

Geneveive Tessa Robert

Dad looked up from his phone. Aren't you happy about the news? The doctor said you will bebe carrying a beautiful boy and a beautiful girl. Twins! You should be happy because I am.`

I rubbed my palms on my gown. `I am happy, Dad. I am just thinking about how I had a feeling I was carrying twins, and the doctor just proved us right. It's surreal, I believe.`

Dad took my sweaty palms, staring into my eyes affectionately. `It`s a miracle; stop thinking or getting worked up, okay? Have you called your mom?`

I said casually, 'Yes, but she's not picking, so I sent a text message. I am sure she will call once she reads it.`

`Alright. I am thinking you should travel to your aunt's place in the United Kingdom to get a vacation. Your mom will be following you, of course, so you won't be so lonely.`

Wait, why was he suggesting that? I've already gotten admission to DAP, and there's no way I was giving up on that dream. I wanted to inform them about the news, but at the moment, Dad will be the first to know.

`Dad, I think it's quite early for that. I am not ready to leave Arizona, and there`s something you should know.`

`What is it?` he asked, glancing at me.

`I got admitted to DAP school, and I will be resuming on Monday. I can't give up on my dream and relocate to the United Kingdom.`

Dad replied cheerfully. `Congratulations, Tessa. I am proud of you. Well done. Have you told Mom and James?`

I nodded negatively. `I wanted to tell you guys together, but the relocation topic came up, and I had to plead my case.`

`Okay, that's fair. Child, I am not trying to make you give up on your dream, but I am looking out for your and your baby's well-being. You deserve the best things in life, and trust me, Arizona can`t give you that. You don't have to make the decision right now, but please think about it. I can always talk to the admissions committee head at DAP to transfer your name to the United Kingdom, so you can continue from there.`

I reluctantly said, Okay, Dad. I promise to think about it, and I will let you know my decision. Thank you, Dad.`

The doctor walked in, holding the scan results. `I apologise for keeping you waiting. I had to sort some records and attend to an emergency. How do you feel, Miss Tessa?`

`I am happy about the news. Are there any instructions I need to follow or advice you want to give?`

The doctor hummed, checking through my file. `No, you have been doing well. I just need to encourage you to continue keeping to the food timetable and reach out if you have any issues, alright?

Dad asked some questions while I listened. I wasn't myself since the doctor delivered the news. I was expecting Hope and Nicholas—a beautiful girl and handsome boy. I was thrilled, but my mind wasn't thinking about anything. Even the news about leaving Arizona for the United Kingdom didn't make me think. It was a great idea, and I had been thinking of changing locations, but when the admissions letter came in, I changed my mind.

I sent a text to Vee informing her about the results and asking her to call me when she was less busy. Immediately, she replied. Her parents came earlier than expected, and now they were helping with the family recipe. Her mom brought another recipe, which her cousins had not told her about. She added a congratulatory message and promised to call when she was alone. 

Vee and her parents. I couldn't imagine myself in her shoes right now. 

My phone buzzed. It was Mom. Finally, I had missed her and her liveliness since she travelled with James. I switched the call to FaceTime, and she picked it up immediately.

`Congratulations once again, baby; I am so happy for you. Where's your dad? She asked, peering through the phone.

I nudged Dad. He was still arguing about some medical practice that he had never liked with the doctor. He paused and smiled at Mom before returning to his conversation. When Dad was engaged like this, nothing or no one could get his attention on anything else.

`He's arguing about something, right?

I nodded, laughing. `You know your husband already. When are you coming home? I have missed you already.`

`I have missed you too. We will be home by tomorrow morning, and we can go shopping to prepare for my grandchildren. I have sent a recipe to Santiago to prepare for you tonight. You`re going to love it!`

I smiled. `Thank you, mom. My regards to James, and please, take care of yourself.`

Mom always knew what to do to lift my spirit. I couldn't wait for her to return home, and I will ask about the trip to the United Kingdom. I was beginning to think that there was more to the story than what Dad said. I also needed updates on Kyle, and James was the best person to ask.

Dad hadn't been helpful. He claimed the project had been going fine, but there was a low rate of customers. He wasn't worried because of the contract agreement, and James was in charge, so there was cause for alarm.

Santiago was arranging the dinner table when we walked into the house. I was exhausted but not so hungry. Dad had stopped at Domino`s to buy pizza, and I had managed to eat two slices before giving up. Looking at the roasted chicken and rice and a nice bowl of peppery sauce. There were fruit slices on another plate, some fish chops, and some food I didn't know about. I quickly settled in and helped myself to a plate.

`You should slow down, Tessa. The food isn't running away.`Dad chuckled, settling next to me.

I shrugged, taking a full spoon of rice. `I know, Dad. I am just hungry, and I can't suppress the urge to eat everything at once due to the babies.` 

He smiled. `I understand you. Your mother was this way when she was heavy with James. She was always eating, and sometimes she would make crazy demands. I once drove to the Chinese restaurant in the middle of the night, just because she wanted their soup. At the end of the day, she couldn't take it because it was too hot.`

I chuckled. Trust mom to do something like that. She had shared similar stories about her pregnancy days with me to help ease my worries, and I was grateful for them. She made the journey of becoming a mother seem easy.  

`Dad, I have been thinking about the relocation. If I am going to leave, would it be possible to start another Robert`s company there? This time, we will be building an interior design industry. You know I have some skills there, and I can take a crash course to make myself better. What do you think?` I asked, hoping he would say yes. 

I had just thought about the idea while returning from home; if I was going to relocate, I needed something that would sustain me and my babies. I didn't want to rely on my family but also on my strength and hard work. I had done training on interior design back in college but had never put it to use, and thankfully, the research I did on the interior design market showed that it was a good market but not as creative as expected. 

With my painting, business, and administrative skills, I knew it was going to work.

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