
Chapter 6

Kaden Zayn Lewis Pov

The corner of my lips curled up for a dangerous smirk when I saw the shocked expression on Freen's face. The security guard already left so I take that chance to push her inside their house.

Freen's eyes widen. She took a step backward while I step forward without taking my eyes off of her. An amused grin appeared at the corner of my lips when I saw fear mirrored through her eyes. When she recovered from the shock and realise that I was laughing at her silently, she glared at me.

"Get out Mr. Lewis. You are not allowed to enter inside our house." She snapped. Her face flushed with anger.

She pointed her fingers at the door motioning me to get out, but I passed her like I didn't heard what she said.

I roamed my eyes around. This is the first time that I entered their house. Even when we were still dating, I didn't have the chance to visit her at their house because her grandfather didn't allow me. The reason? Our families are sworn enemies because of business.

"I said, get out." Freen hissed.

I turn around to face her. Despite the fact that she's fuming mad, she still manage to lower down her voice. So, I concluded that someone who shouldn't know that I am here is inside their house.

She pushed my chest hard when I didn't move. I didn't saw it coming so I almost lost my balance.

I glared at her. "Why are you so violent miss Yildirim? I came here as your visitor. Can't you treat me as one?"

She glared back at me. "I didn't invite you to come over my house Mr. Lewis. And besides, we are not in good terms so don't expect me to treat you like a king. And what are you even doing here? Does your wife know that you are in another woman's house?" She scoffed.

My eyes darkened upon mentioning my wife. "Common sense, miss Yildirim. I wouldn't be here standing infront of you if my wife knows that I'll come here." I replied, sarcastic.

Freen gulp then look away. My brows furrowed. Did I saw pain in her eyes or I am just imagining?

I blink repeatedly when I noticed that something is wrong with my vision. "Damn! What is happening?" I murmured as I hold my head.

"Mr. Lewis, it seems like you are not feeling well. Go back to your house and let your wife take care of you." Freen said shoving me away. There isn't even an ounce of concern in her voice.

My lips tightened. She's eager to let me leave, huh? Well, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. I need to see his man first so I can see who is more handsome among the two of us.

"Kaden, where are you going?" Freen asked startled when I started to walk into the direction of their stairs.

I hid my smile when he calls me by my name. It's been a long time since I heard her utter my name and it still feels good to hear it coming from her lips.

"This is trespassing. I will call the police." She threatened at me.

"No need miss Yildirim. I just wanted to sit. See?" I put my hands on the headrest of their sofa and leaned my back against it.

The truth is, I needed to sit because I feel like I'm going to fall. I don't know what did Kavin Montero; my personal assistant put in my drink for me to feel dizzy like this. I only drank three shots of vodka and I'm sure I am not drunk because I have a high tolerance of alcohol.

I gritted my teeth. I'll remember to fire that ashole once I get home.

"Kaden, this isn't the time to play with your games. Please, go home." She begged, desperation is laced in her voice.

"But I am not really feeling well miss Yildirim. Can I sleep here?" I asked and quickly lay down on their sofa without waiting for her answer.

Once again, I saw fear flashed through Freen's eyes. She looked into the direction of the stairs as if she was afraid that something or rather, someone might come down there.

My jaw repeatedly clenched. Confirmed. Her man is here because if he is not here why would she feel frightened?

"Don't worry miss Yildirim, I won't make any disturbances. I'll leave even before you wake up tomorrow."

Freen narrowed her eyes at me. She wasn't convinced.

"No! You cannot sleep here Mr. Lewis." She firmly replied.

Freen walked towards me and pulled my left arm, but I am faster because before she could even blink, her body is already on top of me.

Her top clothes is thin and she is not wearing her bra so I felt it when her bossom firmly pressed on my chest.

"K-Kaden!" She gasped.

I cursed in my mind when her breathe fanned on my neck. Because of our position, something in my body have woken up.

"Let go off me." Freen put her two hands on my chest and struggled to freed herself but I hugged her tight with no intention of letting her go.

"Damn it! Don't move!" I said angrily when she moved again on top of me.

I firmly held her waist for her to stay still. She must have felt something because I felt her body became tense.

"Let go off me Mr. Lewis. Your junior down there is poking me. Let him behave if you don't want me to smashed it into pieces." She said angrily.

But I don't think I can hold on any longer.

"Hmmm! What if we'll do something about it?"

"What---." She didn't finished what she wants to say  when I pulled her face an initiated a kiss.

Freen was too shocked to react so I took that opportunity to deepen our kiss.

I put my hand inside her clothes and slowly caressed her back. She groaned inside my mouth that made me turned on even more.

In a one swift move, without breaking our kiss, I changed our position and I was now on top of her.


Freen Yildirim's Pov

This is not right. What we are doing is wrong, but my body is a traitor because I let him kissed me and touch my body.

A soft muffle moan slips on my mouth when his lips travelled down to my neck planting soft kisses in it. I arched my back when his one hand made it's way inside my clothes. He massaged my right breast and when he was not satisfied, he lifted my clothes with the intention of removing it. Now, my firm and rounded breast were totally exposed. Even if I already have a twins, the figure of my breast didn't change because I didn't breastfeed them.

"Kaden." I couldn't help but moan his name when he started to kiss the skin of my bosom.

I bit my lower lip to suppress a moan that is about to come out again when he licked, sipped and nibbled my nipple. He was so expert that I can already feel my down there getting wet.

How many years have passed since I let someone romanced my body? It was already seven years and only Kaden had touch my body. I wouldn't lie, when we were apart, I was longing to be touch because I also have needs. But when I think of myself getting touch by another man disgust me so I never looked for a boyfriend when I was in New York. I busied myself with my work and taking care of my twins to forget my needs.

"How can your breast still be this perfect even when you already have a daughter?" He said while he was alternately kissing my breast.

I was about to say that it was a twins and it is ours but I changed my mind at the last minute.

He leveled our face and kissed my lips before he stand up leaving my breast totally exposed. I felt a little shy so I covered it with my hand temporarily.

He rushed to remove his clothes leaving only his underwear. Even if it was covered with a small clothe, I know that his size is not ordinary. I already experienced it and I tell you, I couldn't walk for one week when we first did it.

"Still shy, honey? Don't be. We've done it many times before ."He said and went on top of me again.

This time, we both kissed with needy. My brain went blank so I didn't care whether someone sees us here in the sofa. But a thought that someone might see us doing it gave me excitement.

I encircled my hands on his back and pulled his body to mine. My nipple hardened when his chest hits my breast.

Kaden moaned and so am I. My lips parted when his lips travelled down to my neck, going down until he stopped at my breast. I felt pain. A kind of pain that excites me when he massaged my breast a little harder while biting it and sucked it like a baby hungry for a milk.

My breathing became hitched when he put his hand inside my underwear and slowly massaged my flesh down there. My toes curled up when he pressed it harder.

Our breathes became heavy when he positioned his self at my center. "Are you ready?" He asked in a hoarse voice.

When I nodded my head, he slowly slid his until I felt I was comepletely full. We stared at each other and both moan in pleasure when he started to move.


Hello dear readers. I am not good at writing bs so please, bear with me a little.

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