

Geneveive Tessa Robert

I read through the mail again, avoiding Vee`s curious glance. The way I was going to make Kyle pay for everything! I had to find his proposal tomorrow and then speak to the family`s attorney. I couldn't wait to get at him!

`Alright, I know that face. Did Kyle do something again?` she asked, grabbing my phone. `That wicked fellow!`

I agreed. `He's wicked, and I am also stupid. I can't believe I forgot about the condo until this mail came in. He just used me!`

`Calm down. Let's see . Even if you don't sign the documents, he's still going to hand them over to Ava. I don't know much about these things, but I know it's possible to do so if he owns the condo.`

I scoffed, collecting my phone. `He's lying. I paid eighty percent, while he paid twenty percent. I gave it up when his mother became unbearable, and he started supporting her. He made it feel like I was being controlled because I technically owned the condo. I wasn't thinking straight then.`

`Great,` she jubilated, checking the mail again. `That means he's just spilling gibberish. Your dad's attorney can step in on it, right?`

I sighed. If only it was that easy. I had to tell her the truth. 

`I signed the property under Kyle`s name because he wanted it that way. I couldn`t refuse him then because we were newly married, and he brought up reasons why it should be signed in his name alone. I am a big fool, Vee. I just lost another valuable asset to him.` 

`Hold up. You're confusing me. I thought you paid more than him; why did you not sign as joint partners?` she demanded.

`We did, but I signed the whole percentage to him. Like I gave up my money! So he owns everything. The ten percent he's talking about is like compensation for all my troubles. I'm sorry, Vee, but I think I will just let him go.`

She protested. `No, you won't! That's your hard earned money and an inheritance for your grandchild. If Kyle wants to rip you off, He's going to try harder, girl. I`m not going to sit down and let him take something so important from you again.`

I said it quietly. `I am planning on using Robert`s plan to start my revenge, and now that he has decided to do this, I can't wait to start.`

`Okay, okay,` she replied, `I like that. What are your plans?`

`I have been thinking of a lot of things, but I am still not sure due to the baby. I don't want anything that would disturb my baby.`

She smiled. `I get you. I can help out, and firstly, I feel you should allow him to get selected and sign a contract. Then, invest a certain amount and promise him profits, then hit him when he can't meet the target. What do you think?`

I divided her suggestion into sections and walked through them. It could work. I could make the idea work.

I replied. `I feel it will work. You`re a genius, Vee. An evil one.`

She giggled, getting up. `You can't blame me, babe. I am a creative director who needs to come up with plans of all kinds every day. Also, Kyle deserves no mercy.`

`I can't wait to build the plans properly. You`re going to help me, babe, and once it goes live, there's no stopping.`

`I am with you, but you know, we still have to involve your parents. Least I forget, did your parents tell you about the money?`

I sighed. `No, I didn`t. Although Dad wanted to involve his attorney to sue Kyle for not giving me anything as part of our divorce settlement, I declined. I told him after Mom's birthday party, but I feel I can bring it up when he's at his lowest. I want him to be desperate and in dire need. That's the only way I can get back at him.`

She commented excitedly, `You`re actually the evil genius, Tessa. I agree with you, and I am with you all the way. Can we go out now? I'm really craving those chocolate cupcakes.`

I chuckled, leading the way out, `It's still a surprise how you manage to keep this model shape. You and junk food are never far from each other.`

She opened the car door and said, `I am a lady who uses her gym membership very well. You shouldn`t be surprised, babe.` 

I nodded, informing the chauffeur where to take us. `Just don`t be careful, alright?`


She sighed, calling me a controlling mother after her happiness.`

After spending close to a thousand dollars on special cupcake treats, Vera decided we should watch a new movie showing up at the cinema. She was super excited when she discovered her favourite actor was the main lead. My phone buzzed. It was a text from my mom. She wanted to know when I would be returning home because the chauffeur would be closing by nine o'clock.

Gosh! I almost forgot he didn't stay with other workers in the villa`s quarters. He must be exhausted, even though he didn't show it. I remembered inwardly to get some snacks and a cold soda when I got to the vending machine. It's the least I could do. 

`Vee, mom just texted. The chauffeur closes by nine o'clock, and it's already seven o`clock. When`s the movie going to end?

She checked the ticket. `By eight-thirty. Maybe we should let him go and order an Uber or use a taxi. I am sure he needs rest before returning home. What do you think?`

Uber would have been great, but my dad won't approve. He had instructed the chauffeur to take me anywhere I wanted and bring me home safely. He won't be pleased; I relieved the chauffeur from his duties without informing him.

I answered, after a few seconds of thinking, `As much as I would like to do Uber, I would have to decline. I will just speak to him, and after the movie, we leave immediately, Vee, okay?`

She raised her hands and said,'Okay, no problem. Be careful out there; the parking lot can be noisy at times.`

I smiled, walking through the crowd and protecting my stomach. I didn't understand what was so special about the movie, but how could I? I had lost my love for movies while in college. The library and showing up at every party Kyle threw or was invited to had taken my time. 

Even when I got married, movies weren't a thing in the King`s house except when Kyle`s aunts and cousins came around and stayed for the weekend. I tried to build a movie culture, but Kyle said they were a waste of time and strength, so slowly, my interest in them just died.

The parking lot was busy with teenage kids all over the place. I had to walk around vehicles before I saw the chauffeur talking to a cop. I wondered what the issue was as I approached them.

`Hello, cop. Is there a problem?` I asked, handing the chauffeur the soda and a box of creamy doughnuts. I could feel his appreciation through his eyes and how he smiled upon receiving the package.

It was a beautiful sight.

"Thank you, ma`am,` he said, taking one doughnut. `The cop is a friend of mine. He doesn't mean to cause any trouble.`

I took in his features: a dark man with a well-groomed chest and alert eyes. `Alright. I came to inform you that we will be leaving by eight thirty. I hope that will be fine. I am aware you`re supposed to close by nine o`clock, so if this arrangement isn't cool, please let me know.`

`It's alright, ma`am. I will wait till then. You know I can`t disobey your dad's order. `

`Okay,` I replied, `It was nice to meet you, sir. `I shook the cop`s hand and returned to the cinema.

The movie was already playing when I settled near Vee. She was immersed in the movie, so I took out my phone, checking through my mail. There was a reminder message from Kyle, the real estate agent, but I deleted it and read through the important ones.

The movie finished at eighty-five, and I had to apologise to the tired chauffeur. Vee decided she would stay at my place in order not to stress the chauffeur, but I know she was looking for a way to avoid making dinner herself and a gossip partner.

I dropped on my bed after a refreshing bath and a pleasant late-night fruit salad prepared by Santiago. 

It was a great way to end the day.

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