
Chapter 26: neighbour

Charlotte’s pov

I couldn’t even hear myself think because of this loud noise.

My life just turned upside down today, I still can’t believe what happened.

I just want the voices in my head to help me make direction of the whole thing.

I want to know what it is that I am supposed to do after all of this, but nothing is coming to mind at all.

I looked outside my window when I heard a howl, it sounded so pained and sad if I am being honest.

Being a witch, I know nothing about the howl werewolves make but I know that one kind of touched my heart.

It made me wonder, is that my mate howling?

Actually, why do I care?

I made sure that he knew that I had no interest in the mate bond.

I take each day as it goes, actually on most days I just feel lucky that I am still breathing.

I honestly don’t want to push my luck and get too comfortable at all.

And I also don’t want to drag anyone into this ill fated life of mine full of running away.

I know better than anyone in this world that living on the run is painful.

Especially when you are innocent and are being chased for something you know nothing about.

I cant subject someone else to that, and even if that wasn’t the case.

So many things are against me or even being a man and having a family.

I don’t know if the blood mark can be transferred from another person.

so, what if I have kids and they get this mark and will forever live a cursed life?

This is my problems, and I will work on them myself, even if it means I will be alone for the rest of my life.

Again, the loud noises kept getting worse, so I got out of bed to check what the hell is going on.

My neighbour has two small kids so I don’t understand why she would make such loud noises so late at night.

Are the kids sleeping?

And Mary is just letting this happen as well?

Everyone in this building is sensitive and a little noise can piss them off.

This one of the quietest buildings which I why I love it here.

So, it weird that suddenly there is this much noise in the middle of the night.

I met up with Alex in the kitchen and her eyes were dead because she also couldn’t sleep.

“what the hell is happening?” she asked, and I just shrugged.

We left the room and Rose was also standing outside her apartment.

We all knocked on our neighbour’s door and a man we have never seen before opened the door.

“what the hell is happening here?” I asked and he looked at me and smiled a bit.

“I am so sorry ma’am, we are renovating” he answered, and I rolled my eyes at this.

“why the hell are you renovating in the middle of the night? where is Mrs Moore? I have a bone to pick with her. We have been great neighbours for so long and now she does this shit” Alex said pissed.

“language young lady” Mary said to Alex who frowned.

“I am sorry Mary, but I haven’t slept so I am a little cranky. And this asshole won’t give us a reasonable answer” she replied.

“Mrs Moore? Ohhh no, they moved out, the owner of the building is moving owner” the man replied.

“why would that rich man who has a large mansion and a big family move into this small apartment?” I asked and the man looked around.

“uhm the building now has a new owner” he replied, and we all looked at each other confused.

“but it doesn’t explain why you are renovating In the middle of the night” Alex said to him.

“he is in a hurry to move in” he said, and we all looked at each other.

“but he did say that he will reduce the rent because of the inconvenience” the man said, and Mary smiled.

“well then, work well” she said and then started going back to her apartment.

I don’t care about reduced rent; all I want is that I can hear myself think just for tonight.

But Mary is also right, there isn’t much we can do if the owner is the one doing this.

And so far this building hasn’t had any problems, so you can’t move out because of this one minor thing.

I couldn’t sleep the rest of the night, so I put my headphones on and played some loud music.

I tried reading as much as I could so I can find a way to break this spell.

For years I have been looking but at time I feel like I am taking two steps forward and three steps back.

I think I found something, and I follow through that lead but its turns out to be nothing.

Honestly now I feel like giving up, I have thought of doing it so many times.

But I made a promise to my father, that I will get rid of this curse.

I don’t know who it is that cursed me or why.

But I do know that I want to walk around the world free without looking behind my back.

I want to wear a backless dress just for fun without fear of someone noticing my blood mark tattoo.

And its growing, it feels like a tree at times, I feel it expanding and a few more lines getting added.

Well, I don’t have a choice but to feel it because the process is painful as hell.

It feels like I have a thousand needles piercing my back at the same time.

It’s actually torture, and the worst part that I can’t find anything related to that.

Something that was similar was the hunter mark, back then hunters were given special powers.

Every time they killed vampires and werewolves their tattoos would expand making them stronger.

Of course, witches came up with that brilliant idea, honestly I think magic is brutal.

Witches are the most dangerous supernatural beings in the world if I am being completely honest.

Someone who has the power to curse not only you, but your entire bloodline is someone to be feared.

Even when they are dead they still have the ability to torment you and everyone in your family.

And at times even the innocent suffer because of the curse.

I guess in this case I am the innocent, but I don’t understand why me?

I am not that special, hell I was just an average witch growing up.

I didn’t have any special powers so why the hell do I have a curse?

No one on my parents side had any connection to this people they mention I am the reincarnation of.

The next day I got ready for work.

“what happened Alex? I am supposed to be interviewing the new waiters and chef” I said.

“well, everyone who was supposed to come has cancelled and I don’t know why” she replied, and she sat down.

“everyone is calling and cancelling on us, even people that said that they desperately need the job” she said.

“I will leave then, hardly slept because of the renovations upstairs. Can you hold down the fort?” I asked her and she nodded.

“if someone comes for an interview I will interview them as well” she said, and I nodded.

Alex isn’t like me, after we came back from talking to the construction workers she fell asleep.

She ignored all that noise and managed to fall into a deep sleep.

Before going home, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few things which then became more than I intended.

So, from the car to the elevator was a struggling,

“could you hold the elevator for me please?” I said running into the elevator.

A hand helped me by taking some of the bags I was holding, and we got into elevator and realized that my floor was already pressed.

I turned around to look at the stranger and thank him for his help.

And there he was, still as handsome as ever and he completely looked at me.

“its nice to meet you again Charlotte” he said and then looked ahead.

“what the hell is this? What are you doing here?” I asked him.

What the hell is the Vampire King doing in this small building?

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