
Chapter 5

Kella is a behave child. She is not someone who deliberately stirs up trouble so what did her classmates do to trigger her self-discipline?

Catching my breathe, I get inside the principals office without knocking and immediately, I saw Kella sitting on the right side while Teacher Tina is standing behind her. The principal is sitting on his swivel chair and between them is his desk. I glanced at the child sitting across Kella. Her hair is messy and Kella too, so I already concluded what has happened.

"Maam, sir, I am apologising in behalf of my daughter for whatever she had done." I talked without notice that made them all glance at me.

I don't know the full story yet but I decided to apologise first.

Kella's face lit up when she saw me.

"Mommy." She beamed and ran towards me hugging my waist.

"Miss Yildirim, we should have just let what happened pass since neither of them was hurt but the bodyguards of Teela saw what happened and they already told it to her father." Teacher Tina explained worriedly.

"We are worried because her father is an influencial businessman. What if he'll file a complaint and close our school?" He sigh heavily so his wrinkles became visible.

I wanted to roll my eyes. Isn't the principal over reacting? It's just a children's fight and it's already normal. I even experienced it when I was of the same age of them. It's not like my daughter killed.

"Don't worry Ms. Tina, Mr. principal, I will talk to her parent's and explain---" I didn't finished what I am about to say when Teela suddenly shouted and ran towards the door.


Our eyes followed where she ran to. My eyes widen in disbelief when I saw Kaden standing at the door. I intently looked at Kaden then back to Teela. I can't believe this. Is Teela her daughter, too? And just like mine, is he also having a fraternal twins? What kind of coincidences is this?

"Mr. Lewis." The principal stood up. Sweat formed on his forehead.

I made a silent tsss. Is he that afraid of Kaden?

"What is the problem here? What did my daughter do?" Kaden asked in a authorative tone. His face void of any emotion.

I glance at Kella. Her eyes is sad while staring at Kaden so I pulled her closer to my body as if comforting her.

The principal laugh akwardly."Mr. Lewis, the thing is---"

"Wait. Let me talk to Mr. Lewis Mr. principal." I interrupted when he was about to explain.

I am busy and I don't have many times left so I better explain directly since it was our children who are involved here.

"They fight like what usually childrens do, but luckily, no one was harmed so can we just let it slide Mr.Lewis?" I explained in a civil manner like an educated individual should act.

"No daddy, Kella purposely took my chair. I was the first who reserved that chair but she sit on it. She is a thieve." Teela accused my daughter. She even dare point her small finger to my daughter.

I felt like my blood rose to my head. If only it is not wrong to hit a child, I would have smacked that bubbly mouth of hers.

"How can I be a thief? We are in a school and you don't own that chair. Everyone can sit in any chair they want. And one more thing, we are not in a restaurant where you can reserve any sit you want. I sitted first on that chair. Is it my fault if you are late?" Kella answered back.

I smirked. I wanted to clap my hands and shouts bravo, but it would be so akward especially, when I saw the Principal and Miss Tina having a diarrhea like face.

"See, daddy? She has a bad attitude. She shouldn't study in this school. Please, let them expel her."

My eyes widen. What the! This child sure has an attitude.

Kella suddenly faced Kaden. Looking up, she asked in an innocent voice.

"Tell me Mr. Lewis is it bad to depend myself when I am only telling the truth? Does depending myself makes me a bad child?"

I was waiting for him to say no, but I felt like my heart torn into pieces when instead of answering Kella, he turned to the Principal with the means of intentionally ignoring Kella.

"Mr. Principal. I enrolled my child here to study and not to be harmed by another child. I hope I won't hear this kind of incidents again in the future." He uttered, devoid of any emotion.

Kella looks offended, but she still manage to smile at Kaden even when he is not looking at her. My blood boiled with too much anger. How dare he, a jerk good for nothing son of a gun ignore my daughter's innocent questions?

My face can't paint even the skilled painter when I faced the principal.

