
Chapter 4

It's been two days since our encounter with Kaden. And in that two days, I never heard Kella mentioning her father again. Usually, she would bombard me with questions when to meet her father, but she's surprisingly quiet today. I had the urge to ask her but I'm afraid to hear her answer.

"Kalil, are you sure you will not come?" I asked for the tenth times.

I'm about to drop by Kella on her new school. They are already on their sixth grade. Kalil is refusing to come that's why I keep on asking him, maybe, he will change his mind.

"No mommy. I want to do home study."

I sigh. "How can you make friends if you don't want to go mingle with kids your age?"

Kalil frowned. "I don't need friends, mommy. Kella is enough."

"But she's your twins. I am talking about other boys your age."

"I don't want mom. I've made my decision. I won't go study in a school." He replied firmly.

I let out a sigh."Okay, I will not force you anymore, but I will find someone to teach you at home. Are we okay with that?"

Kalil nodded. I was about to leave his room when Kella barge in.

"Hey Kalil. Why aren't you changed yet?"

"Show some respect Kella. I am older than you." Kalil replied in a strict tone.

I massaged my forehead. Here they go again. Not a day goes by without them bickering.

"You are only two minutes older than me. Do I need to call you kuya?"

Kuya is a tagalog word means older brother in our own language.

"Of course you need too. You just said that I am two minutes older than you."

Kella snorted. "No, I will not call you kuya. I will call you Kalil until the day I die." She proclaimed with her head held high.

God! These two are just six years old. Why are they arguing like two grown ups already?

"Alright. Alright." I cutted in. "Stop bickering. No more arguing about your age. Let's go Kella. We are going to be late."

"Bye Kalil." Kella said in a voice that intended to annoy her brother.

Kalil didn't answer. He just made a face. I pulled Kella's hand and went out of Kalil's room.

I enrolled Kella in a private school. She is now on her first grade. After I finished giving all the documents that was needed, I bring her to her room. Her teacher is already waiting for her.

"Be good honey, okay?" I told her and kissed her forehead.

When Kella nodded I turned to her teacher. "Maam, I'll leave Kella with you. If there is a problem, please call me immediately."

The teacher smiled. "Don't worry miss Yildirim. I will take good care of your daughter." She reassured me.

I just waited Kella to sit down on her chair before I left. I'm on my way to my car when my phone rang. It was Kristine.

"Yes, Kristine?" I put my phone on my right ear while searching my key in my bag.

"Miss Yildirim, this is not good. Everyone is withdrawing their shares. I couldn't hold them anymore. Please, come to the office immediately."

My whole face turned pale.

"I'm on my way now. Call everyone for an urgent meeting."

I dropped the call without properly saying goodbye.

Dang! Where the hell is my key? Did I dropped it? Because I couldn't search it in my bag. I was about to go back to search for my key when someone called my name.

I turned around and saw Kaden. There is this wicked grin plastered on his face.

"Are you looking for this?" He asked waving my key in his right hand.

How did it get to him?

"Yes, that's my key. Give it to me." I ordered him.

He mocked a smile. "Enrolling your daughter in the same school as my daughter, too? You are really doing everything to get my attention, huh? Are you in short of money that you are willing to throw yourself with a married man?"

My face reddened because of anger. What does he mean? Our company might be in a state of bankcruptcy, but I still have enough money to support my twins. Does he think he has the only rights to enroll his daughter to a private school?

"Huh! How sure are you that you are my target this time? Are you the only one who has the money? Don't be too sure Mr. Lewis. Even if the world falls apart, I will not ask money from you." I retorted angrily.

What Kaden hated the most is provoking him. I'm not sure if he is still the same, but atleast I did what he hated the most. It's already enough to ruin his day. He can't be the only one to ruin my day.

I felt nervous when his eyes darkened. I still remember that he almost killed me the last we had an argument.

"Is that so? Then, I swear, whoever man who gets involve with you, I will make sure that he'll lose everything he have." He replied gritting his teeth before he threw my key at my feet then turn his back at me.

I leaned against my car because my knees suddenly weakend. What is wrong with him? Does he intend to meddle with my life? How deep is his grudge towards me that he's willing to ruin me?

I was not myself while I was driving my car. Luckily, I arrived at our company safe. I hasten my pace as I am walking my way to my office. I didn't even pay attention to the employee's who greeted me. Usually, I would greet them back but today, I couldn't entertain them.

"Kristine, why are you alone here? Where is the others?" I asked when I saw no one but only Kristine on the board meeting room.

Kristine gave me a sad face. "No one is coming here now because they all withdrawn their shares." She replied teary eyed.

I sat down on the nearest chair. I felt like I lost my strength because of what she said, but I still manage to smile at Kristine.

"It's okay. Don't be sad. I' ll find a way to talk to the other board members." I consoled her.

My phone ring. I answered the call without looking who the caller is.

"Miss Yildirim. Your daughter is in trouble."

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