
Chapter 7

Kaden Zayn Lewis Pov

"Kaden, please leave. I am begging."

Just like that? After she come to a climax she will discard me like a garbage?

I met her gaze. Freen is sitting at the edge of the sofa. Some strands of her long black hair is covering her face and her top clothes isn't properly fix.

Even when she's not talking, the expression of her face tells me that she regret what we did.

I shook my head and let out a sarcastic chuckle. I stood up and put on my remaining clothes.

"Something happened between us. Won't you demand me to take responsibility?" I asked, sarcastic.

It's better if I asked her now. What if she'll cause me trouble as soon as I get out of their house?

Her mouth parted."You are married. How can you take responsibility?" She asked as confussion erred in her eyes.

I looked away and messed my hair. Damn it. She's right. Why do I always forget that I am married?

I looked back at her and gave her a cold look. "Then, what do you want? Money? Car? House? Diamond and Pearls? Name it and I'll give it you."

Freen's face reddened. She looks offended. Oh, com'on, I know her too well. She had done it with me before. Why is she acting innocent now?

"I'm not a virgin anymore so I don't need to ask for a compensation. And besides, we've done it many times before. Do you think there is a difference in what we did today?" She replied being sarcastic too.

I glared at her. So, she's okay with it? Does she always offer her body for free? Thinking that she had done it with another man too makes me want to strangle her neck.

"Then, what if I want to do it again with you, will you let yourself available for me?"

"Oh wait, let me rephrase it. I will give everything you want. Just be my mistress." I offered her.

My eyes danced in amusement when her eyes flickered with disgust. What is disgusting about what I said? Doesn't she know that many women were willing to offer their body to me for free even if they already knew that I am married? What I am offering her right now is a chance that I refused to give to them. She should feel priviledged.

"My offer is unlimited miss Yildirim. You'll get everything you want just give yourself exclusively only for me." I added in a tone like we are just doing a business deal.

I am confident that she'll agree because their business is not doing good at this moment. Freen has no knowledge about business and no one can help her right now because her grandfather is in a state of a coma.

If she'll agree with my terms and conditions, she doesn't need to worry about the future of their business in the coming years.

"I don't have plans to be your mistress Mr. Lewis. Now, get out of my house before I call the security." She replied in a cold harsh tone.

My lips formed into a thin line. "Are you turning down my offer?" I asked in disbelief.

Freen's lips rose for a taunting smirk."Isn't it obvious Mr. Lewis? You seemed very confident, but I'm sorry, I had to turn you down. So, please, leave out of my sight and never appear infront of me again." She said without blinking her eyes.

My jaw tightly clenched. How dare this woman?

"I swear, you'll regret refusing to agree with my offer." I threatened at her before I turn my back to get out of their house.


Freen Yildirim's Pov

I held my chest to calm the fast beating of my heart. Damn him! I'm gonna have a heart attack in no time because of his stupid proposal. Who's woman in her right mind to accept such ridiculous offer?

Mistress? Seriously? Does he think I would stoop that low? He's crazy.

I stood up, but I wince when I felt pain down there. I told him to take it slow, but he used force like he was deprived of sex for a long time.

I walked slowly to the kitchen to get a glass of water which I totally forgot when Kaden appeared in our house.

I heard my phone ring. That must be the important call that I've been waiting for. But I leave my phone in the sala so I need to go back again.

My face twitched in pain when I rush to take my phone. The pain in between my legs worsen so I cursed Kaden. That idiot! He should never appear infront of me again or else I'll smash his face for real.

"Yes, doctor Samaniego?" I said when I answered the call.

"Miss Yildirim, I will get straight to the point. Your grandfather's situation is getting worser. Our medical equipment can't help him anymore. He needs an advance medical treatment and I'm afraid our hospital can't give him that." He said in a proffesional tone.

My knees weakened upon hearing what he said so I had to sit on the sofa.

"I-Is there anything that I can do doctor? My grandfather is all I have. I cannot let him die." I said, holding back my tears.

"There is miss Yildirim, but I'm afraid you'll need a lot of money."

"H-How much doc?"

"Atleast one hundred million."

My mouth hang open. I'm too shocked, I almost drop my phone. Hundred million? Where will I get that large amount of money?

"Miss Yildirim? Are you still there?" Doctor Samaniego said that made me come back to my senses.

"Y-Yes, doc. I am still here."

"I'll give you one week to raise the money or better yet, the sooner the better if you really want your grandfather to survive."

The phone call has long ended but I am still here in the sofa staring blankly at the wall.

I sniffed and wiped off the tears that keeps on falling down on my face. The money our company have lost weren't recovered yet so where will I get a hundred million peso for my grand-father's treatment?

That night, I cried silently beside my twins because I am afraid they might wake up. And the next morning, I acted fine infront of them and did my usual routine.

After they eat their breakfast and made sure that I prepare Kalil things for his tutoring session, I drive Kella to her school.

Tella; the daughter of Kaden haven't arrived yet when I dropped Kella to her classroom which is good.

"Kella, be a good girl okay?" I told her as I caressed her curly black hair.

"Yes mommy." My baby answered and kisses my cheeks.

I kissed her cheeks too before I bid my goodbye.

I was walking on the hallway when I recognized the woman who is walking towards me.

Lia Salve. The woman who caused me a heartbreak. The reason why I decided to leave Kaden.

My eyes lowered down to the girl that she was holding.

Tella? My eyes grew big. She was the mother of Tella?

My fist curled into a ball. All along, my intuition is right. I've been suspiscios before that Kaden and Lia has something romantic going on between the two of them but Kaden strongly denied it. And now, the evidence is clearly laid infront of me.

Kaden didn't just broke my heart, but he made me look like a fool.

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