
Chapter 42: Love story

Sebastian’s pov

I got out of my apartment and found the old woman next door standing at her door.

“You do know that she wont be safe here for long right?” she asked me.

She reminds me of someone I knew back in the ages.

Back then people couldn’t tolerate seers during their time for this reason only.

They always act like they know everything which can be really misleading.

And I will be honest, I hate how they know things that I don’t know. 

And the most annoying thing about them is their code in life and their so called ethics and morals.

Seers never work for someone else; they live their life and give people warnings.

Usually they are in riddles, I think it’s because they don’t understand them either.

I looked at her, “why wont she be safe?” I asked her and she just smiled.

“She isn’t safe here because you are here, there are people on your side who want her dead” she replied.

People on my side who?

The one person I can think of at this moment is Rose Watkins.

She has always been obsessed with me, even back when Scarlet was still alive.

Her obsession turned into something more dangerous, and I could tell as well.

I have been rejecting her for centuries, running after a woman who seems to be running in the opposite direction.

“Someone from my side? Do you know who?” I asked her and she shook her head.

“Well from what I gathered its someone near, I even see her blood on their hands” she replied.

They have her blood on their hands?

So, what I am hearing is that someone from my side killed her once?

I know that in her first life the person that killed her was her mother.

So, Is it possible someone from my side has also been looking for her all this time?

“I see they have killed her more than once; she isn’t safe with you at all. Fix your house before you try to get her back” she said and went inside.

But who?

Honestly, everyone close to me could be just anybody.

With seers the most annoying part is that their visions aren’t that clear.

Those people could be my parents, its could be all the other enemies I have killed in the process.

It could have been the friends and allies that I trusted who betrayed me.

It could be my younger brother whose whereabouts are unknown so who?

How could I even know who to go after?

Is it possible that maybe its something from the past?

It honestly doesn’t matter because I need to fix my house first like she said.

I cant have her be in danger, if there is an enemy in my own home I will deal with them.

The next door opened, and she stood there looking at me with a smile.

“Shall we get going? And why do you seem like you just saw a ghost?” she asked me, and I shook my head.

“How was your date with Logan?” I asked her and she just shrugged.

“It wasn’t a date, more like an experiment” she said with a big smile.

“It didn’t go as well as he wanted, but I didn’t completely hate it” she added as she came to my side.

She always has been beautiful, now looking at her I could see the differences.

She looks like Scarlet, but her cheeks are thinner than Scarlet’s cheeks.

She always had chubby cheeks because she always loved food that one.

This girl, I want to protect her with my life.

And if there is an enemy in my house they probably know a few things that I don’t.

And it would be better for me to come out of the woodwork before people start getting suspicious.

I have been trying to live under the radar but if I stay there for too long everyone will start looking for me.

Mark had already told me that Rose has called a couple of times asking about me.

That girl is a psycho, and she isn’t someone I can trust at all.

If she hears that I have found the woman I have been looking for she will make a fuss.

“What happened? You seem lost in thoughts” she said, and I nodded.

“The kid next door said something that got me thinking about some things” I said, and she looked at me confused.

“The kid?” she asked me, and I nodded then realized why she was confused.

I look like someone who is in their early 30s, so people tend to forget my age.

 But I have lived for so long that people that woman’s age are nothing but kids to me.

So, I tend to talk about them as kids, or even call them that.

Shen then smiled when she realized, “I tend to forget that you are older than my ancestors” she said with a giggle.

That sound has always been music to my ears, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Please don’t tell me that we are going to ride horses since it is what you and Scarlet did” she said after some time.

“No, we wont be doing that and I sort of guessed what you would have say” I said, and she looked at me.

“And what did you guess?” she asked me with a little pout.

“something along the lines of ‘I am not Scarlet, and I never will be here’” I said, and she chuckled.

“That’s exactly what I told Logan, how did you know?” she asked and how she was laughing.

Maybe it was because I tried imitating her voice which sounded terrible I know.

“I want to tell you from my perspective how you and I met. That’s all I want to do today” I said, and she frowned.

“You made me get up at 5am just for a little talk?” she asked me.

“Not only that but there is something I think you will like as well” I said parking my car.

We were outside the city a little on a little cliff and she looked around.

“You aren’t going to push me off the cliff are you?” she asked me making me smile.

“Maybe in a few days I might be tempted to” I said while taking out the picnic basket.

We sat down and she smiled looking at the sun rising.

She always told me how much she loved sunsets and sunrises, how she would love them in every life of hers.

I never really understood why she loved all this but after she explained I understood.

She said that the sunrises represent a new beginning, the warmth of the sun getting ready to hug us.

While the sunset represent the end of the day but then also hope.

The hope that tomorrow will be better, that it will hold more memories.

Another thing she loved about them was that they were reliable.

It didn’t matter if the world was slowly burning, the sun would set and the next day it will rise once more.

You can always trust them, plus they look beautiful.

“Do you want to hear it? the full love story of Sebastian and Scarlet?” I asked her.

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