
Chapter 35: Pandora's box

Charlotte’s pov

I had to go back, no matter how stubborn I am I couldn’t ignore the signs.

A man who has been paralyzed and hasn’t said a word in years spoke up.

He told me something that I needed to hear but didn’t want to hear.

I have never really been one to look at the past, well I mean my past specifically.

I like history, as long as it doesn’t involve me one bit.

Can you blame me?

If I look at the past then I would be reminded of the look on my mother’s face.

If I looked at the past then I would remember the crowd of the people I once called family running after me to kill me.

If I look at the past then all I can see is the darkness my life became.

This is why I never wanted to look at the past, I know the past of this life.

What about of all the lives I have lived and forgotten?

What other hell did I got through in the past lives?

What terrible things did I do to other people?

I didn’t want to open that Pandora box, I wanted it to remain as it was.

My past to me was like a Pandora’s box, best left alone and not touched.

I was determined to bury it in the furthest place I could find.

Probably in the earth’s core if possible or throw it in a black hole if one ever opened somewhere near me.

But then the radio and then the people in the restaurant telling me something that I already knew.

They were normal humans, and I felt the energy around me, when they spoke up I felt it.

That magic, it was my magic and no one else’s, but not from this life.

When I told Sebastian everything he looked at me and smiled for a second.

“Its probably something you planned in your last life. That if you ever got here you shouldn’t be able to leave” Sebastian explained.

“You always were one step ahead, maybe you remembered something in that life” he said, and I nodded.

“Considering how old this building is, it means that it must have been like one century ago.

Then it also means that we need to look before that.

What did you find out about me two centuries ago?,” I asked him, and he smiled.

“A lot,” he answered, and I nodded.

“That’s good, but you are in love with Scarlet and have been looking for her for centuries. If that’s the case then how didn’t you know about the lover, do you perhaps have a clue who he is?,” I asked him, and he shook his head.

“When it comes to finding you I always seemed to be one step behind no matter what I did,” he said.

“I don’t remember many details, but I will ask Mark to bring everything we know in that time and collected,” he added.

“Everything? Is it a lot?,” I asked him, and he nodded.

“It’s a lot, I left no stone unturned when looking for you. Everything little thing that seemed to be about you interested me,” he answered.

“Can you also look into the history of this building. Who the first person to build it is and why they built their building around that hidden doorway,” I said, and he agreed.

I got up and was about to go but then remembered something.

So I turned around and looked at him.

“I will come and ask you to tell me about our love story, and I am sorry I broke your heart. For breaking it then and today,” I said, and he shrugged.

“I am only happy that this time you came back alive and well” he said, and I nodded.

As I was about to close the door he hugged me from behind.

His embrace was pretty cool, like when you feel a slight cold breeze that is refreshing.

It felt like that as he was hugging.

“There is something I should make clear to you” he said.

“And what is that?,” I asked him, and he got closer, and I could hear his breathing.

“You can break my heart over and over again. You can walk all over it, cut it into a million pieces. But just know that when it heals, it will always beat for you and no one but you,” he said.

He then let go, I turned and looked at him and I could tell he meant every word.

Looking at him I could feel it, this man meant the world to me.

His touch wasn’t unfamiliar or strange but familiar and it actually felt like home.

When he kissed me it felt like de ja vu, even some of the words he says.

It always feels like I have heard them somewhere before, but I just don’t remember when and where.

I walked back to my apartment and found Alexa waiting for me.

“What’s up with your face? You look all red and blushing,” she said, and I tried to keep a straight face.

“He kissed you didn’t he? Well, you finally getting some action sister, this is good,” she said, and I just rolled my eyes.

“I need to go and see Logan” I said which made her smile even more.

“Two guys one after another,” she said, and I walked away and went to the building next door.

In a matter of seconds, he was downstairs, I do wish I was a werewolf sometimes.

Being able to catch a person’s scent, he came down without me having to ask him to come.

“Let’s go upstairs,” he said, and I followed him to his apartment.

“Can I get you something to drink? Water maybe?,” he asked, and I shook my head.

“I am okay thank you” I replied, “I was so scared, I thought that you left me for good,” he said.

“I was leaving, I thought it was the right thing to do. Now I realise that maybe I might need help,” I said, and he nodded.

“Whatever you need, even if it means burning the world down or turning it upside down I will do it,” he answered.

I looked at him, I could tell that he meant every single word he was saying.

“I need your help finding the man I am linked to,” I said, and I could see the shock on his face.

“You want me, your mate, to help you find the man who might have been the love of your life in your past life?,” he asked me, and I nodded.

“I know it sounds stupid and honestly evil if you ask me. it’s like I am torturing but I need your help,” I said, and he looked at me.

“Why me? why not ask the Vampire King?,” he asked me, and I took a deep breathe.

“From the spell, the design of the spell showed me something. He was a werewolf,” I answered, and he took a deep breathe.

“A werewolf huh?,” he asked me, and I nodded.

“What if he has a mate now? What if he has a family and he is happily married?,” he asked me.

“I don’t want to be with him or spend the rest of our lives together.

But I will just only look for answers, that life, the life I lived then.

I know that something big happened, that I found something so big that I even tied myself to that time.

All I need is to find out what happened,” I answered, and he nodded.

“I will help you, just tell me what it is that I need to do,” he said, and I smiled.

We talked about a few things and I also told him the reason I came back and why the past is so important.

“Thank you so much, we will meet up tomorrow with Sebastian and start with this mission,” I said as I got up and got ready to leave.

“No problem and there is something else I would like to tell you,” he said.

“I know that you think I want to be with you because we are mates.

But that’s not the truth.

I liked you the moment you turned around and looked at me in that rooftop.

Your wise words and the smile you had, a bright smile despite everything you have been going through. You are not just my mate;

you are my first love,” he said kissed my cheek.


What is this feeling?

What is this familiarity with him as well?

It makes sense with Sebastia considering that we have a past but him.


Why does it feel like I know his warmth and I missed it.

this is honestly really confusing;

I can’t wait until we figure everything out.

I am 24 years old, and I am honestly tired of this 8 years identity crisis.

Now it’s time I finally find out who I am.

As I was going back to my apartment Mary opened the door and looked at me with a smile.

“Good, you are back. The three of you started this whole thing and only the three of you can end it,” she said and then closed the door.

The three of us?

What does she mean by the three of us started this?

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