
chapter 19: blood

Charlotte’s pov

I quickly ran out and disappeared in the crowd.

I cant believe I kissed him, what was he doing here of all the places.

I touched my lips and couldn’t help but smile as I walked away.

I walked careful of my surrounding, if you have been on the run as long as I have you gain spidey senses.

Everything and everyone around you is a suspect and you expect anything.

I don’t remember the last time I walked around happily and free.

I always have to watch my back and be careful with whatever I do.

It’s the most uncomfortable and terrible feeling in the world.

Sometimes I find myself overracting to a situation.

Thinking that someone is following me when they are not and other times I underreact.

Who wouldn’t? sometimes people are just walking by minding their own business.

Or sometimes they are just walking by acting like they are minding their own business when they are just trying to kill me.

I held the letter in my pocket and made sure not to let it go.

If this falls then I am doomed for good but what was it?

Will it even help me in my quest? I guess I will know once I have a look at it.

I made absolutely sure that no one was following me and then walked into our apartment.

Alex was obviously at the restaurant and I just sat there and started looking at the poem.

The head if the poem was blood so it had my attention the moment I saw it.

Plus the fact that I found it in the middle of old books.


The witch fumes with anger.

Anger fills up the magma chamber

But all I see is fear

The flower bloomed differently.

It faced the sunset instead.

With blood she united us

Wherever I am she will be

All will be forgotten in the next life.

With the blood of my beloved she cursed me

The sin that bought me love

The sin that taste sweet and warm

She has cursed the sinner and the sin

Even the sinner will curse this sin

When her blood blooms lava will erupt

There will be thunder and lightning

Then they will be united

The blood of sinners will be one again

And again the witch will strike

The blood of sinners are day and night

The witch will separate the day from the night

I read this over and over again hoping that I would be able to understand it.

That somehow it will make sense to me but nothing.

he witch fumes with anger does make sense a bit.

But this is more of a riddle than a poem,

who is the witch and why is she angry?

Is she even talking about an actual witch?

What is this sin and who is this sinner? `

Nothing about any of this makes sense at all.

Maybe this really wasn’t meant to be understood by anyone.

But what also got my attention was the thunder and lightning part.

And the part about when her blood blooms, in my head it could mean the blood mark.

When it first started it looked like one drop of blood but now its growing.

The older and the stronger I get the tattoo expands,

its not clear yet but just random lines that don’t make sense.

They are far away from one another and I honestly don’t understand them.

But she did say that the blood will bloom and lava will erupt.

It sounds like what happened when everyone discovered I had the blood mark.

They all changed out of the blue and started attacking me like I was their enemy.

But then I could be reaching and seeing what I want to see in this case.

But looking at the neat hand writing I couldn’t help but feel some kind of connection to it.

I then got an idea and quickly ran to Mary’s apartment, “can I help?” she asked me and I nodded.

“I need you to do something for me. I need you to read something for me.

I will then write it down, I want to see something” I said and she nodded.

She followed me to my apartment and then I have her the poem.

She looked at it and then at me.

The other reason I called her was because of her abilities and I was hoping she would see something.

Mary always somehow knows things other people don’t know so hopefully she would get something.

Instead she smiled and sat down.

She started reading the poem and I would write everything down.

We were sitting as far away from each other as possible.

When we were down I put the two papers together .

one written by this obviously ancient person becaise of the paper and the ink used.

The writing was so identical it was as if they were written by the same person. “

why? Why did you ask me to read it for you? Did you want to confirm that you are the one who wrote this?” Mary asked and I nodded.

Its not possible is it?

That I could have the exact same writing as someone who lived in the 14th century or somewhere back then.

“i really need your help Mary, did I write this? Why do I feel like I wrote this?” I asked her.

She just shrugged, “you probably did, I don’t have the answers for you. Keep looking maybe you might find something” she answered.

She then went back to her apartment and I kept looking at the letter hoping to find something.

that’s when I saw it, it was there but hardly there.

Almost as if it was hidden, a crest, I took a large glass lense and looked at it.

It’s a crest that I know for sure and I have seen it somewhere.

It was hidden so well and I think with time it faded away just like most writings do.

The crest looked so familiar as well, and the fact that it was there was also interesting.

Back then people’s crest were their most protected secrets.

No one other than the person they trust or love would know their crest.

 It was top secret, they used it in letters that are meant to be top secret.

So this poem was that top secret?

Is that why the author wrote it in riddles that only this person would be able to understand?

It probably has nothing to do with me but I need to know.

As  time went on the crests werent that top secret and they were revealed to the world.

I got up and took a book that had all the crest signs and their owners.

This one was owned by the vampire royal family.

For all I know only two of them are left now, the girl and the vampire King.

So even this one lead leads me to the same person I thought of.

I will hand him the letter that probably was meant for one of his family members.

And then I will ask him about what I really want to know

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