
Chapter 2

"Miss Freen, bad news."

She is Kristine; my grandfather's personal assistant.

Currently, I am in our company acting as a CEO since my grandfather was still in a state of a coma.

"Yes, Miss Kristine. What is it?" She looked bothered and troublesome.

"The investors are pulling out their investment one by one. If this will continue, soon the company will declare bankcruptcy." She answered worriedly.

I closed my eyes tightly and massage my forehead. Since, I came home, I am doing every possible means to somehow make up for the money my grandfather has lost but no one wants to help us. I approached all of my grandfather's friends that I know but they all rejected me. Now, I am wondering if they are truly my grandfather's friends. Because if they are, why are they hesitating to help?

"Honestly, I don't know what to do anymore. I have done everything I could to save the company. I've talked to people I know, but they all rejected me. Tell me Kristine, should I still fight to save the company or I better give it up?"

"Please, don't give up miss Freen. Many families are depending on your company. Most of the employess already aged here. If they lose their job, it was hard for them to find another one again."

"But what should I do? I don't have much connection here. Who would want to save a dying company?" My voice cracked. I wanted to cry but I am trying to kept my cool.

In this time of crisis, I couldn't afford to show weakness to my grandfather's subordinates. And even though I am stressed and on the verge of breaking down, I still kept my sanity intact because I am thinking about my twins. If they lose me, who will take care of them?

Kristine's face lit up. "I know a way miss Freen."

My brows furrowed. "What way?"

"Talk to Mr. Lewis. He was the only person who can help you." She suggested.

"What? Are you serious? Isn't he the reason why my grandfather is in a state of a coma right now?"

Kristine must be kidding me. This is absurb. There are so many businessman out there who she can mention.Why it has to be Kaden?

Kristine's eyes widen. She looked shock."Who told you that miss Freen? Oh my god. That is not true." She answered in fright.

"Did you comfronted Mr. Lewis about it? Is it the reason why you go in his company yesterday?"

I look away.

"So, you really confronted him?" She asked again when I didn't answer.

I nodded. "Oh my god. Mr. Lewis has nothing to do with what happened to sir Yildirim, miss Freen. He was innocent. Why didn't you ask me?" Now, she's panicking.

Seriously? She's acting as if I did a grave sin to Kaden when infact we didn't really talk about my real purpose yesterday.

"Then, what is the truth Kristine? What really happened?"

How many times did I cursed in my mind? Why am I being impulsive? I have evidences but I wish I asked for confirmation first before I hastily went to Kaden's company yesterday.

"Mommy, I don't want that brand. I want the bear brand milk."

"Oh! I'm sorry honey."

I returned the pack of milk I was holding and took the one she was pointing at. We are in a grocery store right now. When I got home, the twins complained that they had nothing to eat so I decided to take them to the grocery store but Kalil refused to come with us because he doesn't like crowded places.

"Mr. Can you hand me three packs of gummy bears? I couldn't reach it because I am still small."

I turn around when I heard Kella talking to a stranger. My eyes widen when I saw who she is talking to.

"What do you want? This one? This? Or this?" He showed Kella the three different kinds of gummy bears.

"Oh! All of them looks yummy. Please, give them all to me Mr." Kella replied politely.

Kaden obliged and gave it to Kella. There was this warm expression plastered on Kaden's face. He was intently looking at Kella and so Kella does. They are staring at each other. Their eyes are doing the talking.

Kaden hasn't seen me yet because his full attention is on Kella. And I don't have plans to show myself to him so I turned around again facing the shelf and pretended I'm searching something.

"Thank you Mr. Wait, you look familiar."

My body stiffened.

"Really? Have you seen me before?" Kaden's voice sounds amused.

Kella is too bubbly. I need to stop her before she let Kaden know his similarity to Kalil. But just as I was about to intervene, Kella already spoke.

"You look like my future daddy. Mr. Are you willing to be my daddy?"

I literally cough with what Kella had said. That's when they both turned their eyes at me. Kaden looked surprise when she saw me. He shifted his gaze between me and Kella then turn his gaze back at me.

"Ms. Yildirim. You are here." Kaden uttered. His face void of any emotion.

Kella holds my hand and faced Kaden.

"You know my mommy Mr? You probably knew my real father too?"

Kaden's brows furrowed. He looked confused. While I wanted to faint. I am sure my face is as white as a paper now. In a situation like this, I am praying that my daughter is not as talkative as now.

"I'm sorry for bothering you Mr. Lewis." I apologised. "Kella, let's go. Mr. Lewis is busy. Don't bother him." I held Kella's hand and took her away

We were at the cashier and paying when we saw Kaden again. This time, he is with his a boy probably the same age as my twins. My brows furrowed when the boy faced in our direction. If I hadn't known Kalil not talking to strangers and disliking crowded places, I would have mistaken the boy as him because he had the face exactly like Kalil.

My face turned pale. Is he Kaden's son?

"Kella. Don't turn your face on the right side." I ordered.

"Why mommy? What is there?"

"Don't ask. Just follow what I said."

But Kella being Kella. She did the opposite.

"Hey! Is that Mr. Lewis again? And who is the boy beside him? Oh my god! Mommy, he looked like Kalil but I am sure he is not Kalil because Kalil doesn't like crowded places. If he is not Kalil then who is he, mommy? Why does he look like Kalil?"

Oh my god! Oh my god! Kella's voice is so loud. People are staring at us already. Kella wasn't satisfied just yelling. She actually approached Kaden and his child.

"Mr. Lewis. Is he your son? He looked exactly like you."

Dang! My heart almost jump. I thought she'll mention Kalil.

"Oh, pretty girl. I saw you again. Yes, he is my son. Travis meet Kella. "

So he is his son? That means he is already married? I clutched my chest when I suddenly feel pain.

"Hi Travis. Nice to meet you. I am Kella." She extended her hand for a handshake, but Travis only look her hand and didn't accepted it.

Kella smiled and put down her hand. Though, she didn't look offended.

"I'm sorry Kella. Travis is not in the mood." Kaden apologised in behalf of his son.

I rolled my eyes. His son has an attitude. It seems like he get it from Kaden.

"Miss, can you make it fast, please? I'm in a hurry." I rushed the cashier that's when she sped up.

After I pay, I took my groceries and approached Kella. I rolled my eyes at Kaden when our eyes met.

"Kella, let's go." I hold her hand, but she shook it.

I was surprised by what she did. My lips formed into a thin line.

"Kella!" I said with a warning.

"Wait mommy. Mr. Lewis didn't answer me yet."

"What answer are you talking about? I told you not to bother Mr. Lewis. Are you misbehaving now?" I couldn't help but raised my voice this time.

But I regretted what I did when I saw her teary eyes.

"I'm sorry Kella. Mommy didn't mean to raise her voice at you." I immediately apologised.

I tried to hold her hand but she step back. My chest tightened at what she did.

"Miss Yildirim, you are in a public place. Don't raise your voice at your daughter." Kaden intervened.

I looked around. The people here don't seem to care about us. They are busy with their own things.

"It's none of your business Mr. Lewis." I answered rudely.

Kaden's jaw tightened. "It's my business since Kella wants to say something to me." He answered pissed then he faced Kella.

He bend down his one knee to equal Kella's height."Pretty girl. What answer do you want to hear from me?" He asked amused.

"Mr. Lewis. Will you say yes if I ask you to be my daddy?"

Shocked, I dropped the groceries I was holding.

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