
Chapter 45: The dreamer

Sebastian’s pov

She didn’t answer but looked the other way.

After some time, she spoke up, “it doesn’t matter what we both felt. You are a vampire, and I am a witch” she said.

“Well then, shall I tell you the answers I have?” I asked her and she smiled.

“Cant wait to hear about them” she said, and we both sat down.

As far away from that tree as possible of course and I started telling her everything.

She just sat there and listened; I have never had anyone just listen to me talk.

My siblings don’t even know what they feel or what to do with themselves.

Ever since we got turned into vampire it is as if we all lost our identities and don’t know who we are now.

I do know that my name is Sebastian Thorne but then that is all I know now.

Back when I was still human I just wanted to be a normal person who works hard.

I would marry a girl who isn’t super pretty but also isn’t ugly and would settle down.

But now I have forever waiting for me, from what I have been told forever is a long time.

But ever since I started thinking about peace between supernatural beings I found some kind of purpose.

I don’t want to see this a 100 years from now, all this fighting and hate.

“So, you plan to form a council, where all the leaders will meet and talk all together? not meeting privately?” she asked me, and I nodded.

“That might actually work, but first you need something” she said, and I looked at her confused.

“What do I need?” I asked and she smiled getting up and dusting herself.

“You need power, my mother would never listen to someone like you. Be someone that she will one day listen to” she said and walked in the sun.

She then stopped as if she wanted the rays of the sun to touch her skin.

Her pale skin that always looks smooth.

“I also want to impress you with something” she said making me get up fast and go to her side.

“With what?” I asked her and she looked at me with a smile.

“With my foolish plans, that I don’t have answers for” she replied.

“What are those plans?” I asked her and she chuckled a bit as if she was nervous.

“Freedom” she said one word, but it felt as if it took all she had to say it.

Like she had to pluck up all her courage just to say that one word.

“Freedom?” I asked her and she nodded and closed her eyes once again.

“I want to practise magic that helps people, for humans to know about our existence. I want women to be able to make their own decision. I want everyone to be free from this war, hunger, and conflict” she explained.

I looked at her, how can someone be this beautiful?

Every version of her is someone that makes my heart skip a beat.

The playful her, the serious her and now the dreamer her.

“Then from now on, shall we meet up to talk about our dreams? Maybe we will find answers together” I said, and she nodded.

After that day I started working on myself and also my status and influence.

I have never been one to care about all that before today.

I realized she was right; her mother isn’t the only one who won’t listen to me if I don’t have money.

The whole world won’t listen to me, even my own father wouldn’t or my mother.

My siblings will just laugh thinking it’s all a joke.

So, I started getting closer to people with influence.

Better managing the businesses my father has given me.

People listen to two of the following people, they listen to people with money or intelligence or if you have both then they will definitely listen.

Right now, all people see when they look at me is just a vampire and nothing else.

I didn’t see her for a while, actually I didn’t see her for a year and two months.

She had just disappeared without a trace; I couldn’t even go to her coven and ask about her.

But she always plagued my thoughts, every time when I closed my eyes I saw her. 

I have never had the desire to see someone as much as I wished to see her.

Next time I will have to find someone paint a portrait of her that I will walk around with.

I will make sure to carry it around with me every chance I get no matter what.

I will carry it around with me forever, I will cherish her beauty for as long as infinity.

I went to the spot that I met her at the last time to wait for her.

There is one thing I never thought I would say in all the decades of being in this world.

I never thought that I would want to wait for someone for forever.

I actually have never had the patience to wait, if you take you time coming it really pissed me off.

But for her, waiting for her is the easiest thing I can do in this world.

For her its never too late, I think I could even wait a millennia for her If needed.

The desire to be with her surpasses anything I have ever felt in this world.

“Daydreaming again?” I heard the sweetest voice; I missed that voice so much.

She appeared behind a tree, she didn’t make a sound before that, and I couldn’t even catch her scent.

I didn’t wait for anything but went straight for a hug and she hugged me back.

We held each other for what felt like seconds to me, but it was way more than that.

‘You disappeared” I said, and she nodded before sitting down on a log.

“Did you wait?” she asked me with a small smile, but her eyes widened when I agreed.

“Really?” she said honestly confused.

“I heard you were the player brother who has different women every night. Did you really wait for me?” she asked me, and I nodded.

“Yes I did, I couldn’t seem to get you off my mind no matter how hard I tried” I explained, and she smiled.

I noticed how different she looked just from her physic.

When I first met her she was a little on the chubby side and now she was toned.

And the fact that she didn’t even make the slightest of sound which is really weird now.

Back then at the waterfall she used the water to hide her breathing and scent.

But now she didn’t use anything at all, the forest was so quiet you could hear a needle drop.

Then how is it that I didn’t even hear her footsteps.

“You have changed” I stated, and she got up and turned around.

“Is it really that noticeable? There is a war coming so I must prepare’” she said with a sigh.

“A war?” I asked her and she nodded, “between vampires and witches, you don’t know do you? Your father has been secretly preparing for it” she said, and I shook my head.

I have told my father about some of my plans for peace.

There is no way he would plot a war after we talked heart to heart like that.

“You really didn’t know, its going to be happening in less than 2 months actually” she said and then looked up.

“You should hide, go as far away from here as possible” she added, and I looked at her confused.

The witches are planning something, they are planning something really big aren’t they?

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