
Chapter 32: Unrequited love

Charlotte’s pov


I thought this would give me the answers to my questions, but I was wrong.

Instead, it just gave me even more questions and another heart I don’t feel like breaking.

I looked at the two men who were with me right now.

Sebastian, he obviously understands what is happening because he seemed, so heart broken.

He has been waiting for Scarlet for centuries and now to find out that she fell in love with someone else.

Hell, she fell so madly in love with him that she tied her fate to his so they could be together.

it’s a slap in the face, one would say that its almost like death by a thousand cuts the more you look at it.

I cant be responsible for another heart, and I have no interest In pursuing a love story in this life.

Well, if I am Scarlet then it’s not a problem, I will just try and find love in my next life.

“Lets get out of here” I said, and Logan seemed confused.

“What happened? What is this link you spoke about?” Logan asked and I looked at Sebastian.

“Its what lovers do when one of them is about to die and they still want to be with each other.

They link themselves to one another, think of it like an invisible thread that pulls them towards one another” I explained, and he nodded.

“Whose Link in this? Who is linked to who? Why did we find this?” he asked again.

“I am, this means that somewhere out there is a man I once loved” I explained, and he looked at me surprised.

“What? You are saying that somewhere out there, there is some guy you tied yourself to?” he asked, and I nodded.

They were all looking at me as if I somehow betrayed them and I know that I didn’t.

I know that I am innocent and shouldn’t be held accountable for something I don’t remember doing.

I cant be blamed for things that I did in my old lifetime.

Then knowing fully well that it’s not my fault then why do I feel so guilty?

Why do I feel my heart slowly aching at seeing them looking at me like this?

Is it because of the mate bond or the stupid sappy love story that Sebastian told me about?

Is that why I feel guilty?

Because I know that he has been looking for her, for me for centuries and now this.

He waited all this time just to find out that she didn’t wait but instead fell in love with someone else.

And as for Logan he has been taught all his life that someone special is waiting for him.

That out there, there is a woman who will love him and only him.

That’s why I feel guilty isn’t it?

its normal to feel guilt because at the end of the day I am only human.

Well, I am human with supernatural powers and can link myself to a man I apparently or maybe loved.

“I am sorry, despite the fact that I don’t remember you or our loved story.

Or the fact that I don’t accept your mate bond.

I am still truly sorry if I broke your hearts” I said and then started walking away.

You see in books all they talk about when they talk about unrequited love is the other side.

They talk about the person who feels that love and how they are hurt by it.

But I think that the receivers of that unrequited love also deserve to have their own story told.

 A decent human being with a conscious feels guilt and also sadness.

I don’t love them, and I don’t want to love them but seeing them broken like that did take a toll on me.

There is a saying that nothing breaks like a heart and that’s the last thing I want.

All I want is to be alive, I want to walk the streets with full make up and greet people.

I want to be able to live my life without fear, and this life and this soul inside me have other plans.

Should I hate myself?

I don’t know how I should feel or who I should be angry at.

But now I know for certain that the answers to my questions are not in this building.

Then now I can walk away without any fear, without any doubts or without any questions.

“You loved me first, I have always been your first love.

And you always have been and will be my only love, it doesn’t matter who you are linked in.

You will always be mine Charlotte” Sebastian said, and I turned to look at him.

“You said my name, you said Charlotte, so you know who I am. I am not the love of your life” I said.

“We shall see, goodnight” he said and then disappeared just like that.

Huh sometimes I forget that he is a powerful vampire with super speed.

“Are you also going to say that I am yours?” I asked Logan who just shrugged.

“You are not mine, so I won’t say it. But you and I are meant to be together, and I am yours” he said with a smile and then walked away.

I went back to my apartment to find Alexa waiting with what I told her to do.

“did you find anything useful?”  she asked and I sat down and told hr everything that happened.

“What? Another guy? I bet he is just as hot as the two other guys, what the hell” she said shaking her head.

“So, are we staying?” she asked me, and I shook my head which made her look at me in confusion.

“Charlotte you can’t stop living just because of this curse.

You loved that man so much that you linked yourself to him, that is a sign that you must stay.

Look for him and find him” she said, and I shook my head.

“I have no interest in pursuing a love story, all I want is to get rid of this curse.

I want to live, not in the past but in the present and not with some guy who I am told I am destined to be with” I said, and she looked at me and nodded.

She understood more than anyone how much I hate the idea of fate and destiny.

That Fate and that destiny led me here to this life, this witch could have been born in anyone’s body.

It could have been someone else, but it just had to be me, I could have been human.

I could have been normal but fate and whatever gods are out them screwed me over.

Fate will never tell me what to do, let alone tell me who I should love.

“Lets get everything ready, they ate the food you gave them right?” I asked Alexa and she nodded.

“What are you going to do?” she asked me as I started lighting the candles to prepare for a spell.

“I put a sleeping portion in the food. But the spell is weak, the spell works as a catalysts and speeds up the process” I said, and she nodded.

“This will put them into a deep sleep right? and then we can go, do we have to do this though?” she asked.

“Yes we do, I don’t want to take a risk that they would follow us. We need to disappear that they wont find me ever again” I said, and she nodded.

I started chanting my spell and after some time it worked.

To double check and just be sure since I am dealing with the Vampire King and the Alpha Prince we knocked on the other’s door.

We knocked on our enemy’s door and he didn’t answer which means he is in a deep sleep.

“we should say goodbye to Mary” Alexa said, and I nodded as we knocked on our neighbour’s door.

“Good evening Mary” we said in unison, and she looked at us with a smile and opened the doors wide open.

We went in and she made some tea.

“hello Mr Dave, you look good today” I said to her husband.

From what she told us her husband just stopped talking one day and lost control of his body.

He just suddenly became paralyzed and hasn’t said a word to her in 10 years.

But he can hear us, and you can see the answers in his eyes when you talk to him.

“We are leaving” I informed them, and Mary looked at me confused.

“What, Why?” asked me and I just shrugged.

“I want to find answers so I can focus on my future. And I cant do that with the past loaming over me” I replied, and she nodded.

We spoke  and after some time and as we said our goodbyes and were about to leave something shocking happened.

“The past has all the answers” a unfamiliar voice said, and we all turned to look at Dave.

“what?” Mary said and her husband looked at me dead In the eyes.

“The past has all the answers you need” he repeated and then went back to his normal self.

For a brief second when he said those words he was full of life.

What the hell just happened?

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