
Chapter 13: The Escape


I heard the metal door slam open and felt a warm hand touching my cheek.

“Are you okay, sweetie? I’m here now. I didn’t forget about my promise.” My vision was occupied with dark spots as my eyes threatened to close. “Stay with me now, Emery. We’re going to the packhouse, your new home.” 

I am still shaking and traumatized by the events that I didn’t even notice that someone else was there, plummeting Beta Armad down on the ground. I heard his pained groans and smiled in relief, knowing that I was safe now.

I looked up to Liliana and weakly said, “Thank you.” I smiled at her fondly until my vision finally drifted to black. 


I gasped. I opened my eyes and looked at the unfamiliar surroundings that I was in. I also felt that the world was moving—I was in a car. I sat up in defense but relaxed when I saw Luna Liliana in front of me

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goodnovel comment avatar
Yea I heard the main character is spineless. I totally wished we had some independence or at least some self empowering moments. ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Theresa Durrett
I think the family got off too lightly considering they were the reason for Emery's mothers death.
goodnovel comment avatar
Grow a spine girl! I share that she ended up with this disgusting moron in the end.

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