
Chapter 44: Green eyes

Sebastian’s pov

I went to that dangerous forest day in day out.

Hoped that we would meet again somehow but I had no such luck on my side.

“Why are you even after her? didn’t you hear that she is a dangerous witch?” Chris asked me.

“I know, but she had this light in her eyes and I can’t seem to forget her” I answered, and he rolled his eyes.

“She is a witch, and you are a vampire. That light in her eyes is her burning your very dead corpse” Chris said spoiling my mood.

I cant seem to forget those eyes; it was as if they were piercing through my soul.

“She called you a fool” he said after some time, and I just shrugged.

“And I am a fool, I want to achieve peace, I speak of peace, but I have no plan to achieve it. I want answers but I don’t even have questions yet” I said, and he sighed.

“Fine, I will listen to your peace bullshit” he said with a heavy sigh.

“Not you, I honestly don’t care about what you think. I want her to hear my plans for the future” I said and then got up.

I went straight to my horse and went to the forest where I could find my death.

But honestly I don’t think it matters that much to me because I have to see her.

I sat next to the lake where we met the last time but like always no one showed up.

As I was getting up a tree scratched me, and I felt this intense pain.

I looked at the tree, it seemed like a normal tree but now I could sense its scent.

its highly poisonous and I could die at any minute now.

It paralyzes you as well, so I can’t move from where I am.

I can’t go home and get treated there, so I will luckily die today.

“Giving up that easily, what happened to your peace talks?” I heard that voice again.

“You finally came out” I said with a small chuckle and that’s when I saw her.

Those green eyes and long hair like the sun, “you still look breath-taking my lady” I said which made her chuckle.

“Are you sure its me or maybe that poison is blocking your airways” she replied with a smile.

“it could be, but I chose the former” I said, and she just shrugged.

“I do not think there is a word for it yet, so I will use the word spying. Have you been spying on me? considering that you have been coming here for weeks now” she said sitting down next to me.

I was standing there, paralyzed and maybe might die from a lethal poison but she just casually sat there.

She really is the heartless daughter of her mother huh.

“I have the answers, the answers to the questions you asked” I said, and she looked at me intrigued.

“So, you have been risking your life just to answer those questions?” she asked me.

I could have nodded but now I couldn’t even move my body at all.

“Yes” I replied, and her eyes narrowed for a second.

“Why do you want to share your dreams with me?” she asked me.

I have also been asking myself that question for days on end now.

Why do I yearn to tell a complete stranger about my dreams and inner ambitions?

“I think that it’s because if I share them with a lady I want to impress then I should tell her” I replied, and she chuckled.

“You want to impress me? what if your peace plans fail and you die here?” she asked me with a cold look.

“Then it would have been a shame” I replied making her chuckle this time around.

She then took out a small dagger and got closer to me before whispering in my ear.

She smelled like lavender, the scent was faint, and I only picked it up because of my vampire senses.

“How do you want to die? Should I slice your throat or take out your heart?” she asked in a cold voice.

If I am to die at her hands I am surprisingly fine with it.

“I would say heart, it already belongs to you anyways” I replied making her smile.

“You really are a fool do you know that?” she said and then took my hand.

She slowly cut it and the started using magic to suck the poison out.

After a few minutes I could move again, I watched her move her long hair aside.

She got closer and looked at me in the eyes with no hesitation.

“Feed on my blood, you will heal quicker” she said with a serious look.

I felt this heat in my body all of a sudden.

The rush and lust I have never felt before in my entire life.

Feeding can be an intense and sexual thing.

Which is why we mostly feed on the opposite sex to avoid any awkwardness that might rise.

But the rush and lust usually comes after you are done feeding and not before.

Her green eyes landed on mine again when I didn’t move as if asking what I am waiting for.

I put my hand around her waist, and I heard her hold her breath.

I pulled her closer and I could hear her heart beating even faster as she looked at me.

I usually just bite on the spot but today I didn’t feel like going straight to feeding at all.

So, I started licking her neck and the spot I am going to bite, that’s when she made the most beautiful moan I have ever heard.

That just made me feel the rush even more, her heart started beating faster.

What is this intensity?

And why have I never felt something like this before?

She placed her hands around my shoulder.

The more I licked I wanted more, to do more so I started placing wet kisses around her neck.

The things I want to do to her with those green eyes looking at me.

I want to wash away that coldness in her voice with these soft moans of hers.

When my teeth slowly pierced her skin she tightened her hold around me.

“Your blood, its so sweet and warm” I said and used all the self-control I had to pull away.

Her entire face was pink from the encounter and my trousers were not big enough to hide my desire.

“What is this feeling? Did you feel it too?” I asked her.

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