
Chapter 37: love

Logan’s pov

A love story huh? Its sucks to have a mate who has been reincarnated almost every single century.

How many man did she fall in love with?

Isn’t it enough that I have to fight for her with the Vampire King?

I have to fight for her love with the man who has been waiting for her for centuries.

“Brett Ryder, who is he?” I asked Maya who looked at me with curiosity.

“He was a rouge werewolf; Reene and he fell in love while trying to stop the supernatural war that was happening at the time” She said, and Charlotte frowned.

“What? If my name back then was Reene then how did you recognise the name Scarlet?” Charlotte asked her.

“Before you were killed, you remembered a few things but there wasn’t enough time to get to the bottom of things.

You remembered your name and was slowly remembering some things” she said and then got up and took out an envelope.

Charlotte took it and opened there and written in a clean handwriting.

“The answers are in the past,” she looked at me and sighed.

She thought that all this time the past they are referring to is the one where she linked herself to someone.

But if it isn’t that past then witch one is it?

how is it related to the guy she linked herself to?

“Tell us more about this love story” Charlotte said, and Maya smiled.

“There isn’t much to it, but I will try my best” she said, and we sat back and listened.

Apparently Ryder wasn’t his real name, and no one really knows much about him.

It was said that he was a rouge, but I still couldn’t understand something at all.

During times of war rouges always fight to join packs as a way to protect themselves.

During serious wars like the one that happened during the late 1800s rouges are almost none existent.

And only those that have committed terrible crimes are left rouges.

This is because no pack would accept someone that could turn around and kill them instead.

This means if he was a rouge in that time then he probably was a terrible person.

Or he was so kind that he did something so stupid as to be alone because he was really kind.

The latter sounds almost impossible, apparently the two of them were really powerful.

It took both witches and werewolves working together to be able to kill them.

“Wait what? Witches and werewolves worked together to kill them?” Charlotte asked and the girl nodded.

After the story we said our thank you and then left.

“What’s on your mind, you seem lost in thoughts?” I said and she nodded.

“Its what she said about witches and werewolves working together” she said, and I nodded.

It sound like something that wasn’t possible in that situation at all.

Werewolves and witches were sworn enemies during that time, and everyone knows that.

It was because of the curse that witches put on werewolves causing them to change every full moon.

Werewolves had no control of when they changed and during those full moon the witches would slaughter the wolves.

Not to mention the practise that started centuries ago as well.

Witches would use werewolves to practise dark magic and many of our own kind died.

So, the idea that witches and werewolves worked together during those times is truly weird.

“I will pack up a few things and head home. It’s the only place I can find any kind of information on this Brett Ryder” I said, and she nodded.

“Keep in touch, I will tell the others what we learned today” she replied.

I went back home and started looking around, “what are you looking for?” my older brother asked.

“Nothing much” I said and then looked at him, I could tell that he didn’t believe me at all.

But what should I tell him?

That I met this girl who is the number 1 enemy of all witches, and they want her dead.

Hell, he would somehow find a way to use that against me.

After the vampire King warned me about him I am a little weary of my older brother.

He isn’t exactly brother or son of the year, so I can’t trust him with this.

“You are a little rebellious aren’t you brother?” I asked him.

He looked at me as If trying to figure out why I am asking him such a question out of the blue.

“Yes, so what? All the great leaders were once like me” he said, and I nodded.

“We had a lot of our ancestors who were like me actually. And they grew up to be great leaders, well except one” he said sitting down.

“Except one? Who and what happened?” I asked sitting down and he smirked.

“He was like you, a hopeless romantic. Well, he betrayed his people for love, imagine rebelling all for love” he said and then rolled his eyes.

I looked at him, I wanted to understand as well what kind of love would lead to that.

What kind of love would make a man give up everything?

I know the mate bond is truly powerful, I can feel it in every fibre of my being.

I have this never ending desire to be by her side no matter what.

But that no matter what, does it include becoming mortal enemies with my kind?

Giving up on my family and the people I once dreamt of leading?

If he did that then I wonder what kind of love he must have felt then.

The kind of love that moved mountains and that had idiots like me asking these questions.

They say that a broken heart is the only one that could understand another broken heart.

Is it like that being in love as well? is it possible?

 That the only way I could understand why he did what he did is to be as much in love as he was?

“Wait did you say ancestor? Are you telling me that Brett Ryder was out ancestor?” I asked my older brother who nodded.

“Yes, he did young though without any children of his own” he answered but then looked at me.

“I never told you his name, how did you know?” he asked me looking at me up and down.

“Thank you brother” I said rushing off before he could ask more questions.

If he was my ancestor then I can find more about him in the archives.

My ancestor huh?

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