
The Billionaire is In love with his Enemies Daughter
The Billionaire is In love with his Enemies Daughter
Author: Amaryllis

Chapter 1

Freen Yildirims Pov

"Watch your mouth Miss Yildirim. Do you have any evidences of what you are accusing me of? I can sue you if you can't prove your claims." Kaden uttered in a cold tone.

He didn't bother to look at me. His eyes were focused on the papers he was holding.

Kaden is busy with his work when I barged in his office. His secretary said that I needed an appointment before I can talk to him but I forced myself to go in. There is no way that I will wait for another day to confront him.

How many years since the last time I saw him? Five? Six? But his behavior still haven't changed a bit. He is still arrogant and conceited.

"So you are still in denial? Do you think I am stupid for accusing you without gathering an evidences?"

Kaden's jaw tightened. He harshly put down the papers and lifted his gaze to look at me. I caught my breathe and almost lose my balance when I saw the coldness and emptiness in Kaden's eyes. It's been years but that eyes still manage to make my heart beats faster.

"No, miss Yildirim. I think----you are a clever woman. You are so clever that you were able to kill my future child." He replied in a cold hard mocking tone.

My mouth hang open. Blood rushed to my face. How dare he bring up the past? All the hatred and resentment I had felt towards him before came flashing back like a lightning. My vision is darkening, but I took a deep breathe to calm myself.

"So what if I killed your child? You don't deserve to have one anyway." I spit the words in a casual way to show him that I have no regrets for what I did, but Lord God, forgive me for what I am saying, I just wanted to hurt this man infront of me.

"Say it again?" He commanded in a dangerous tone.

I felt nervous when Kaden's eyes darkened. Slowly, he got up to where he was sitted. I took a step backward when he walks towards me.

"Miss Yildirim, what did you just say?"

In just a blink of an eye, he was now infront of me. His familiar perfume lingered on my nose.

I caught my breathe when he leaned towards me and whispered near my ear.

"You killed an innocent child and you are still proud of what you did? Do you have any conscience at all?"

I gulp the lump in my throat and bit my lower lip hard to suppress the tears that wants to roll over my face. I smirk to hide my pain.

"Conscience? I'm sorry, but I don't recognize that word. To tell you honestly, I was more than relieved when I found out that your baby is gone in my body. Do you know how happy I am at that time? I even threw a party because at last, my burden is----"

I didn't finish what I am about to say when he suddenly grab my neck and grip it tightly. I can feel the anger he feels in the way he holds me.

Our eyes met. His eyes were red maybe due to the emotions that he was holding back.

"I hate you. I fucking hate you so much. Loving you was the greatest mistake I have ever done in my entire life. You will regret showing up to me again. Remember this miss Yildirim, your nightmare has just begun. I will take everything what you have until you regret being born in this world."

I tried to remove his hands when he tightened his grip on my neck, but my strength weren't enough.

"Ka----den. L-Let me go." I begged, but he just smirk dangerously.

My lips parted trying to catch my breathe. I'm sure my face is as white as a paper now. I am losing my breath, but it seems like he has no intentions of letting me go. He wants to kill me. It was evident in his eyes.

A single tear fell from the side of my eyes when I closed my eyes.

"K-Kaden." I gasp but he grip my neck tighter.

"I will fucking kill you." He uttered with full of conviction.

That is the last word I heard before everything went blank.

I woke up gasping for air. I sat on the bed and massage my neck when I felt pain in it. What is that? Did I just dream? But my neck hurts so it probably happened. I looked around me and immediately, fear registered in my eyes when I found out that this is not my room.

Where am I? Slowly, I got up. The room is wide and elegant. It's obvious that the owner is rich.

I looked at the door when it suddenly opened. Kaden emerged inside. I started to panick.

"Oh! Great. The disney princess is already awake. I thought you would wake up tomorrow." Kaden uttered sarcastically.

I ignored his mockery and stepped towards him."I want to go home. Where did you put my bag?" I asked him calmly, but my insides is in a riot mode.

He holds my waist and in a little distance, he crossed the remaining gap between us. I gasp when I felt his hard chest pressing to mine. My heart started to beat faster not because of fear but because of anticipation.

"Why are you rushing? We are not yet done talking." He whispered near my ear.

Tiny goosebumps crawled all over my body. My body reacted automatically. I put my two arms on his chest and push him but he pulled me back.

I gasp loudly. "Kaden, let go off me." I protested, but he stepped forward causing for me to step backward until I felt the edge of the bed.

My eyes widen when he pushed my body on the bed. I was about to get up but he leaned forward so I laid back again. He put his two hands on my both sides to locked me up.

My heart is beating rapidly. What is he planning to do?

"Who is Kalil?" He asked in a cold hard tone.

My face turned pale. God! I almost forgot about my twins. They are surely looking at me now.

"It's none of your business." I struggled once again, but he was too strong. I couldn't get away from him.

"Kaden, can you please, get off me? I want to go home, now." I demanded.

What is the time now? I've been away for too long. My twins are just five years old. Even though they have a nanny, they are still not used to me not being by their side for too long.

"So, you can go and see Kalil? Who is he? Your husband? Your boyfriend?" He asked mocking me.

My whole face reddened. He sure have a wild imagination.

"I said, it's none of your business." I snapped losing my patience.

I got up not caring if I will bump his head but he pushed me again.

I blew out a harsh breath."Are you seriously not letting me go? Why? Do you miss me that much, Mr. Lewis? I thought you hate me? Why are you clinging at me now?" I provoked him.

Slowly, his eyes sharpened. His jaw tightly clenched.

"Dream on woman. Who do you think you are? You are just a worthless woman of my past. Not even worth mentioning to my colleagues. You sure are looking up to yourself." He retorted back with full of sarcasm.

I was hurt by what he said but I laugh sarcastically to hide my pain. There is no way that I will show him that he still has an effect on me.

"Then, what are you doing? I thought you hate me? I am worthless, right? Why are you locking me up here, then?"

After I said that, he immediately move away like I have some kind of a disease. Kaden seemed changed. He wasn't the same Kaden I used to know. Before, If I provoke him, the more he doesn't want to let me go, but now, he's reacting fast to get away from me.

"Your bag is in the sala. Get out of here while I can still hold back myself, but remember this, I'll let you go for now but it doesn't mean we are already done. I'll give you time to be with your man, but the next time we met, you will never get away from me, ever."

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