
Chapter 33: The past has all the answers

Charlotte’s pov

“What? He just spoke right? you heard him right? he hasn’t said a word Is over a decade and he spoke” Mary said with her smile.

And then her eyes landed on me, and I could tell what she thinking without having to hear her say it.

She always told us stories about how powerful of a seer her husband was back in his prime.

Its her way of telling me that I should listen to him and stay here to dig into the past.

“Goodbye Mary” I said and then walked away with Alexa behind me.

“Don’t tell me that we are leaving even after everything we just heard” she said and shrugged.

“We heard what we had already knew, the answers are in the past.

So, we look for texts and books, myths and legends written about her.

We do what we have been doing all this time, we research” I answered, and she rolled her eyes.

“You know what I mean” she said, and I just shrugged.

“I have no idea; we are leaving unless you want to stay behind. You don’t need to follow me if you don’t want, you can stay here and have a home” I said, and she shook her head.

“I am coming with you” she said, and I nodded as we went downstairs with our one bag that I was holding.

It was small and only had bank cards and the fake identity documents we carry around and nothing more.

I got into the car, and we started driving away in the middle of the night.

I know it may seem like I am taking it a little bit too far.

But I am not going to let anyone ruin anything for me, not now and not ever.

I have been successfully hidden from everyone who was looking for me and their presence threatens that.

Mine and Alexa’s lives will always be top priority no matter what.

“Just say whatever it is you want to say” I said to Alexa who has been looking over at me.

“What if the past he was talking about is your past, your past as Scarlet. If we could find a way to get back your memories then we could answers” she said, and I shook my head.

“We are not doing that” I replied and for some time she didn’t say anything.

“Why not?” she broke and asked.

“Because I am not Scarlet, I am Charlotte Bishop, and I am my father’s daughter” I replied, and she nodded.

“I know that you know that more than anyone.

But we also need answers, we have been looking for 4 years.

You have been looking for 8, what if this is the only way?” she asked me.

“Then I will live the rest of my miserable life like this. I know this life isn’t perfect, but I am happy, here with you” I said, and she smiled.

“I am happy too, then lets go wherever the wind takes us and lets find answers” she said holding my hand.

We drove for some time, and I still felt like I owed her an explanation.

I don’t want to tell her, but I know that I might be Scarlet to some capacity.

For the past 8 years I have found myself knowing things that I have never learned.

I have always been terrible at words which is why I chose to learn how to paint.

But my words have gotten even sharper and somehow beautiful.

When I saw Sebastian the first time it just felt right.

It was as if I knew then and there, and he is somehow a part of me.

I knew deep down even as a 16 year old that he is somewhat connected to me.

And I feel it too, the mate bond pulling me closer to Logan as well.

Now as I am getting further away from him I feel this warmth leaving my body.

But what I hate the most is that if I a Scarlet then it means I am not my father’s daughter.

If I am her then I am not my little brother’s sister and I am not Charlotte Bishop.

And if I do regain her memories and I was actually a really terrible person and deserved the curse then what?

When people gain back their memories with magic it doesn’t only bring back the memories.

Along with my memories it will bring every single emotion, the anger I felt, the pain, the love and sadness I left in those memories.

Not only that but it will also bring back my personality and I will go back to how I was.

The stories I have heard about Scarlet are not that pretty and honestly she scares me.

I am scared of myself; I am scared to look in the mirror and see who is on the other side of it.

I don’t want to be someone that will be a danger to Alexa or anyone else.

I don’t want Charlotte Bishop to be swallowed whole and to be forgotten.

And the man I am linked to, he is the direct and possible link of my past.

What if I find them and he is a complete scumbag?

The Linking spell works this way, the person who linked the other aka me remembers everything In the next life when they reach a certain age.

And once they remember everything they also remember the spell they casted.

That spell can be used to find the person they have linked themselves with.

Once you find your one true love that you couldn’t part with even after death you show them.

You show them all the memories you made in the past life and live happily ever after.

As for me I don’t remember anything because of the blood mark curse.

If I didn’t have it then I would have the memories of who my past love is and how to find them.

But then I wouldn’t have the curse mark which means I wouldn’t have the questions I have.

Alexa switched on the radio, and I almost hit a tree when something was said in the radio.

“The past has all the answers, turn around” the voice said.

I looked at Alexa who was obviously as shocked as me and quickly switched off the radio.

“what the hell was that?” she asked, and I didn’t know how to answer her.

I would like to say it’s a coincidence, but I don’t believe in those at all.

 “Let’s stop at this diner and have some food” Alexa suggested, and we stopped and went in.

Ordered some food, we ate and as we were about to leave everyone in the restaurant got up.

All at the same time and they all froze in the very same way as If they are Robots.

“The past has all the answers, turn around” they said in unison.

“that was just freaky” Alexa said, and the people repeated what they said over and over again.

What the hell is this?

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