

Kyle King


Three weeks have passed since we started the transportation project, and the profits have been slow. I didn't know how to improve the sales, and Xavier didn't have any helpful advice to give, so I turned to Ava. She advised me to focus on the downtown citizens and then move to the rich folks environment. I knew most of them, but I wasn't sure they would like to jump in on the project. I scheduled a meeting with one of the street lords downtown, but it didn't work out.

`I am tired, Xavier. I haven't made any visible profit since we started, and the money is almost gone. What am I going to tell James next month?`

We were in my study room, going through the expenses and trying to balance the account. Somehow, I had spent part of the money on frivolities and forgot to settle some of the suppliers. They were on my neck now and had promised to report me to the Roberts family if I didn't settle them before the end of the month. The only way I could settle them was through the profits of the project, but right now, it is impossible.

Xavier took another piece of cookie, `I don`t know, Kyle. Firstly, you never listen to me or my ideas. Secondly, I warned you not to use the money for your personal use, but as always, you allowed Ava to take the decision on that. Why don`t you ask her for part of the money? At least, she's technically your wife and should be able to take care of bills.`

I sighed. If only it was that easy. Ava`s father had taken over her fashion label. He was the one who started it but left it to her to manage the business. She had hidden that part from me, but not from my mom. Little wonder, she always made some excuse when I asked her for loans. She was now at my mercy, and her father`s too. I had given up trying to convince her to speak with her father so that he could change his mind and allow her into the business.

`It's complicated, bro. Ava can`t help me at this point. She's no longer in charge of her fashion label. Her father took over after her birthday party. He didn't like her extravagant lifestyle and the way she was running the place.` I took a deep breath as a form of response. 

He grinned. `Served her right, and you for not listening to me. Anyway, you need to find another way to settle these bills because I won't be here when the Roberts throws you in jail for mishandling funds and using them for personal use. If you had some profits, you would stand a chance, but at the moment, you haven`t.`

Right. Keep hurling my fallbacks at me. 

`Are you going to help me or not?` 

He smiled, standing up. `Of course, I will help you, but please don't drag me into any of your mess, okay?`

I scoffed, `Of course I won`t. Thank you, Xavier.`

He ignored me, picking up the file for the project. Soon, we were building an advertising campaign to help with the promotion of the project.

At noon, we were done, and I typed out emails to be sent to Christine, who will forward them to the team. We were starting from scratch, and we had to be fast. James would be holding a meeting by the end of the month, and I had to ensure every bill was settled.

`You didn't tell me how you got the corvette for Ava. Did you use part of the Roberts money?`

I breathed in loudly. How was I going to tell him I did and also used the team`s bonuses to settle the balance?

I spoke up, avoiding his gaze: `Honestly, I didn't want to, but she's technically my wife, and I had to satisfy her. You shouldn't blame me.`

`Right. Would you have done the same for Tessa?` 

Not her again.

`I told you not to mention her name around me ever again. We`re done. Tessa and I are over. It's been four months now, Xavier; you should accept that fact and move on.` I ordered, ignoring my harsh tone.

He shrugged, getting up and saying, `Alright. I hope Ava doesn`t make you end up crying on the streets. You might have a house now, but what happens when you don't? Do you think she will stay with you? Anyway, it's none of my business. Enjoy your evening.`

He was out before I could respond to him. Xavier! I thought he had finally accepted Ava, but it was obvious he still held something against her. I refused to believe what he said, even though his words haunted me after I left the study room, had lunch with Ava, and then left for an appointment with my private masseuse with Ava. 

After the session, I decided to end the evening by going on a dinner date. She was thrilled, but I wasn't. Xavier`s words still haunted me.

`You might have a house now, but what happens when you don't?` 

She would stay. Ava loved me, not my money.

`Are you okay?` she asked, dropping the menu.

I smiled, touching her hand. `Yes, I am okay. Are you ready to order something?`

She nodded, picking up the menu again. `I do. I would have their caviar nachos and the wine choice should be Mouton Rothschild 1989. Are you okay with that, or do you want something else?`

I picked the menu, scanning the items. What? Did she just order a  meal? Well, I could afford it, thankfully.

`Yes, order for two. I think I would have their roasted chicken chops instead of the roasted fish.` I replied, taking my phone. 

`Right.` She signaled the waiter and recited our orders. `Alright, babe. He will be back in ten minutes. So, did Xavier find a solution for the project?`

`Yes, he did. We built another advertising plan, and I emailed it to Christine to start working on it. By next week, we should be seeing a positive change, and I can finally take a break and enjoy the sponsored trip to Paris.`

`Kyle, about the sponsored trip, I already told Christine to send my name instead. I will be going with a friend. I miss France, and a friend of mine is having her fashion week, and I can't miss it.` she pleaded, rubbing my hands affectionately.

Ava would do anything to make me say yes to her wild decisions and plans, but today, I won't be falling for it.

`I am going to send a text to Christine to send an apology email to Robert`s team and remove that friend`s name. We are going together, or you sit in Nashville and follow Fashion Week online, alright?`

She folded her arms, pouting sadly. `But, Kyle. It's important for me and my friend to go. You don't know much about fashion, and don`t forget, I worked hard for the company to get that spot.`

`Yes, you did, and I appreciated you with the convertible. If you don't want to go with me, then stay in Nashville. It's my ticket, and I choose who I want to take. I might decide to take Xavier if you opt out. Let me see if he will be available.` I pulled out my phone, sending a text, but the cold shrill in her voice stopped me.

`You will know such things, Kyle. I am your fiance, and I come first before that, your judgy friend! I will go with you. My friend can always find her way.` 

I smiled. `Great. Can we eat now?`

She hissed, picking up her fork. `Next time, don't order me like that. I am not one of your housekeepers!`

I chuckled, enjoying her mumblings. Ava could be pissed at little things. I waved thoughts about her and focused on enjoying her. It was better than Romina`s.

`Hello, aren't you Tessa`s husband? We met one year ago at a business seminar. Do you remember me?` A young lady with ash-long hair asked, interrupting the silence.

I looked up at her. Her face was vaguely familiar, but I couldn`t remember her name.

`Yes, I do. I and Tessa are divorced now. I hope you`re good?`

She smiled, nodding. `Yes, I am. It's such a shame about you and Tessa. You guys made a great couple.` 

Ava sighed loudly, probably to announce her presence, but the young lady kept talking.

`... Anyway, send my regards to her. She's an intelligent lady, and I was so lucky to have met her that day. She helped change the story of my little baking business. I will be going now. Bye!`

I waved at her, smiling. Well, one good thing about Tessa was her intelligence. I missed that.

`You should learn to introduce me to old friends, Kyle. I am your fiancee! Ava said, stomping away. I didn't run after her. I was still thinking about what the woman said.

Do I miss Tessa?

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