
Chapter 27: stalker

Sebastian’s pov

“just buy the entire building, that way Logan wont also rent there,” I said to Mark who smiled.

“I didn’t think I would see this side of you” he said with a little chuckle.

“he is still my competition; I won’t underestimate him” I said, and he bowed his head before going to do my part.

And I saw it in his eyes, the determination he had in his eyes.

He was going to try and win over his mate no matter what.

And werewolves are really annoying when it comes to the mate bond thing. Its like they are obsessed with the idea of having a soulmate.

Like they can’t think for themselves and the only thing they have going on for them is this forced relationship.

I am just saying that because honestly now that I am up against the mate bond my confidence is low.

This is why I need to be around her as soon as possible and why I am buying that building.

I want to move into that apartment as soon as possible.

It wasn’t available so I buying the entire building is the only way out of this.

I asked him to find an apartment next to Charlotte and the one he found had people in it.

buts that’s not a problem at all, we will just offer them a bigger and nicer place.

Since they are a huge family that place was never really big enough for them.

I would do anything to be next to her.

I need to be next to her, so I can protect her and be there for her.

I need to be next to her so I can win her love.

This time I will save her no matter,

this time I won’t be late like how I was late centuries ago and that still haunts me even today.

A few hours later Mark called telling me that everything is done.

And now I need to find an excuse that a lot of people won’t pick up why I am here.

I need to be able to buy myself time and use this opportunity to get closer to her before people ask a few questions.

Well living in the same building is the best way to live without attracting attention.

I sat down and started looking at the documents about the new building that I own.

It has a lot of history and I have no doubt that it has a few things hiding in there so I could use that as a reason.

once supernatural beings see the history of this building they will think that I am probably looking for something.

Plus, now that I own it would be a much perfect reason and they won’t focus on Charlotte.

A lot of people don’t remember what she looks like, and others just have never met her.

So, her looks wont attract a lot of people,

I guess I have to thank her mother for that.

That woman and her coven erased any trace of her in story.

The only portrait of her was the one that I had painted for myself.

Other than that, she isn’t anywhere, I don’t think that a lot of people have seen her actually.

Even my friend has never seen her but only heard about her because back then it was hot gossip.

A vampire and a witch were together and in love even against their family’s wishes.

My parents absolutely hated the idea of me being with a witch.

Which is why Eliza and I a few years later had to put them down.

My sister didn’t like Scarlet, although they hardly met but she helped me put our parents down anyway.

After that I became the most feared supernatural being, my parents were powerful.

So, anyone who could take out such powerful beings must be powerful themselves.

And because of that I became the Vampire King, and the title came with some power and benefits.

But by then it was already too late because she was gone.

I wished I had step up earlier, I wish I had more guts and fought just because she was taken from me.

if I fought at the right time then she would have been here in my arms with me.

I wouldn’t have spent all that time looking for her and she wouldn’t have been cursed.

After that I decided that it’s better that I start looking for ways to save her this time.

I will turn the world upside down if I must.

Hell, I will find every single supernatural librarian and have them eat and breath this mystery until they find answers.

I have a few leads but the most important and likely one is Scarlet.

She has always been smart so I think that she will have the answers to all these questions.

That is why her mother made her forget everything when she is reincarnated.

Mostly when people are reincarnated, when they reach a certain age they remember everything but that isn’t the case with Scarlet.

I know that she probably did that, so Scarlet doesn’t remember me and if she doesn’t remember me then we won’t be together.

there could be a million other reasons for why she made things this way.

But I know that the main reason was that she was scared that once Scarlet remembers she will be able to reverse the spell.

She was the smartest witch during her time, had an eye for details and just like her mother was gifted caster.

She couldn’t only interpret old symbols but could also find an antidote to anything.

A great caster and an even amazing healer, I guess that is what pissed her mother even more.

She raised her daughter to be this prodigy just to have turn against her.

That woman has always been a brutal and unforgiving.

I remember the look in her eyes when I first met her, I am powerful, but that woman scared me.

well, I was just a boy back then so of course she scared me a lot.

She had this look in her eyes, this evilness that would scare anyone.

The next day after packing up and having them take my things to my new home.

I also got ready and decided that its time I get settled into my new home.

When I got there, and the elevator door was about to close I heard her voice.

 That great voice I will never be able to forget ever.

I helped her with her bags and realized that she has been so preoccupied she hasn’t even looked at me.

the elevator doors closed, and she turned around to thank me but then froze when her eyes landed on me.

I just pretended like this was completely normal and that I was just minding my own business.

So how do you ensure that you don’t look like a stalker when you are technically one?

“what the hell is this? What are you doing here?” she asked me, and I just shrugged.

“I own the building now” I said, and I saw her open and close her mouth more times than I can count.

She looked really cute when she is frustrated, “you know what? I don’t even care what brings you here. I just hope that you are not some stalker freak” she said, and the elevator stopped, and the doors opened.

She took her things and got out and I followed behind her which made her stop.

I then continued walking even after she stopped and unlocked my new apartment.

“what the hell? You are the new neighbour?” she asked, and I nodded.

“ohhh you live in which apartment? This one of this one?” I asked pointing at the two other apartments apart from mine.

I didn’t want to make it obvious that I know which one is her apartment.

She just rolled her eyes, obviously she saw right through my act.

“just so you know, there is something I am looking for in this building” I said, and she looked at me.

“I am going to find it first” she said and slammed the door of her apartment.

So, there is something here that she is looking for.

I was wondering that out of all the places she could live why choose this place?

She could live anywhere in the city but why a building like this?

I means its not terrible but for someone who has money like her she shouldn’t live like this.

Her restaurant perform so well that she is financially stable enough to afford something bigger.

And the fact that she has never stayed in one place for too long but suddenly stayed here this long was suspicious.

So, she is looking for something here, but what?

And why?  

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