
Chapter 3

"I'm sorry. I can't be your daddy. I already have a wife and a son."

I cannot imagine the expression on Kella's face after Kaden rejected her. She looked disappointed, hurt and jealous.

My fist curled into a ball. I am shaking. Shaking in anger. Kaden just made the biggest mistake of his life. Kella is not dumb. She knew from the very beginning that Kaden is her real father that is why she approached him first.

"Uhm. Is that so Mr. Lewis? Your son is lucky. He has a complete family." Kella smiled but I noticed her lips is shaking. She's holding back her tears.

My chest tightened. I couldn't bear seeing her in that state so I took her hand.

"Let's go, honey." I said and without further ado, we leave Kaden and his son standing in the middle of the grocery store without saying goodbye.

Kella is silent on our way home. She was looking outside, but her eyes is void of any emotion.

I am worried so I talked to her to divert her attention. "Kella, what do you want me to cook for dinner?" I asked gently.

"Anything mom." She replied quietly.

Her voice is sad. I want to ask more but she closed her eyes indicating that she doesn't want to talk.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened. Kella must've been hurt and it is my fault. If only I had followed my bestfriend's advice to just leave the twins in New York. Kella wouldn't met Kaden and find out that he has a family.

Kaden. My eyes glazed with anger when his face while rejecting Kella comes in my mind. I never thought that he is heartless. Even though his voice was gentle when he refused Kella's favor, I saw him smirked. A self satisfied one when he saw the hurt plastered on Kella's face after rejecting my daughter. He intended to hurt Kella. He is revenging and he is using my daughter. If he knew that Kella is his daughter, would he still refuse to be her daddy?

I focused my eyes on the road and looked at Kella from time to time. Twenty minutes later, I am already parking my car in our garage. Kella fell asleep so I carried her up to her room. I left her room when I made sure that she was comfortable in her sleep. Then, I went to Kalil's room which is just next to Kella's room.

The twins are sleeping in one bed not until they turned five years old. Kalil requested a room only for him because he said that Kella is so noisy and he couldn't sleep properly.

"Kalil, what are you doing?" I asked when I saw him assembling something on his study table.

Kalil looked at me and it's like I am staring at Kaden. He was the spitting image of his father. Travis and Kalil are more likely to be mistaken as twins because Kella; she looks exactly like me. She didn't get any similarities from Kaden.

"I'm assembling my new Lego house mommy." He replied.

Kalil stand up. Leave what he is doing and come to me. I smiled when he kissed my cheeks.

"Where is Kella mom?" He asked and looked at my back searching for his twin.

My smile disappeared. "She fell asleep. She must be tired. Alright. Continue what you are doing. I'll call you and Kella once I'm done cooking."

I closed his door and went downstairs straight to the kitchen to prepare cooking. We have a cook but my twins specifically requested for me to cook today. They must've missed me cooking. When we were in New York, we didn't have a maid. I do all the work at home since my work is not demanding.

I am a freelancer. I choose that kind of work so I can still take care of my twins while working. My earnings is not enough for the three of us because of the cost of living there, but we manage to cope up. Thanks to my grandfather's help. Even though he is disappointed when he find out that I got pregnant with the grandson of his enemy, he never once condemened me. Instead, he help me stand up after failing once.

Beep Beep

My phone beep indicating that someone texted me. I immediately opened it because it might be the doctor of my grandfather, but no. It's a new number.

"Miss Yildirim, do you think I didn't know what are you up to? I know you are purposely letting your daughter get near me. For what? So, you can leech me? I would have allowed you though if she was my real daughter. But no! You killed my child and now, you want me to take care a child that is not my own? I am not dumb to do that. Remember this miss Yildirim, I love my family. They are the most important person to me so I won't allow you or your daughter to destroy the family I build."

With trembling hands, I wiped off the tears that continously falling down on my face. I sat down on the nearest chair and cried silently. Fuck Kaden, he is a liar. Didn't he say before that I am the most important woman in his life? But he made me hoped for something then leave me broken in the end.

My eyes sharpened. Okay fine. Since he love his family so much. I wouldn't get in his way. He already hurt Kella. I wouldn't let him hurt her twice. After I fixed the problems here, we will immediately go back to New York and totally forget Kaden's existence. He doesn't deserve to be the father of my twins.

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