"The same goes for me too Mr. Principal. If my daughter won't get a proper treatment while studying here. If someone dare hurt her, all hell broke loose, I will make that someone pay and I won't care whoever she is." I blurted out furiously while my eyes were directly looking at Kaden.

Kaden furrowed his brows, but I returned it with a glare.

"Let's go Kella." I held her hand and led her out without properly saying goodbye.

So what if they call me rude and impudent? I am just saving Kaden's face from getting ruined because I couldn't promise myself not to punch him given the amount of negative emotions I am feeling right now.


Kella, do you still want to meet your father?" I asked cautiously while I am fixing her seatbelt.

I decided to take Kella home instead of continuing her class.

"Mom, didn't I meet my real father already?" She replied innocently.

My mouth hang open. Tears started to build up around the corners of my eyes. I am right. She knew that Kaden is her real father.

I gulp the lump in my throat."A-Aren't you angry?"

Kella furrowed her brows then she smiled faintly. "I am not angry mommy. I am just sad because my real daddy doesn't want me."

The tears I am trying to hold back completely fell. I leaned towards Kella and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry honey. I am so sorry." I said in a broken voice.

My shoulders shook as I cried on Kella's shoulder. I cried even louder when Kella gently caressed my back as if comforting me.

"Sshhhh. Don't cry mommy. Kella will cry too if you cry."

I bit my lower lip hard to hold my sobs from escaping. My chest were so heavy. Kella is still young. She doesn't deserve to be treated badly.

I wiped off my tears and smiled at her.

"I am free today. Do you want me to cook your favorite dishes with your twin brother?"

"But it is still early mommy. Don't you have work?"

"No, honey. Since I am already here, I decided to take the day off."

"Hmmm.okay mommy. Let me ask kuya Kalil first what would he like to eat."

My eyes widen."Did you just say kuya to Kalil, honey?"

"Sshhh." She put her small finger to my lips."Don't tell it to kuya Kalil that I called her kuya mommy. I will only call him kuya when he's not around."

I couldn't help but laugh."Why honey? Why can't you call him kuya when he's around?"

Kella pursed her lips."Because I want to annoy him mommy. Kuya Kalil has his own world. He wouldn't pay attention to me if I wouldn't annoy him."

I smiled and messed her hair."Your kuya Kalil loves you honey. He's just not showy about his feelings so don't annoy your brother too much or he'll get mad for real."I explained to her.

Kella nodded while I, intently looked at her.

"Kella, will you tell to your kuya Kalil that you already saw your father?" I asked carefully weighing her reaction.

Immediately, her face became sad again but when she saw that I am looking at her, she smiled cheerfully.

"No mommy. I will wait for you to tell him yourself."

I kissed her forehead and hugged her. I am so blessed to have a beautiful and understanding daughter like Kella. Too bad, Kaden wouldn't experience how to be loved by my twins.

I did cook the favorite food of my twins. We ate together. Played together and at night, Kella sleep in Kalils room so I tucked them to bed together. It was surprising that Kalil let Kella sleep with her, but I didn't ask for I am afraid that he'll change his mind.

When they already sound asleep, I got up and went to my room, but I got thirsty all of a sudden so I decided to go down and take water in the kitchen.

I was in the living room when I heard a loud knock on our door. My brows furrowed. We have a security guards guarding our house 24/7 so I am not afraid that someone wants to trespass in our house.

"Miss Yildirim. Are you still awake?" Uncle Ben loudly uttered.

I walked towards the door. Uncle Ben can use the doorbell. Why is he knocking? What if I am not here? Who would open the door for him? The maids quarter is far from the door so they cannot hear his knock especially, if they are already fast asleep.

"Uncle Ben, what is the problem? Why are you knocking? Why don't you use the doorbell?" I asked one after the other.

He scratched the back of his head."I'm sorry miss Yildirim, it's just that," he paused and looked at his side.

And that's when I found out that he was with someone. My eyes widen.

"What are you doing in my house?"

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