
Chapter 34: You and I are forever

Sebastian’s pov

I slowly opened my eyes, and I felt my heart break.

I know this spell, and the fact that she did the same thing again broke my heart.

How can she do this to me?

If I wasn’t sure that she was my Scarlet then I am sure now.

The day she died; the last day I saw my Scarlet she used this spell on me.

Put a portion in my food and then used on me later on.

How can someone break my heart over and over again? I

have been letting her break my heart over and over again.

And the funny part is if she walked through that door I would smile and welcome her with open arms.

The last time she used this spell I never saw her again;

history tends to have a tendency of repeating itself.

I got up and I caught his scent the moment he got out of the elevator and when he knocked on my door.

I opened the door, and he was standing looking at me and he seemed just as broken.

“She used a spell on us didn’t she? Which cant be a good thing,” he said, and I nodded.

The door next door opened, and the old lady looked at both of us with pity in her eyes.

“She is gone, that girl has been on the run for 8 years that she knows nothing else. I guess its not in this lifetime,” she said shaking her head.

“You know about her; how do you know about her?” Logan asked and I looked at her.

“Because just like you I have been looking for her for centuries,” she said before closing the door. Looking for her for centuries?

“What do we do now?,” Logan asked.

“We?,” I asked him, and he nodded.

“We have both been looking for her for 8 years with no luck. Alone I am useless in finding her, maybe together we can find her,” he said, and I nodded.

The truth is that if she doesn’t want to be found then no one can find her.

She might not have her memories, but she is still a very great witch.

Even when I met her when she was teenager I could tell that she had a lot of potential.

After the day I found out that she had the blood mark I did extensive research on her.

Turns out in her pack they called her a prodigy.

Its one of the reasons they are after her with so much power and resilience.

Because they know if that prodigy got the power of the one of the most powerful witches to ever walk this earth she would be a force.

“Come on in,” I said to Logan who came in and we spoke about what to do next.

I want her to remember me, I want her to love me again more than anything.

But I also want her to live, I also want her to be here with me.

I can't lose her now like I have done in the past;

I don’t think my heart can handle losing her again.

I am pathetic aren’t I?

I am the Vampire King, one of the most feared men in this world and yet here I am.

After talking about strategies to find her and talking to our people to look for her Logan left.

I laid on the couch still feeling the effects of the spell she casted on me.

It reminded me so much of the past and how I felt back then when she did this.


“You never cook, why did you cook for me today,” I said, and she looked at me with a smile.

“Because I wanted to, it surprises me how little faith you have in me,” she said and kissed my forehead.

“Okay, we need to talk about how we should deal with your parents and mine,” I said, and she nodded.

“Lets do this, you deal with your parents, and I will deal with mine,” she said, and I looked at her.

“My parents are against us but not as much as your mother is. She vowed that if you don’t listen she might kill you,” I said, and she shrugged.

“Parents threaten their kids all the time” she said, and I found myself smiling.

Parents don’t threaten their kids all the time and she is downplaying this to ignore the facts.

“My mother isn’t much of a threat to our future, she can die but your parents cant. She might drop dead at any moment, and I will be free from her,” she said, and I nodded.

She did have a point; my parents are the ones who are immortal and its really annoying at times.

They wont let us be together, I know that and so does she.

Scarlet likes being a witch and there is no way In hell I would ask her to give that up.

So, the only way is if I also deal with parents while she deals with hers.

“Come on, take a bite and tell me what you think,” she said, and I nodded taking a bite of the food she made.

“It’s really good,” I said, and she gave me her killer smile and then sat on my lap.

She kissed my forehead, then my entire face and any part of my body she could reach in that moment.

“If you keep doing that then I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back,” I said, and she chuckled.

“That sounded like a threat,” she said and looked at me.

“Ohhh it Is a threat, and here is another one.

You can’t leave me; you can’t leave ever again do you hear me.

not in this life or in the next, you and I are forever,” I said and hugged her as tight as I could.

“You and I are forever,” she said and when I looked into her eyes I saw tears in them.

“Maybe not in this lifetime Sebastian, but I promise you that somehow in the next life, or the next or the one after that. I promise that you and I will be forever,” she said.

“What? Why does this feel like a goodbye?,” I asked her, and she smiled.

“Its because it is, I am going to deal with my mother the only way I know how.

She has something planned I know that, so I also planned in advance.

We cant be forever if you are dead,” she said and then shrugged.

“I wont let you go anywhere without me,” I said, and she nodded.

“I know, which is why I had to do this,” she said and then started chanting.

I fought it so hard, I tried the best I could to keep my eyes open.

But the spell was too powerful that I felt like my eyelids were so heavy.

The last thing I saw before everything turned dark was when she mouth that she loves me.

When I woke up she was gone, I knew the moment I opened my eyes that she was dead.

End of flashback

I quickly got up from the couch when I the elevator door made a sound.

I heard it, that heartbeat, I would know it anywhere in the world.

I opened the door and there she was coming out of the elevator, she looked at me.

“Alexa I will find you inside,” she said and then looked at me.

“You look like a mess,” she said and then sighed.

“I have been gone for only a few hours and yet you look like that. You should really take care of yourself more,” she said and then got closer to me.

“We have to talk,” she said, and I nodded and opened the door to my apartment.

She came in and started looking around, “You have great taste,” she said.

I tried to hold it in my I couldn’t, all the control I have had all this time was gone.

I used my speed and pinned her against the wall.

“Not again, I held back the last time but not again,” I said and started kissing her.

At first she was shocked but then slowly started kissing me back as I deepened the kiss.

When I pulled away she was breathless and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes.

Her face was all red and flushed, she looked even more beautiful and tempting.

I put my forehead on hers, “the things I want to do to you. But that will be enough for today,” I said and kissed her forehead.

She kept looking at me and touched her lips, “you said the last time you held back, when was that?,” she asked.

She seemed genuinely curious, and I wondered why.

She made it clear that she had no interest in knowing about the past or about Scarlet.

Then why suddenly?

“The first day I met you at that restaurant, I held back. Mostly because you were a kid back then, merely a teenager and also back then. When we first fell in love” I said, and she nodded.

“Could you tell me? about the past?” she asked me, and I nodded.

I wanted to ask her, why does she suddenly want to know about the past?

But I didn’t want to scare her off, but the question still remained in my mind.

Why does she want to know about the past?

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