
Chapter 43: fool

Sebastian’s pov

“We are too close to the Blood Coven; we should get out of here now” Chris said, and I smiled.

“You always have been a coward, are you scared of witches?” I asked him looking around the deep forest.

The blood coven lives next to one of the biggest forests in this world.

I think its mostly so that they could gather herbs from near, but the forest is feared by humans.

This forest is where the darkest of creature come to hunt, the home of magic one would say.

“I will just wash up and we can leave, my parents are waiting for my feedback” I said and stopped at the waterfall.

The waterfall formed a small river and it looked really peaceful here.

From the scent I could tell that there were no witches or people anywhere nearby.

“I will keep watch and then you can wash up” Chris said walking away and I took off my shirt and went into the water.

I have just came from spying on our enemies, werewolves have been doing some suspicious activities.

So as a result, my father sent me and Chris to go and see what information we can find.

The war between supernatural beings has been here for as long as I can remember.

All I remember ever since I have been born is war and nothing but war.

“The werewolves are going to get in your way, them waging war is the opposite of what you wanted” Chris said after some time.

“That is true, I need a way to find a solution to all this bloodshed. I honestly can’t take it anymore” I said.

I want to live in a world where I don’t always have to look behind my back.

Where I don’t have to worry about an ambush.

I dream of a world where we can co-exist, show each other what is in our hearts.

“I will stop this war and we will live together happily” I said, and I heard a laugh come out of nowhere.

“The ideas of a fool” said a female voice but from where.

It felt as if her voice was travelling in the water, it was coming everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

I couldn’t catch the scent, couldn’t even hear a heartbeat.

Hell is Chris hadn’t come running towards me looking around I would have doubted myself.

“Who are you?”

I asked looking around and that’s when I saw one leg followed by another come out of the waterfall.

A young girl, dressed in a white dress, with perfect blond hair and green eyes.

She looked at me, for a second it felt as if she could see right through my soul.

“Did you just call him a fool? Do you know who he is?” Chris asked stepping forward even more.

“I honestly don’t care who he is, its just his talk of peace annoyed me. and I was taking a really good nap” she said and then diving in the water.

She then got out and looked at me, “how is peace annoying?” I asked her and she shrugged.

“Only fools talk about peace” she said and started walking away making me run to her.

With my vampire speed I was in front of her in a matter of seconds.

“You have a called me a fool twice, do you know you can die for that?” I asked her.

Her eyes landed on both Chris and I.

“do you know that you could die for that statement?” she asked back.

This time she said it firmly that even I felt myself pause for a second before saying anything.

I didn’t hear her heartbeat, no scent or footsteps, her voice could echo all around you.

The abilities owned by the most powerful witches of the Blood coven.

They can hide so well from their enemies that you only see them when they are standing in front of people.

“A witch” Chris said looking at her like she is a thief.

“why did you call me a fool then? Please pray tell, all I did was state my desire for peace” I said, and she put her hands on her waist.

“How will you achieve that peace? Get people who can’t even be near one another to co-exist?” she asked me looking at Chris.

Now my friend was looking at this girl with so much suspicion in his eyes.

He was ready to kill her if she even moved one finger wrong.

“We could talk, find common ground” I answered which made her laugh even more.

“Have you been living in the same world I have? Talk and find common ground? What’s next? Will witches werewolves make marriage alliances?” she asked laughing even more at the thought of it all happening.

“And when talking doesn’t work what other plan do you have?” she asked me sitting down on the grass.

She seemed so comfortable despite the fact that she was sitting in a forest with two stranger men.

We are vampires and she is a witch, isn’t she scared even a little?

“I don’t have right now but trust me I will figure out a plan” I said, and she shook her head.

“how do I trust you? You with no plans and answers” she said then got up to leave.

“Why are you so certain that we can never be at peace?” I asked her and she stopped without even turning around.

“Because we cant trust each other, witches will always want power.

Werewolves will always want more dominance and vampires will always want more blood.

Its in our nature” she answered and started walking away.

I hate it really;

I hate how right she is about everything she just said right now.

“What if I find a plan? I find answers?” I asked and she shrugged.

“Is that your way of asking when will we meet again?” she asked this time turning around.

I found myself smiling a little at this, “yes” I answered.

“I for once hope we never meet again, cause next time I will have to kill you” she said and then started walking away.

Who the hell does she think she is?

Does she think that we are easy to kill?

“Wait what? You encountered the Hale witch, and both came back alive? Why didn’t she kill you both?” my mother said out loud confused.

“What? Was she supposed to kill us?” I asked her as I sat down.

“She is the daughter of a heartless woman from what I heard. When you meet up with her you meet your doom” Lucas my younger brother said.

A Hale witch huh?

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