
Chapter 39: allies

Ryder’s pov

I looked at her as she was looking around the building.

Fate led me to her, when my eyes landed on her I couldn’t believe it at all.

She doesn’t want a love story, but that is the whole reason I am here right now.

She doesn’t know how I have been looking for her for so many years now.

She is even more beautiful than she is in my dreams.

I don’t know how and why but everything seemed to draw me to her.

When I first saw her in my dreams I didn’t know someone this beautiful could even exist in this world.

I thought it was just a dream, but my dream is here standing in front of me.

“You said that you have never seen the tattoo on your back. I can draw it for you” I said, and she looked at me with a smile.

“Really? are you sure?” she asked, and I nodded.

I got a paper and a ink and got ready to draw it, she went to other room and took off her dress.

She came wearing a blanket that covered everything except her back.

I started drawing and I realized that she was right about it expanding and it seemed to be holding a message

. From what she told me so far the person who did this curse was a very powerful witch.

Not only powerful but they were an evil genius to have done something like this.

I have been looking everywhere for information about the blood mark but nothing.

Even now I still cant believe that one witch managed to do all of this.

It might have been an entire coven but its still too much for them.

How can you erase one’s existence like its nothing?

This spell and everything related to the blood mark screams power and influence.

There is no way they managed to do this all on their own.

When I was done after some hours she looked at it.

“Its beautiful” she said looking at it with a sad smile.

This thing she is calling beautiful is what turned her into a fugitive and the enemy of every supernatural being.

“That’s basically your death sentence” I said, and she smiled looking at the drawing.

“It almost looks like a lily now that I see it” she said and then got up.

“We are both fugitives, we shouldn’t get too comfortable. Shall we get going?”

she asked me, and I nodded.

And just like that’s how we began travelling all around the world together.

Maybe it was the mate bond, or I am just very charming because eventually she fell in love with me.

Even if it was just the two of us, her loved filled me up and every day since then I have never regretted being a rouge for her.

The seer I saw told me if the two of us got together I would die a premature death.

He warned me to stay away from the girl I see in my dreams, but I couldn’t.

Because for some reason even in my dreams when I saw her I felt content.

Like I could just watch her from a distance and her face always brightened up my day.

I have questions too, a lot of them and I don’t have answers to them.

Why was it that I dreamt about someone I have never seen before in my life?

Why does ever little thing she does look so familiar?

I know I would die for but for some reason it felt like I had done it before.

I don’t want to lose her no matter that it felt as if I have lost her before.

I know deep down that it couldn’t be just a coincidence.

How are we connected?

I was born with a cursed fate, and I know all about triggers.

When I started dreaming about her the royal seer told me to stay away from her.

That she is my trigger, that once I decide to stay by her side I will without a doubt die young.

He advised that I stay as far away from her possible, that I should run far away from her.

But instead, everything in me, every bone, every cell and neuron in my body just kept telling me to running towards her.

That could only mean one thing, somehow we are connected and the same person that cursed me cursed her as well.

But why?

That’s the most important question?

“How does this painting look?” she asked me, and I looked at it with a smile.

“Not perfect but you are almost there” I said, and she smiled.

“In my next life I think I want to be a painter” she said, and I kissed her cheek.

“I should be the first man you paint” I said, and she nodded.

End of flashback

Logan’s pov

I looked around me and I was still in that circle and now she was looking at me.

My Reene was looking at me with those Green eyes.

I mean Charlotte, what just happened?

It felt like I was there, I could see Ryder’s memories all too well.

They actually felt like my memories, hell this whole reincarnation thing is confusing, but one thing is for sure.

I am the reincarnation of Ryder;

I should be jumping with joy that she fell in love with me.

Even in that life she told me how she didn’t have the time for love, but she still fell in love wit me.

But I now have more questions and I think that only I can answer those questions.

“I saw you and myself in our past lives. We were allies who helped each other run from the werewolves” Charlotte said to me. That’s all she saw.

“is that all you saw? Didn’t that girl Maya say that it’s a love story?” Alexa asked her and then looked at me.

“It could have been some hidden clue that I left behind.

Maybe I knew that I would find out that we were just allies, now the important part is finding out why I linked myself to you” she said.

I cant tell her now can I?

I dreamt about her back then in that life and I had never seen her before.

Not to forget about the cursed fate, if I was cursed in my last life then maybe I am now.

I cant tell her anything before I find the answers because this seems to be the questions that I should look answers for.

She already has been having a hard time finding answers to her questions.

I cant add more questions to the list.

I will find the answers myself;

I just need to find a witch who is willing to help me unlock the remaining of my memories.

“This whole spell? You said you saw some of the memories. Will any witch that might do the same spell see my memories?” I asked her and she shook her head.

“And I didn’t see your memories, I saw mine. If they have some kind of connection to you in that life maybe. But they will only see their memories not yours” she answered, and I smiled.

I looked at Sebastian who was already looking at me with this suspicious look in his eyes.

As we were leaving their apartment he stopped me, “what else did you see?” he asked.

“A few things that I need to figure out myself” I replied, and he rolled his eyes.

“I can’t believe that it’s you, the man she linked herself to for some reason” he said, and I just shrugged.

“Would you have felt better if it was someone else?” I asked him and he didn’t answer.

“I am willing to give you a chance. If you betray her trust, I will make sure that werewolves are extinct in the next few years” he said and then walked into his apartment.

I chuckled a bit when I realised that I   might just be losing my mind, because for a second there even his threat sounded familiar.

I am losing my mind aren’t I?

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