

Kyle King


The congratulatory mail came in on Monday. We celebrated in the office, and Ava insisted we throw a party. On Tuesday, the chief secretary of the Roberts family called and informed me about the details of the project and confirmed my availability for the contract signing.

On Wednesday, I had a meeting with my mom, who brought up Ava's birthday celebration, which was scheduled for Saturday. Mum insisted I purchase the convertible if I can't afford something bigger.


On Thursday, the team and I were busy with the arrangements for the project. I had to ensure that everything we were doing aligned with the requirements set by the Roberts family. Xavier helped out by creating innovative ideas to build the blueprint for the project.

The Roberts family had decided that the transportation project was going to be purchasing ten coaster buses and creating a Roberts card that would allow commuters to enter with a ten percent discount.

The profits were to be made from the sales of the card, renewals, and transportation fees. There was a condition too: only children and young adults could enjoy the discount. 

On Friday, I divided the team into different sections: advertising, public relations, and the technology team. Xavier and Ava were in charge of logistics and supervision, while I took charge of accounting and stock keeping.

The official Roberts meeting was scheduled for the afternoon, and according to Christine, they had to be clear on their stance on timekeeping. I had to be at their branch at two o'clock prompt.

I placed a call to Xavier to remind him about the meeting before instructing Christine to direct all important calls to me. Picking up my briefcase, I checked around to be sure I didn't forget anything and stepped out.

Thankfully, the driver understood the urgency. It was almost two o'clock. Xavier sent a text message. He was already there, and almost everyone had come earlier than the scheduled time. Great. I was going to be late for my first major contract.

`You should learn to keep to time, Mr. King,`James reprimanded.

`I am sorry. I got caught up with work activities, and I lost track of time.` I apologized, handing over the blueprint.

James waved me off, and throughout the meeting, he either reprimanded me or ignored my questions. I was angry, but Xavier warned me to control myself. They were the makers of our destiny.

The contract signing came next, and I read through the contents. Xavier wanted to read, but I brushed him aside.

`Do you need help reading the contract? The terms and conditions are simple, except your head is filled with who knows what.` James chuckled, making others giggle too.

I glared at him, not minding that he was in charge anymore. Yes, I divorced his sister, but what's up with the cold treatment? 

`I don't need any help. Here you go; I have signed every necessary part. Thank you.` I replied, handing him over the documents.

He checked everything and extended a handshake. `I hope you don't fail us, Mr. King. This is your second chance, so be careful.`

I took his hands, not saying anything. He was right. This was my second chance to become richer, and damn them! I had the right to divorce a woman when she couldn't meet my needs. I was almost tempted to tell him, but Xavier dragged me outside the office.

`What did you do that for?`I jerked his hands off me.

`You were shooting deadly glares at James and the other representatives. You know they can easily remove you off the list if you keep showcasing maniacal behavior, right?` Xavier chided him, shaking his head.

I scoffed, `I wasn't displaying any manic behavior. James treated me like some trash who was at their mercy.`

He chuckled. `Aren't you at their mercy? Man, they're giving you twenty million dollars to start the project, and that's a lot of money, okay? Don't make stupid decisions with it, or else you will clean up your mess all by yourself.`

`Whatever, Xavier. By the way, next time, don't make me look like a fool in front of the Roberts. I am the boss, and you're a friend and a part-time staff; don`t forget that!` I warned him, turning into the office.


He laughed. `Of course, and I will remind you of this statement when you come crying for help!`

I turned, but he was already in the elevator, wearing a triumphant smile. I felt disturbed by his words but quickly thrashed the feeling. Xavier was just jealous that things were finally going fine for me. Poor him!

The meeting finally ended at six o'clock, and James did all the transfers of funds to everyone`s accounts. He wanted the project to start immediately and advised everyone to use their perks properly. I asked a question about the delivery date, and he advised me to always pay attention to deadlines. I almost cursed him loudly but withheld because he answered my question, but not without throwing some shade. He was speaking to his team members when I approached him. I wanted to settle our scores once and for all.


`Do you want something, boy?` he asked, drawing the boy like a naughty child.

I laughed, glaring coolly at him, `I am not a boy, James, but a man. I just wanted to express my gratitude to your family, even though I don't deserve it. I am really sorry about Tessa, but I had to move on.`

He gave a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. `You shouldn`t apologise, man. I am glad you left, my sister. I never saw what attracted her to you, though, but thank God, she`s free. As for the selection, keep your gratitude; we only selected a few people who aligned with what we wanted. You aren't special, so don't let it get into your head.`

I shrugged his hand off, anger rising in me. `Your sister isn`t gold but an empty vessel, and for your information, I wasn't holding her hostage, okay? She had every right to leave, but she chose to stay, so don't make it feel like I am the bad person here!`

`Okay, man. Focus on the project and do your best. Don't run any funny business, or you will regret ever meeting the Roberts.` James replied, focusing on his team members.

I hissed, walking away. If not for the profits and clients this project would bring, I would have opted out immediately. The insults! The way he spoke to me like a child. Wow. I should have known that the Roberts wouldn't forgive me for what I did to Tessa. I had to be careful not to fall into any of their traps until I was done with the project.

The driver stopped at Maint`s Cars and Rentals. I had spoken earlier to the manager, who is also a friend of the family, Mr. Edwards, that I would be stopping to make a down payment for the convertible. I couldn`t break Ava`s heart on her birthday after everything she did to help the team create the proposal.

Mr. Edwards was slow with the transition because he wanted everything to go as smoothly as possible. I instructed him to send one of his men to drop the Porsche the next day. Ava was going to be so thrilled.

Arriving home, I met only Romina in the kitchen. Ava had gone to do some last-minute shopping for the birthday party. Thankfully, we agreed to use the house to reduce expenses and unnecessary costs. I walked into the bathroom, took a long shower, and strolled to the table to have a nice dinner of pasta and chicken. 

My phone buzzed. It was a message from Christine. A cargo just arrived for me from Arizona. I had a vehicle, and I needed to come pick it up immediately. She attached the transport services telephone lines, and I dialled one of them immediately. Who could have sent a car to me?

`Hello, this is Kyle King. I got a message that I have a car to pick up from you guys. A porsche with LA 6091 as the licence number.`

`Yes, you do have a car to pick up. It came in two days ago, but we weren't able to reach you until now. Like I told your secretary, we need you to come clear the papers of the vehicle and the delivery fee too,` the call centre officer replied.

`Delivery fee? Alright, I will be there tomorrow. Thank you.` I said, cutting the line without waiting for her response.

I didn't bother to ask about the sender when the officer revealed it was a Porsche. There was only one person in Arizona who could send something like this to me. Swallowing my realisation, I stood up from my half-eaten meal and walked outside.

I always think better when I am not distracted.

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