divorce, your mind-blowing engagement to Avaline, and the court case with Roberts. Wow, son. I must say, you kept the family on the lips of reporters for months. Thanks for making us popular,` he replied, laughing hard.

I swallowed. Now, he was making fun of me. Why wasn't I surprised? Nevertheless, I tried to justify my actions and myself.

`It's not like I planned all these events, but they just happened unexpectedly, and I couldn`t stop them, especially the unpleasant ones.` 

He gulped his wine, making irritating guttural sounds. He wet his lips and picked up his phone. `I heard the court case was mostly your fault. Why did you do what you did?`

I sighed. I wasn't ready for this, especially a harsh judgement from him. 

`It`s a long story, Uncle. I got carried away with living the dream and forgot there were going to be consequences. I need your help to clear these consequences, please.`

He cleared his throat. `You made the wrong decision, Kyle, but I will help you. How much do you need to settle the Roberts?`

`About twenty-five million dollars. I promise to do everything to repay you, please.`

He whistled, dropping his phone. `That`s a lot of money, Nephew. How do you want to repay me?`

I breathed deeply. I hadn't thought about how i will repay him yet but i knew i had to say something to convince him.

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