
Chapter 38: Trigger

Reene’s pov

I have been looking for answers but nothing.

Everything leads me to a dead end, like everything about the blood mark was erased.

As if I was erased in my last life, what happened?

From what I read up about reincarnations I am always the same person.

I feel it, sometimes when I do something it feels like de ja vu.

As I have done that thing before, and I am now just repeating it again and again.

It feels as if all this time I have been walking around in circles.

That’s how I feel, like this has been a torturous circle for me where I am hunted like some kind of prey.

I may not find the answers in this life, but I sure will find them in the next life.

I will make sure that no matter what I put an end to this endless circle I find myself trapped in.

I looked at the pile of papers I was holding.

I don’t understand anything from them, but I do hope that future me will.

I got up when I sensed a supernatural being, I don’t want to find myself near a supernatural being ever again.

Not now at least, for now I just need to keep running and looking for a solution.

I was about to get up when a handheld mine, do you know that feeling of de ja vu I mentioned before?

Well, I got that feeling right now, as if I know this touch more than anyone.

I have met up with a seer and they told me about the future.

The kind of life that future me will live, it will be full of obstacles and that is where the dark clouds will end.

He said that even in this life I will meet my future and also past.

I don’t know why his touch felt familiar, but I stopped and looked at the man holding my hand.

There he was, probably the most handsome man I have seen in this life.

“Lets get this over and done with. Being with me would put you at risk, so I will reject you quickly” he said, and I smiled.

“Don’t say it as if you are doing me a favour” I replied, and he looked at curious.

“Being with me will put you in harm’s way” he clarified, and I just shrugged.

“Do what you want to do and let go of my hand” I said, and he looked at his hand that still holding mine. He slowly let go and then looked at me.

“I am a rouge werewolf, I have almost every single werewolf looking for me. They all want me dead” he explained, and I nodded.

“Well, that won’t do, I already have every single witch in this world looking for me as well” I replied, and he smiled.

“You must be the famous Reene, the girl with the blood mark” he said, and I shrugged.

“And you must be Brett Ryder, the werewolf Prince with a cursed fate” I said, and he smiled.

“I could use your magic; it would be so helpful to make me disappear” he said, and I smiled.

“And I could use your nose, heightened sight and also your super hearing. What do you say partner?” I asked him and he smiled.

“I say lets do it” he replied and then we both got up without saying a word to one another.

I could feel the presence of all those witches coming after me and he heard it as well.

When we got outside the small diner we were hiding in he picked me up.

“Hold on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride” he said.

I closed my eyes and in a matter of seconds we were entering a building.

“This is where I have been hiding out, but I think they will find me soon” Ryder said, and I looked around.

The building wasn’t finished, construction was obviously cancelled before it was done.

I sat down and he looked at me as well, “come on lets get talking mate” he broke the silence.

“Well, I thought that we did all the talking that was needed” I replied.

What is there left to talk about?

I obviously ned him and he needs me as well so what else can we talk about?

“The blood mark, can I see it?” he asked me, and I just shrugged and took off my dress and then corset.

“Wow, I didn’t realise that it was that big” he said looking at the tattoo that now covered my entire back.

“I have never really seen it fully, but it didn’t start this big. It keep expanding, as If it’s a map and the more it expands the stronger I get” I explained.

“isn’t that good thing?” he asked me, and I shook my head.

“No, it’s not a good thing at all. The stronger I get the harder I would be for me to hide. Witches are pulled towards great power” I explained.

“so, you are saying that the stronger, you become a powerful magnet towards the same witches who want you dead?” he asked me, and I nodded.

“what about you? Your cursed fate, how is a royal Prince cursed?” I asked him and he shrugged.

“The mistakes of my ancestors, someone fucked up and I am paying for it” he replied.

There were rumours about him everywhere, they talk about how he is nothing but a good for nothing rouge.

You just need to walk around in the right circles like I do to actually find out the real truth.

I saw him the moment he entered through that door that he had cursed energy.

He was obviously cursed which is why he has turned into a rouge.

The big question is who would turn an Alpha Prince with so much potential into a rouge?

From what I know every curse has a trigger but what could be his trigger?

A trigger could be a word, parents did it back in the days when they didn’t want their kids to use forbidden magic.

They would curse them and use a trigger as a word that is usually used in a forbidden spell, or an object commonly used in a forbidden spell.

“You and I are too busy running from our fates to be lovebirds, we might be mates in your eyes but not in mine” I clarified, and he nodded.

“trust me, the last thing I want is a beautiful love story and falling in love. I just need to fix what is broken, how about you help me? I have become an enemy in the eyes of my people and you an enemy in the eyes of your people. So, lets me allies” he held his hand.

I extended mine and shook his, “From now on we are nothing but allies” I said.

We are both prisoners of fates, all we want is to be free from everything.

Love is the last thing we want, from other people or for ourselves.

Will I be free enough to fall in love in my next life?

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