
Chapter 41: Surprises

Charlotte’s pov

“You look good” Logan said with a smile, and I looked at my dress.

“You did tell me to dress up” I said, and he nodded as he gave me flowers.

“These are for you, you always liked lilies, I mean Reene loved them” he said, and I nodded.

I tried to keep it in, but I couldn’t stop no matter how much I tried.

I sneezed making him look at me with confusion.

“I have a sensitive nose, and I am kind of allergic to flowers” I said and watched as his eyes went wide.

“I am so sorry; I had no idea. Its just that Reene loved flowers, a lot from what I saw from Ryder’s memories” he said, and I nodded.

“Its okay, Alexa a little help here” I yelled, and she came running taking the flowers away.

“They are lovely by the way, thank you” I said, and he scratched his head a little.

“I am so sorry” he said again, and I just shrugged hoping this awkwardness will go away.

But it didn’t and followed us to the restaurant we went to,

“it didn’t start well did it?” Logan asked and I nodded.

“But its seriously okay, you did something very gentleman, and you didn’t know. I will definitely kick your ass if you bring flowers next time” I said making him chuckle.

“If that’s the offer then I might just order a very large bouquet of flowers then” he replied as we sat down.

“What would you like?” he asked as we were looking at the menu.

“So, what else did you see that Reene liked?” I asked him and he thought about it.

“It’s a secret, I am hoping that It will be the one thing to bring back your memories” he said with a wink making me smile.

I have never gotten so much attention from guys before.

I mean yes I got a lot of it but then life happened, and I got the blood mark.

“Reene loved lilies because that’s what the blood mark looked like” I said as we were talking.

“Yes that is the case, she died without figuring out what it meant also” he added, and I nodded.

How long has this cycle been going on for?

How long have I been looking for answers.

Are there any lovers out there waiting for me?

did I link myself to someone else in another life?

Hell, I have always hated surprises and being me comes with a lot of them.

Our dinner came and we started eating when I looked at him.

“You would never hide anything from me right?” I asked him and he seemed surprised at first.

And then I saw guilt in his eyes,

“I mean you can hide your personal stuff, but you would never hide anything that has to do with me right?” I rephrased my question.

“Why are you asking that now?” he asked me, and I shrugged.

I just got this feeling after finding out that he is hiding something from me.

I couldn’t see his memories and only mine, maybe there is something he saw but wont tell me.

its just my gut feeling telling me that over and over again.

“Can you trust me? the same way Reene trusted Ryder, please trust me Charlotte” he said, and I looked at him.

Reene did trust Ryder, but does that mean I should as well?

I am not Reene; I am her reincarnation, but I am not her and he isn’t Ryder.

I believe that the way someone was raised or where he was raised determines their character. 

He wasn’t raised like Ryder; chances are that he wasn’t raised like Ryder, so he isn’t Ryder.

Just because you can see someone else’s memories from a previous life doesn’t change who you are.

Although I might share the same soul as Reene I am not her and I want him to see that.

This plan they both got wont work at all, I knew the moment they said it.

Not only wont it work but also is giving them false hope, which is what I hate the most.

After dinner he led me somewhere by foot, “you will love the view” he said as we took an elevator to the top floor.

We got there and there was a romantic set up, flowers all over and candles.

“What do you think? And there is also something as well” he said uncovering a white cloth.

I looked at the canvas and oil paints that were there, he even got a light that could help us see what we are doing.

“I haven’t painted in so long, thank you” I said inspecting the brushes and everything.

We sat down and started painting, I heard him sigh so many times. “

“What’s wrong?” I asked him and he looked at me.

“Ryder was a great painter, and I am terrible at this. He was usually the one teaching Reene what to do, I have his memories but not his knowledge” he said, and I smiled.

“Is that why we are here today? I thought you did all of this for me” I said, and his eyes went wide.

“Of course, I did it for you” he answered, and I smiled.

“You are not Ryder, and I am not Reene.

I don’t like flowers the way she did, and you obviously don’t have his knowledge when it comes to art.

I love this set up; one shouldn’t let the past put a hold in the present” I said which actually sounded weird coming from me.

I actually sound like a hypocrite don’t I?

if you think about it I am the one who is stuck in the past.

I have always been stuck in the past, maybe because my past is haunting me.

“is that your way of saying you wont fall in love with me?” he asked me, and I shook my head. “Its my way of telling you that we are different people now. Raised in different circumstances by different people” I replied, and he nodded.

“You are right, I wanted to help and also use this as a chance to get closer to you” he said.

“Who do you want to get closer to? Reene or Charlotte?” I asked him.

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